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Valoria was merged along with Aurea and Elysia into the new world Zeluna on May 2, 2016.

General Information[]

  • Valoria is probably derived from the word valor, by appending -ia, as common with some other server names.
  • Also known as "Warloria" because of the frequent wars.
  • The Pits of Inferno Quest and the Inquisition Quest have been completed a lot of times
  • Bad Reputation on Quest Services.
  • First level 100 on Valoria was Lord of Mexites
  • First level 150 on Valoria was Chullo
  • First level 200 on Valoria was Apitov (Has transferred to Antica)
  • First level 250 on Valoria was Apitov (Has transferred to Antica)
  • First level 300 on Valoria was Muffran. (Has transferred to Eternia, changed name to Gored)
  • First level 350 on Valoria was Imgath
  • First knight with magic level 9 Mazman
  • First knight with magic level 10 on Valoria was Muffran (Has transferred to Eternia, changed name to Gored

Top 3 players on Valoria[]

Angry Red level 486, RP
Bandam level 438, MS
Emileh level 436, RP

Highest levels in each vocation.[]

Outfit Mage Male Addon 3Bandam Level 438, Master Sorcerer
Outfit Knight Male Addon 3Almighty Nox Level 429, Elite Knight
Outfit Hunter Female Addon 3Angry Red Level 486, Royal Paladin
Outfit Druid Male Addon 3Emileh Level 436, Elder Druid

Highest Skills on Valoria[]

Spellbook of Dark MysteriesMagicVicteron109
Rainbow ShieldShieldingLittle Shael113
The DevileyeDistanceOrienna126
Emerald SwordSwordXaru Feran117
The StomperClubCron Wiclek116
Solar AxeAxeValorian Knight118
Claw of 'The Noxious Spawn'FistMoshesz73
Mechanical Fishing RodFishingLady skorpia94


  • Item prices are very good considering the server has been up for 8 years.


  • Slow respawn times and more-than-normal power abusers.
  • Item prices change a lot.

Additional Info[]

  • The oldest guild in the server, Elysium, has never been involved in any war and is known for its fighting against the cheating. Two GM were members of this guild, but both hung up their blue capes.
  • There is not any war going on nowadays.
  • Sergio Demonslayer was one of the most well-known players in Valoria when it started but got deleted for account sharing. Some years after he decided to start a new char with the help of his great friend Apitov and started the character name Incineratus. He was leveling it (many say he botted) with the help of Apitov. And after a while he achieved level 200 and sold the character. It is now deleted.
  • According to research and statistics provided by Hall of Shame, Cheating on Valoria is the lowest compared to any other server.
  • Tibia's first The Devileye was dropped by Morgaroth on the world Valoria.
  • Valoria also has one Blessed Shield which is owned By Leif Loget Olsson.


Major Bosses[]


  • Massacre - Massacre has been killed been killed for the third time on (14/8/10) by the Guild Domination.
  • Dracola - Dracola has been killed two times, First by the Guild Villains and Second time by the Guild Atticus.
  • Countess Sorrow - Countess Sorrow has been killed for the first time on the (7/8/10) by the Guild Domination.
  • The Imperor - The Imperor has been killed for the first time on the (31/1/10) by the Guild Villains.