
You see tome of knowledge (Not Readable).
It weighs 15.00 oz.
Bring this encrypted book to a sage in Farmine to gain wisdom or unlock more of Zao's culture.


These books are valuable and sought after by certain players. A few of them are extremely hard to get hold of.
<spoiler>Obtainable in the Tomes of Knowledge Quest. You need to hand these books in to NPC Cael to unlock trading abilities with Farmine NPC's and other rewards. You can only give one Tome of Knowledge to him every 20 hours in real time.
Rewards for handing the tomes into NPC Cael:

You need to have finished The New Frontier Quest in order to hand in the rest of the tomes

Dropped By

No creatures drop tome of knowledges.

Trade Details

Buy From

Players only.

Sell To

Players only.
