

The trolls destroyed the home of the poor Jerom. And now when he planned to open a new store! You can help him to get revenge on the trolls who did this evil to him.




Bats and Wolves. Possibly lured Bears, Ghouls, Skeletons, Hunters, Wisps or Poachers. If done during the night, you may also find Werebadgers, Wereboars and Werefoxes.

Required Equipment


Find Jerom north-east of Edron (here).

Ask him about "Mission" and he will tell you that troll ruined him.

Go to the other side of the mountain (here) and jump into the river, put on your helmet of the deep and swim under the mountain.

You should fall down a floor, swim to the water vortex and you are another floor down. Go out of the water and follow the way up as far as you can go. Walk immediately north from where the last set of stairs take you, and you should make the jump. Note that you MUST run the full distance in order to make this leap. When you talk with him you will get Jerom's family necklace

Now Go back to Jerom and ask him about quest.

You see an elvenhair rope. It weighs 6.00 oz.


Player: Hi
Jerom:: Sorry, but I'm not in the best mood today.
Player: Mission
Jerom:: I'm not sure but I suppose that an evil troll lives in the mountains here! I saw him rummaging in the ruins of my house. ...
Jerom:: I took a closer look and found my family casket ripped open. It contained a precious necklace. If I had it back, I could sell it and start over! ...
Jerom:: Could you look for this mean beast, find out why he did and either get me some money ormy necklace to rebuild my business?
Player: yes
Jerom: Great! Finally, some light at the end of the tunnel! Come back and ask me for the quest when you solved this mystery!

Player: Hi
Chief Grarkharok:: Me Chief Grarkharok! No do nothing!
Player: kill you
Chief Grarkharok:: Hrhrhrhr! Me no fear of human! Me Chief Grarkharok!!
Player: Lady
Chief Grarkharok:: You help?? Human know troll lady for Grarkharok??
Player: Yes
Chief Grarkharok:: What name of troll lady??
Player: Say the name of any player on your world
Chief Grarkharok:: (character name) ?!? Sound good! Bring troll lady to Grarkharok!! Here, give troll lady! Take take! Bring lady to Grarkharok for make tribe!! Now GO!

Now you should have recived the Jerom's family necklace

Player: Hi
Jerom:: Hello. Sorry, but I'm not in the best mood today.
Player: Mission
Jerom:: Thank you sooo much <sniffs>. Well, you know I lost everything, but recently I found this strange rope here. I don't need it, here take it!

You will now receive the elvenhair rope.
Notice, the quest does not finish here, you still need to find the chief a 'Troll Lady'.

The name of the so called 'troll Lady' is Belgarosh.

17:14 Belgarosh: Gruntz! Me search husband, you help me?
