- Another head for me!
- Head off!
- Your head will be mine!
- Stand still!
- One more head for me!
Valkyries are the upper caste of the amazons, communities of martial women living in the swamps in the east of Tibia. They are even stronger in close combat and use their spears skilfully for distance fighting. Every amazon who has proven her bravery by taking the skulls of thirteen opponents will be promoted to a Valkyrie.
These creatures are stronger than an amazon and have better loot. Note that all female characters can dress like a Valkyrie. On worlds where Player Killing is allowed, this could be a problem, because someone might attack you, thinking that you are a Valkyrie.
Damage Taken From Elements

Amazon Camp (Venore), Amazon Camp (Carlin), Amazonia, single respawn to the north west of Thais, Foreigner Quarter in Yalahar.
Valkyries run in low health.
A valkyrie attacks in melee range. A valkyrie will retreat at 10 (5.26%, red) health.
It is better to attack them from distance because their Spears are weaker than their Melee fighting. Usually found around Amazons and/or Witches.
- 0-12× Gold Coin
- Meat
- 0-3× Spear
- Chain Armor (uncommon)
- 0-2× Red Apple (uncommon)
- Girlish Hair Decoration (uncommon)
- Protection Amulet (semi-rare)
- Hunting Spear (semi-rare)
- Protective Charm (semi-rare)
- Health Potion (rare)
- Plate Armor (rare)
- Skull (Item) (rare)
- Double Axe (very rare)
- Small Diamond (very rare)