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Further announced for the same patch on September 1, 2015:

  • The achievement for the full recruiter outfit has been fixed. It is now displayed in the achievements list and yields achievements points

Further announced for the same patch on September 4, 2015:

  • The achievement The More the Merrier which you get for the full recruiter outfit via Tell-A-Friend will be removed from the game since achievements should be obtainable ingame.

Further announced for the same patch on September 8, 2015:

Further announced for the same patch on September 15, 2015:

  • The achievement "The more the merrier" does not yield achievement points anymore. Also, it cannot be obtained anymore. It can still be shown on character pages for now but it will be removed completely at a later date.

Further announced for the same patch on September 19, 2015:

  • A new outfit, Sea Dog, has been implemented.


New Achievements

Name Grade Points Prem Secret Description
The More the Merrier 0 It's dangerous to go alone... Take ten friends.

New Outfits

Name Male Outfit Male Addons Female Outfit Female Addons Type Premium
Recruiter Outfits Outfit Recruiter Male Outfit Recruiter Male Addon 3 Outfit Recruiter Female Outfit Recruiter Female Addon 3 Special Outfits
Sea Dog Outfits Outfit Sea Dog Male Outfit Sea Dog Male Addon 3 Outfit Sea Dog Female Outfit Sea Dog Female Addon 3 Special Outfits