
This page will list submissions of the Celebration Lottery. All submissions will get a status which is either accepted or rejected. If your status is rejected, you will get a message on your talk page which explains how you can improve it to get accepted. Due to the amount of submissions, accepted submissions might be archived, i.e moved to a different page, from time to time.

List of approved participants and their respective lottery number can be seen here.

Submission by Sjaak - Vunira (status: accepted)

Sjaak: "ARE YOU READY?!" Team: "Yes!"

<We jumped through the teleporter to the boss room of Grand Master Oberon>

While grand master Oberon slashed his falcon longsword on me and did everything to kill us, he started to whisper. - He started a verbal debate-

That was the moment our team went speechless.....

We realized that nobody in our team knew how to debate this monster!

While striking blows landed on my armor and our druid kept healing me. I went to Tibiawiki and found the right words to resolve this verbal debate.

"Are you ever going to fight or do you prefer talking?"

This was the moment that TibiaWiki saved the day!

Submission by Hunor - Pacera (status: accepted)

I convinced a schoolmate of mine after over a year of nagging to start playing Tibia with my friends and I. This was when I was much younger somewhere around 2005. We all have dial-up internet and webpages took a long time to load for us. My friend, who is new to the game, downloads Tibia and tells us he is going to start playing this upcoming weekend. I tell him I won't be on this weekend but to start playing anyway, I gave him a short rundown of Rook and wished him good luck! I also tell him to look up TibiaWiki with any questions he has or monsters he is going to kill. So unfortunatly he foregoes looking up anything and starts slaying monsters without giving it a second thought. He plays hardcore all weekend on his character named Zurn, which was named after the brand of toilets our school had to which we all had a good laugh. So at school the following Monday, I ask him how it went and he says, "Well I played all weekend but I feel like I should of gotten further than I am." He didn't know much about the game or the interface so there was a steep learning curve for him. We all start asking questions about his adventure and let me tell you what an adventure it would have been. He had spent all weekend slaying defenseless rabbits and deer in Rook which provided him with absolutely ZERO experience points. After we stopped laughing and wiped the tears from our eyes we ask him why he didn't look at his skills window or look on TibiaWiki how much experience they give. He didn't say much the rest of the day, good times my friends!

Submission by Shawtay (talk) (status: accepted)

TibiaWiki is one of my favorite fansites for multiple reasons. Firstly, it's a time saver. Have you ever been in charge of a box of pies and realized parcel bugs exist? Yeah, I didn't know that either and TibiaWiki's quest spoilers taught me the best route to take to avoid ruining everything. How about that player in chat who is asking too many questions? You refer them to TibiaWiki of course as this site is educational with many topics like items, quests, spells, etc. TibiaWiki simply saves lives and I need to have this fansite open at all times to make my playtime smoother. Character: Shawtay World: Pacera

Submission by Zahiz (talk) (status: accepted)

Personally I love doing quests in Tibia and TibiaWiki is a true lifesaver on that part. Quests in Tibia are very difficult to complete with just the in-game questlog so I spend a lot of time figuring out which quests I can do at what level and what items I need to bring to complete said quest. As a player that came back after a long break this has probably been the website where I could get most information about the current state of Tibia and all the new mechanics.

Normally I always check TibiaWiki before I enter a place I have not been before, but there was an occasion where I did not do this. I went to Issavi on my knight and right clicked the sewer. Walked towards some monsters that looked just like regular Amazons and the 'You are dead' screen popped up just a second after. A good reminder why I should always check TibiaWiki beforehand...

Character name: Zahiz

World: Belluma

Submission by NicolasDuranti (talk) (status: accepted)

TibiaWiki is important for my daily gaming experience because it helps me find the way out when i get lost in the caves of Tibia. 😅

Blade Dragon - Nefera

Submission by Magico Mago - Nefera (status: accepted)

I really like TibiaWiki because it is very important in my tibia life, I come here daily for quest guides, to see what is new in Tibia and for achievements that I still need to get that is why this fansite is very important to me because without it my Tibia experience would be a lot more difficult

Character name: Magico Mago

World: Nefera

Submission by Tiele Lost (talk) (status: accepted)

During my ten years playing Tibia I have used TibiaWiki very regularly like I think most tibians do, I find it to be the most helpful fansite mainly because it has a lot of information about everything in Tibia, personally I use it daily for quests and it makes it a lot easier since there are many complicated quests in the game.

Character name: Druid on fire

World: Nefera

Submission by Snowxar (talk) (status: accepted)

Tibiawiki is my daily lifesaver for real, I love doing solo quest, so each time I do one its like "tibiawiki time" and not just for this quest, algo big quest as Inquisition, ferumbras ascendant, also tibiawiki is mandatory for hunts, if not how would I knew what type of elemental protection should I just or what kind of elemental damage should I deal, for me this site is one of the best, I just love tibiawike, worth every second of your time.

Character: Uraraka

World: Calmera

Submission by Amandadias1 (talk) Kate Ararab Laherthgar - Ferobra (status: accepted)

When I first known tibia, stuff usually got harder and harder as we achieve levels. When I started I had no friends that could guide me thought the jobs. I retired for while, and since a came back, on ferobra's world now, I had no other place to look but the fansites like that to remind me how to do it. So I must say that TibiaWiki has help me to achieve my goals more than I expected. And it improved with essencial information. Thnx !! xD

Character name: Kate Ararab Laherthgar

World: Ferobra

Submission by Xarkost (status: accepted)

I visit wiki almost daily while playing Tibia. There is always something I need to confirm or that I want to research. I also love to contribute when I can as I enjoy helping the community!

Character Name: Xarkost Eilia

Wold: Secura

Submission by Topographic Ocean - Antica (status: accepted)

Even loving the RPG spirit of this game, and I do like to do the quests by my self, I do use this site everyday.

I visit you since you were tibia erig.

A funny story: Once someone scammed me for 150k changing the NPC price of an item here :(.

Have a nice day!

Submission by Camarluk - Kenora (status: accepted)

Tibiawiki is an important too for me! I started to use this website at least 10 years ago! With this page, I know how to deal with creatures in a proper way, not to mention that I always used here to discover item prices!

One of the most important thing for me was when I was about to advance to level 100 for the first time with my main character. I wanted an epic screenshot so I went to Demona and wanted to kill a Warlock with a Knight level 99... Free Account!

Fortunately, I was able to accomplish this objective in the end and even recorded it in a video! But I had to use the knowledge here in TibiaWiki to defeat the Warlock and advance to level 100!

Character name: Camarluk

World: Kenora

Submission by Brother Strugu (status: accepted)

TibiaWiki is important site for me, thanks to it I'm able to discover everything about in game stuff especially after long inactivity when I've missed new stuff added on updates. I'm also a frequent user of TibiaWiki calculators.

My character details:

Brother Strugu, located on world Antica.

Submission by Demon Dragy (status: rejected)

I still literally remember about 10 years ago when I decided to start playing tibia with my friends, we were children in a game completely new, at the beginning, my 3 friends and I had the illusion as everyone of being a very good level, we never imagined we could get to  Level 100, in just the first 20 levels it took us about 5 years, we were totally bad players. Definitely without the help of Tibia Wiki I don't know what we would have done, it is the best page related to tibia, it helped us to find places to hunt, what kind of weapons to use, if we could buy a spell, what search could we do?

I remember the most important search we had in those years "the famous search for the desert" haha, today we seem the easiest but in those days it used to be very difficult which makes us spend a lot of time to achieve it, without the use of this great page it would not have been the same. Thank you very much and congratulations

Character Name: Demon Dragy


Submission by Maelstrom (status: accepted)

I've been using TibiaWiki for years and I can't tell how many times the information and tools in this website saved my time. I use the wiki pages daily to check boss and creature information, maps, achievements and quests. 

What I like about TibiaWiki is that it creates a collaborative environment around Tibia. Recently, I dropped a rare item from a boss and, when I checked on the website, the item I looted from the boss wasn't in the loot information. Right away I edited the page adding the item and submitted my changes. On that occasion, I learned about a feature: the Loot Statistics. I could submit the loot message from the server log and it updates the loot statistics for that boss.
I like the way we can collaborate on TibiaWiki to help others have an accurate content.

Character name: Maelstrom

World: Belobra

Submission by Shionkz (talk) (status: rejected)

TibiaWiki's tools helped me A LOT.

I remember clearly, on my very first times on this game, years ago, me, checking out list of sellable items on green djinn, blue djinn, rashid, checking out where rashid should be every day, checking out a level requirement for a certain weapon or spell... Nowadays I still come here to check a little thing or two, when in need.

The most memorable day that Wiki helped me was, for sure, the day I went down Maze of Lost Souls... At first I tried to simply leave it, but when I figured out I was stuck in there, if it was not for the Tibian map with routes that I found here, I'd probably be a vaguing soul that were still wandering that place.

All in all, I'd like to thank all community that helps up this fansite, for me is the best and the most useful of all, also a big thanks to wiki's staff, that works hardly to show up new content and concrete information as fast as possible.

You guys rocks! 

Submission by Warkex (status: accepted)

I have been played Tibia since 2004 of course not all this past years sometimes I play sometimes I quit for a while but always I return to play and the game change a lot quests, items, hunt places, npcs, etc. How to get involved into the game again? how to resolve a quest? how to check stats of items? how to check where is rashid? yeah you know with TibiaWiki you guys are amazing this is my guide every day in the game just because have too much information about Tibia that helps to old players new players. I can say honestly you have helped me so much keep doing great work! you really rocks!

Funny story: I have died like 3 times checking the page xD

First time: I was checking the monster that I was killing what was the elemental weakness

Second time: I was checking a quest.

Third and lection learned xD a friend was trapped so I was helped him to search in the page how to get out when I realized as the other two times my character was dead.

Note: TibiaWiki always save you in the information but be carefull if you are hunting xD

Submission by Loqhaak - Antica (status: accepted)

Greetings! Finally I have a chance to thank you, deeply from my Tibian heart. Basically, if it wasn't for Tibia Wiki I wouldn't be able to play the game. Hundreds of items, including weapons, armors I can compare and choose the best ones for me just by sorting their attack or armor from the highest to lowest! Numerous quest and guides without which not only a single player would have trouble in his adventure with Tibia. Even though my original nation is not english, I always pick Tibia Wiki over other fansites, even those of my own language and that would be for years now. Few days ago I was decorating my houses. Really had no idea what to begin with or what items to choose but thanks to Tibia Wiki, I can see all the items, how they look, how they look when stacked, if they shine or how they act when they're used. If it's not enough I can even check where to get these items! Tibia Wiki is just the simpliest and the best site ever. DEVELOP YOURSELVES BUT DO NOT CHANGE! Thank you for being for us, players. Loqhakk, Antica.

Submission by Knightsagara (talk) (status: accepted)

I have been playing Tibia for years (as you can see when my account was created) and I certainly would not have reached where I am today if some of my knowledge about Tibia had not come from TibiaWiki. The first fansite I met was TibiaWiki (talking with other players in streets of Rookgaard), so there I knew the steps to get out of Rookgaard (playing alone). My first character was a sorcerer and I had no idea what vocations were (I was 12 years old) and so I had to start researching a lot about runes and magic on TibiaWiki. Later I showed Tibia to my friends and along with the game I introduced TibiaWiki to save time and evolve quickly in the game to accompany me. Nowadays I use it almost every day I'm online, as I always have to check the news of each update.

I thank the TibiaWiki team for all the knowledge and tips on how to complete certain quests and solve mysteries.

(used Google Translate).

Character's name: Knight'Sagara

World: Belobra

Submission by Druid Forever

When I was starting to play this game, I used the wiki a lot for try to understand not only the quests, but the lore of the game as well. While nowadays I prefer to to the quests by myself, there is two tools that I still use until now, that is the Loot Statistics and the Outfiter. To think that several people share their loot stats to make the Loot Statistic more precise is amazing, and I know very well how hard is to gather data of some monsters. (And the Outfiter because is amazing and I can make my stickers from Whatsapp hehe).

I also have a memory, but is more about the staff. I dont forgot the day we form a team to fight The Nightmare Beast in the Test Server. In that day, several people from diferent fansites reunited to finish the quest and it was so nice to see everyone together. (But let's forget about how my Internet went into the void and we didnt finish the boss because of this xD)

Dark Black Magician
