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Tibianews.net is a news website about Tibia. Excessus is the founder and chief editor of the fansite. But he doesn't write all the news: newsbits are mostly sent to the editors by regular users.

The site became inactive for some time and was then revived by Baka Deshi (from Secura). Excessus worked out a new design, bought a domain name (www.tibianews.net) and the site became more and more popular. It is now one of the most popular and most frequently visited Tibia fansites. Players use its encyclopedia, level calculator, and many other tools to assist them in gameplay. TibiaNews is also known to be one of the first Tibia fansites to come up with the daily screenshot aspect, known as the Picture of the Day - they are submitted by regular users, and are one of the highlights of the site. Tibianews has also a user friendly map. Since September 2005, it also have a forum, which can be found here.

In the late fall of 2007, Tibianews was sold by Excessus to the owner of TibiaBR. This enabled the staff team to update the fansite. Since that time the following team works on the progress of the fansite, together with a team of Journalists.

Deputy Editors:

  • Cantinelle
  • Thuddy
  • Holy Mijeman
  • Kharzad Ironfist
  • Subaru-sama
  • Zane


  • Xellos
  • Omega Man
  • Tim
  • Elu Longin
  • Zanko


  • Avianna
  • Daryl the Crude
  • Warbane Silverleaf
  • Awb the First
  • Naicb
  • Piedoke


  • Andras Arcane
  • Arieswar
  • Awb the First
  • Jack Bouer (Comic Artist)
  • Lady Ara
  • Scar Warrior
  • Siddakky
  • Erdge
  • Lady Baladha
  • Krin