
We're about to become a supported fansite, this time in our own right instead of piggy-backing on erig.net. All that's stopping us is the 150x100 gif image for the listing on Tibia.com.

Please only add a single vote for your favourite FINALIST LOGOS below. --Erig 07:37, 15 January 2008 (UTC)

f: Tibiawiki Votes: 7 By: Pudd Knight, Maverick the hunter, Rafailo Sagara, Rikuna, Anrian Zilgaf, Peguca,Shady Ahns

g: Tibiawiki2 Votes: 6 By: Kwigon The Sharpshooter, Genosonic, Feral, Bennie, Lord Mijeman, Airika

h: Tibiaiwikilogo Votes: 4 By: Hostand, GBcrazy, Dradjanon, Saerrek

o: Logo by Andrei Votes: 11 By: Summ Tartarus, Lordganon, Sadonic, Ragik, Pie, Dragonlord (pacera), Avaji wing, Rafa Mcallan, Temahk, Fenrir, Wilk, Kaito Yamaro, Rothes
