
In the past a variety of Infoboxes were used on TibiaWiki. Some were very old and used tables for their layout structure.

This projects proposed to change these Infoboxes to portable ones, for the reasons:

  • Uniform layout of all pages using infoboxes (which is a high portion of articles)
  • Mobile friendly (no tables for layout)
  • Semantic web ready

List of infobox templates[]

The following table is meant to track the progress of this project.

  • "#" denotes by how much pages the template is transcluded
  • Status "old" means they should be converted as soon as possible. Status "ok" means they are already quite ok. Status with a green check mark means they are done.
  • List has a checkmark if the template is used in lists and a cross if it is not
  • Layout can be a Box where the template takes up the whole content page and Aside if the template is just a sidebox at the start of the page.
  • History has a checkmark if the template has support for a history parameter and "not needed" if this is considered to be not needed.
  • Documentation has a checkmark if the template has up-to-date and clear documentation.
Template # Status List Layout History Documentation
Template:Infobox Achievement 492 Yes Check Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Book 1204 Yes Check Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Building 1122 Yes Check Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Cipsoft Member 76 Yes Check Box not needed Yes Check
Template:Infobox Corpse 43 Yes Check Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Creature 2149 Yes Check Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Effect 109 Yes Check Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Fansite 94 Yes Check Aside not needed Yes Check
Template:Infobox Geography 75 Yes Check Aside not needed Yes Check
Template:Infobox Hunt 387 Yes Check Aside not needed Yes Check
Template:Infobox Item 4671[1] ok Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Key 98 Yes Check Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Missile 54 Yes Check Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Mount 172 Yes Check Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox NPC 1289 Yes Check Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Object 2026[1] ok [2] Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Outfit 93 Yes Check Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Quest 680 Yes Check Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Spell 199 Yes Check [2] Box Yes Check Yes Check
Template:Infobox Street 161 Yes Check Box not needed Yes Check
Template:Infobox Update 167 Yes Check Box not needed old
Template:Infobox World 174 Yes Check Aside not needed Yes Check
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Infobox Object and Infobox Item will be merged.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 But this will be replaced.

See also: TibiaWiki:Projects
