
Undead NPCs (29 NPCs)

Name Job Buy/Sell Location
A Dead Bureaucrat A Dead Bureaucrat Servant In the Pits of Inferno, in a long hall.
A Dwarven Ghost A Dwarven Ghost Unknown Occupation Grothmok tunnels in the Dwarf Mines.
A Fading Memory A Fading Memory Unknown Occupation Vengoth, high in the northern tower.
A Ghostly Guardian A Ghostly Guardian Guard In the Dream Realm under the Plains of Havoc.
A Ghostly Knight A Ghostly Knight Guard Leverroom in the Pits of Inferno under the Plains of Havoc.
A Ghostly Sage A Ghostly Sage Sage In the Pits of Inferno under the Plains of Havoc.
A Ghostly Woman (Dream Realm) A Ghostly Woman (Dream Realm) Unknown Occupation In the Dream Realm under the Plains of Havoc.
A Ghostly Woman A Ghostly Woman Unknown Occupation Ghostlands, two floors up
A Restless Soul A Restless Soul Unknown Occupation Formorgar Mines, second floor
A Skull A Skull Unknown. Hyaena Lairs.
A Tainted Soul A Tainted Soul Unknown Occupation Ghostlands, two floors up
A Wandering Soul A Wandering Soul Unknown Occupation North-western Vengoth
Armenius Armenius Barkeeper In a bar in the Trade Quarter.
Awareness of the Emperor Awareness of the Emperor Monarch On a small room deep below Razachai.
Chatterbone Chatterbone Sorcerer
Sorcerer Guild Leader
Venore magic shop, east of the depot and temple.
Cranky Lizard Crone Cranky Lizard Crone Fisherman Souleater Mountains.
Demon Skeleton (NPC) Demon Skeleton (NPC) Guard Redbone Castle
Flickering Soul Flickering Soul Necromancer
Ghost Captain Ghost Captain Ship Captain Ghostship during A Pirate's Death to Me, deep below the Thais lighthouse.
Mr Brandon Mr Brandon Fisherman
North-west of Rathleton
Omrabas Omrabas Necromancer A cave in northern Drefia
Ormuhn Ormuhn Knight Guild Leader Ankrahmun Arena, upstairs.
Pythius the Rotten Pythius the Rotten Collector
Beregar caves.
Riddler Riddler Necromancer
Near the top of the Paradox Tower.
Skeleton Guard Skeleton Guard Guard Treasure Hunt Island
Smiley Smiley Druid
Druid Guild Leader
Venore magic shop, east of the depot and temple.
Vladruc Vladruc Shopmaster Venore magic shop, east of the depot and temple.
Zarifan Zarifan Unknown Occupation Southern Drefia 4 levels down