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Update Teasers

  1. The Next Update Is Coming!
  2. Countdown for the Update
  3. Update Is on Its Way


  • Platinum Coin is now accepted as payment by NPCs.
  • The Poisoned status condition was added.
  • New areas were created, although they still didn't have their modern names:
  • Priests were added to towns.
  • A bug with Ladders has been fixed so they will no longer disappear when many items are placed on the same tile; this prevents trapping players through this method.
  • It is no longer possible to push other players into magic fields or down a hole.

New Quests

Name Min Level Rec Level Prem Location Reward
Blood Herb Quest 0 20+ Greenclaw Swamp, Near Venore Blood Herb or Witchesbroom
Emperor's Cookies Quest 0 20+ Kazordoon Key 3800, a bag with 20+7 cookies & Key 3801 and Key 3802
Explorer Brooch Quest 0 8 North side of The Jolly Axeman Tavern in Kazordoon Explorer Brooch
Orc Fortress Quest 40 50+ Orc Fortress, near Ab'Dendriel Knight Armor, Knight Axe, Fire Sword
Panpipe Quest 0 35+ Jakundaf Desert Panpipes, 2 Small Amethysts, Power Ring
The Desert Dungeon Quest 20 20+ Deep below the Jakundaf Desert. 100 Platinum Coins and a green bag with: Protection Amulet, Ring Of Healing, Magic Light Wand and Ankh.


New NPCs

Name Job Buy/Sell Location
Adrenius Adrenius Cleric In a temple in the Jakundaf Desert
Al Dee Al Dee Equipment Shopkeeper North in Rookgaard
Bezil Bezil Equipment Shopkeeper Shops Street in Kazordoon beneath the Depot.
Budrik Budrik Foreman West side of The Big Old One, cave north of and closest to river.
Duria Duria Knight Guild Leader Kazordoon, southwest from the depot
Emperor Kruzak Emperor Kruzak Monarch Kazordoon Throne Room
Etzel Etzel Sorcerer
Sorcerer Guild Leader
Kazordoon, three levels above depot.
Hagor Hagor Adventurer In the Jakundaf Desert dungeon, 3 levels down.
Humgolf Humgolf Caretaker Shops Street in western Kazordoon.
Isimov Isimov Cleric
Kazordoon Temple.
Jimbin Jimbin Barkeeper Kazordoon, Jolly Axeman Tavern.
Kroox Kroox Armor Shopkeeper Kazordoon, northern Shops Street, below the depot.
Lokur Lokur Banker
Ore Wagon System Ticket Seller
In the Kazordoon depot
Maryza Maryza Barkeeper
Kazordoon, Jolly Axeman Tavern.
Nemal Nemal Adventurer Jakundaf Desert dungeon, 3 levels down
Nezil Nezil Equipment Shopkeeper Shops Street in Kazordoon, beneath the Depot.
Talphion Talphion Technomancer
Caste Leader
North-west in Kazordoon some floors down.
Tezila Tezila Jewelry Shopkeeper Kazordoon, Shops Street, one floor below the depot to the south.
The Orc King The Orc King Monarch His Throne Room, deep inside Ulderek's Rock.
Tulf Tulf Guard
Guard room near Emperor Kruzak
Uzgod Uzgod Artisan
Weapon Shopkeeper
Below the Kazordoon depot on Shops Street.
Wyda Wyda Sorcerer West of Venore, in the swamps.

New Creatures

Name Exp HP Loot
Black Sheep
Black Sheep
0 20
Dwarf Guard
Dwarf Guard
165 245
Dwarf Soldier
Dwarf Soldier
70 135
45 90
25 50

New Objects

Name Move Walk Notes
Stone Coffin (Quest) Stone Coffin (Quest) Somebody is buried in it. Perhaps you can find something useful in it.
Unlike the Stone Coffin, this coffin does not open upon using it and does not have volume.

New Houses

Name Type Size (sqm) Rent (gp) Beds Floors Rooms Location
Granite Guildhall Guildhall 361 250,000 17 3 17 Kazordoon
Hill Hideout Guildhall 251 250,000 15 2 9 Underneath Femor Hills
Iron Guildhall Guildhall 308 250,000 18 3 16 South-west, 1 floor below depot.
Lower Barracks 10 House 25 80,000 2 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 11 House 10 25,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 12 House 10 50,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 13 House 10 80,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 14 House 10 50,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 15 House 10 80,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 16 House 10 50,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 17 House 10 80,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 18 House 10 80,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 19 House 10 50,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 1 House 25 80,000 2 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 20 House 10 50,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 21 House 10 80,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 22 House 10 50,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 23 House 10 50,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 24 House 10 50,000 1 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 2 House 25 80,000 2 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 3 House 25 80,000 2 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 4 House 26 50,000 2 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 5 House 58 100,000 4 1 2 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 6 House 58 100,000 4 1 2 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 7 House 26 80,000 2 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 8 House 25 80,000 2 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Lower Barracks 9 House 25 80,000 2 1 1 -2 floor in Kazordoon, on same level as Shops Street
Marble Guildhall Guildhall 338 250,000 17 3 19 South-west 1 floor below depot.
Nobility Quarter 1 House 37 80,000 3 1 1 It's located four floors above and to the west of the Kazordoon depot.
Nobility Quarter 2 House 37 50,000 3 1 1 One floor below the Emperor's Quarters.
Nobility Quarter 3 House 37 80,000 3 1 1 One floor below the Emperor's Quarters.
Nobility Quarter 4 House 37 50,000 3 1 1 It's located four floors above depot.
Nobility Quarter 5 House 79 100,000 5 1 3 It's located four floors above depot.
Nobility Quarter 6 House 17 25,000 1 1 1 Four floors above depot.
Nobility Quarter 7 House 17 50,000 1 1 1 Four floors above depot.
Nobility Quarter 8 House 17 25,000 1 1 1 Four floors above depot.
Nobility Quarter 9 House 17 25,000 1 1 1 Four floors above depot.
Outlaw Camp 10 House 5 25,000 1 1 1 Outlaw Camp
Outlaw Camp 11 House 5 50,000 1 1 1 Outlaw Camp
Outlaw Camp 12 (Shop) House 7 25,000 0 1 1 Outlaw Camp
Outlaw Camp 13 (Shop) House 17 50,000 1 1 1 Outlaw Camp
Outlaw Camp 14 (Shop) House 16 25,000 1 1 1 Outlaw Camp
Outlaw Camp 1 House 39 80,000 2 3 3 Outlaw Camp
Outlaw Camp 2 House 14 50,000 1 2 2 Outlaw Camp
Outlaw Camp 3 House 16 50,000 2 1 1 Outlaw Camp
Outlaw Camp 4 House 17 50,000 2 1 1 Outlaw Camp
Outlaw Camp 5 House 5 50,000 1 1 1 Outlaw Camp.
Outlaw Camp 6 House 5 25,000 1 1 1 Outlaw Camp
Outlaw Camp 7 House 17 25,000 2 1 1 Outlaw Camp
Outlaw Camp 8 House 7 25,000 1 1 1 Outlaw Camp
Outlaw Camp 9 House 17 80,000 2 1 1 Outlaw Camp
The Farms 1 House 42 80,000 3 1 2 5th floor in Kazordoon
The Farms 2 House 26 50,000 2 1 1 5th floor in Kazordoon
The Farms 3 House 26 80,000 2 1 1 5th floor in Kazordoon
The Farms 4 House 26 25,000 2 1 1 6th floor in Kazordoon
The Farms 5 House 26 50,000 2 1 1 5th floor in Kazordoon
The Farms 6, Fishing Hut House 21 50,000 2 1 1 Ground floor in Kazordoon
The Market 1 (Shop) House 13 25,000 1 1 1 -1 floor in Kazordoon, on the same level as the depot
The Market 2 (Shop) House 22 50,000 1 1 1 -1 floor in Kazordoon, on the same level as the depot
The Market 3 (Shop) House 29 80,000 1 1 1 -1 floor in Kazordoon, on the same level as the depot
The Market 4 (Shop) House 36 80,000 1 1 1 -1 floor in Kazordoon, on the same level as the depot
Tunnel Gardens 10 House 15 25,000 2 1 1 West of temple.
Tunnel Gardens 11 House 16 50,000 2 1 1 West of temple.
Tunnel Gardens 12 House 16 50,000 2 1 1 West of temple.
Tunnel Gardens 1 House 27 80,000 3 1 1 West of the temple.
Tunnel Gardens 2 House 27 80,000 3 1 1 West of the temple.
Tunnel Gardens 3 House 30 80,000 3 2 2 West of the temple.
Tunnel Gardens 4 House 30 80,000 3 2 2 West of the temple.
Tunnel Gardens 5 House 21 25,000 2 1 1 West of the temple.
Tunnel Gardens 6 House 21 25,000 2 1 1 West of the temple.
Tunnel Gardens 7 House 21 50,000 2 1 1 West of the temple.
Tunnel Gardens 8 House 21 25,000 2 1 1 West of the temple.
Tunnel Gardens 9 House 81 150,000 4 2 5 West of temple.
Upper Barracks 10 House 7 80,000 1 1 1 Three floors above depot.
Upper Barracks 11 House 7 80,000 1 1 1 Three floors above depot.
Upper Barracks 12 House 7 50,000 1 1 1 Three floors above depot.
Upper Barracks 13 House 16 25,000 2 1 1 Three floors above depot.
Upper Barracks 1 House 16 50,000 2 1 1 Three floors above depot.
Upper Barracks 2 House 27 80,000 2 1 2 Three floors above depot.
Upper Barracks 3 House 7 80,000 1 1 1 Three floors above depot.
Upper Barracks 4 House 16 50,000 2 1 1 Three floors above depot.
Upper Barracks 5 House 27 80,000 2 1 2 Three floors above depot.
Upper Barracks 6 House 7 80,000 1 1 1 Three floors above depot.
Upper Barracks 7 House 7 80,000 1 1 1 Three floors above depot.
Upper Barracks 8 House 7 50,000 1 1 1 Three floors above depot.
Upper Barracks 9 House 7 50,000 1 1 1 Three floors above depot.

New Hunting Places

Name City
Knight Level
Knight Attack Knight Shielding Pally Level Pally Distance Pally Shielding Mage Level Location Rating   Exp Rating   Loot
Desert Dungeon Kazordoon 30 60 60 25 60 25 Below the Jakundaf Desert (entrance here).
Dwacatra Kazordoon 30 70 70 30 65 27 Below Kazordoon.
Dwarf Mines Kazordoon 8 30 30 13 30 14 West and below Kazordoon.
Femor Hills Carlin 8 30 30 8 30 9 Between Carlin, Ab'Dendriel and Kazordoon, here.
Ferngrims Gate Kazordoon 55 70 70 50 70 65 45 West of Rorc Plains; east of Kazordoon; north-west of Venore; south-east of Ab'Dendriel.
Green Claw Swamp Venore 25 25 25 Between Kazordoon and Venore, (here).
Jakundaf Desert Kazordoon 8 30 30 8 25 7 South of Kazordoon and west of Venore, here.
Outlaw Camp Kazordoon 20 50 50 20 50 20 West of Plains of Havoc, here.
Rorc Plains Kazordoon 55 70 70 50 70 65 45 West of Orc Land; east of Ferngrims Gate.
Ulderek's Rock Venore 50 65 65 40 65 50 East of Ferngrims Gate; north-west of Venore; south-east of Ab'dendriel, here.

New Documents

Name Type Description
Minotaur Lookout (Book) Scroll A lone minotaur rues his fate after swearing in front of the holy mage.

New Keys

Number Location Notes
Key 3800 Copper Key Kazordoon Opens a door in the throne room in Kazordoon.
Key 3801 Copper Key Kazordoon Opens a door near the armory in Kazordoon as well as the door that leads to the Treasure Room.
Key 3802 Copper Key Kazordoon Opens the door to Dwacatra.

Update Images
