Draken Warmaster Draken Warmaster
(4150 Hit Points, 2400 Experience)
Location: Zao Palace, Chazorai, Razachai, and Zzaion.
Physical Damage Melee (0-350)
Fire Damage Fire Wave (240-520)
Healing Self-Healing (150-300)
Immune to: Fire, Earth
Strong against: Holy (-5%), Death (-50%), Energy (-5%)
Weak against: Ice (+5%)
Field Notes: This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009. You may hunt 900 Draken Abomination, Draken Elite, Draken Spellweaver, Draken Warmaster combined, as a task of the Killing in the Name of... Quest. Upon completion of the task you will face Paiz the Pauperizer.