Welcome to TibiaWiki. This contains many resources to help you contribute to this web site. Please make sure any articles you create comply with TibiaWiki Policy.

Infobox Templates

We have templates to give all articles of the same type a uniform appearance.
See their documentation on the template's page or ask an experienced user for further help with using them.


The pages in these categories may need maintaining:

Current tasks

Some things on our to-do list:

  • Create articles for any remaining Objects, Streets.
  • Review all quest spoilers (grammar, images/maps).
  • Update Loot pages with new items from last update.
  • Upload screenshots for houses/guildhalls.
  • Check/recalculate all Formulas.

Tips on Editing Item/NPC Pages

When making item or NPC pages:

  1. Open another browser or tab and go to TibiaWiki.
  2. Put the item/NPC name in search box and hit search (not Go)

This is a very simple way to find out if information about an item or NPC is already in the wiki but on another page. For instance on an item page it will say it is sold by 2 NPCs, but if you search that item it would should more than those two, so search first to double check the information.

Tips on Adding Screenshots/Pictures

For more detailed help see this guide.

External Help
