
A zero-attack weapon is a term used to describe an item that has effective attack value equal to 0. As of 2023, there are no items with Atk:0 attribute – the weakest obtainable weapon in the game is Broken Iks Spear with Atk:1, Def:1 (an axe). Nevertheless, such effective value may be reached through other game mechanics.

One such method is wielding a melee weapon without reaching the required level. In such situation, the attack and defense attributes of the weapon are decreased by one for each missing character level. If the value would turn negative, it is clipped at 0. For instance, a Crystalline Axe with Atk:51 and required level of 120 will act as a zero-attack weapon for knights with levels up to . It is worth to mention, that this reduction applies only to melee and thrown weapons – a paladin won't shoot over-leveled ammunition at all. The same goes for mages.

A character using a zero-attack weapon will consistently deal only the base damage. For levels up to 500 the base damage value is . This phenomenon may be easily observed on creatures with no shielding like Mad Sheep – the received damage is only reduced by creatures' armor and mitigation.
