
You see the voting results.
This board will notify you of all relevant voting results, courtesy of the Rathleton Magistrate.


Rathleton Magistrate entrance floor (+2), near Marvin and Ezebeth.


When used, it will print information about what the citizens of Rathleton voted on; related to the Rathleton Quest.

Possible messages are:

  • The citizens of Rathleton voted for the shortcut back from the <minotaurs/fungi/catacombs>. — Which Oramond hunting area will have an active shortcut back to town.
  • The citizens of Rathleton voted for the <golems/minotaurs/wrath of evil> in the dungeon. — Which group of creatures will populate the Oramond Dungeon.
  • The citizens of Rathleton voted for <Bullwark/Lisa/Glooth Fairy>. — Which Boss can be fought in the sewers: Bullwark, Lisa, or the Glooth Fairy.