
Tibianus I was the first ever king of the Thaian Kingdom and also the first ever in Tibia. He is a direct descendant of Banor, the first human. His father is Thais, whom he saw dying in his arms defending his very own settlement, Tradespot, against the Orcs. Determined to avenge his father, Tibianus became the new leader of the warriors to make sure Tradespot would not fall. He succeeded, and after being eventually crowned King of Tradespot he renamed the city after his father and declared it Tibia's capital. Under his ruling, Thais became a mighty city and its army more powerful than any other. This allowed for further expansion, which was also partly made possible by Tibianus's royal explorers Alistair Cropwell and said's son Erin Cropwell. However, some Thaians did not agree to Tibianus's reign, and separated themselves by venturing through the Ancient Temple to eventually settle in an ancient city they called Kormarak. Tibianus's relationship with Kormarak was a grim one.

During his reign, Tibianus I had to put several criminals in prison, such as Threpwood Guybrush, Nostradamus Untru, Homer Vason, Angus Krome, Winston Roper, and Alison Farmer. He even had to execute some very severe sinners, such as Isaac Brewton, brothers Hamilton and Gabriel Fush, and sadly also Alistair Cropwell, who ended up insulting the king's sovereignty by claiming another empire besides Thais existed. All of this can be found in the Royal Archives, which were all written on behalf of Tibianus I.

When Tibianus I died, he was succeeded by his son Yorik I.
