Ability to deal with A Sweaty Cyclops
He'll ask you 3 Bast Skirts for a gift to his "girlfriend", you can collect by hunting Dworc Venomsnipers.
Player: hi
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hum Humm! Welcume lil' Player.
Player: uth'lokr
A Sweaty Cyclops: Firy steel it is. Need green ones' breath to melt. Or red even better. Me can make from shield. Lil' one want to trade?
Player: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Wait. Me work no cheap is. Do favour for me first, yes?
Player: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Me need gift for woman. We dance, so me want to give her bast skirt. But she big is. So I need many to make big one. Bring three okay? Me wait.
Player: bast skirt
A Sweaty Cyclops: Lil' one bring three bast skirts?
Player: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Good good! Woman happy will be. Now me happy too and help you.
Player: bye
A Sweaty Cyclops: Good bye lil' one.
The Sweaty Cyclops Quest
You can now ask the Sweaty Cyclops to forge metals and items for you.
Dealing with A Sweaty Cyclops
Piece of Royal Steel
Required Equipment
Player: hi
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hum Humm! Welcume lil' Player.
Player: uth'kean
A Sweaty Cyclops: Very noble. Shiny. Me like. But breaks so fast. Me can make from shiny armour. Lil' one want to trade?
Player: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Cling clang!
The Sweaty Cyclops Quest
Piece of Draconian Steel
Required Equipment
Player: hi
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hum Humm! Welcume lil' Player.
Player: uth'lokr
A Sweaty Cyclops: Firy steel it is. Need green ones' breath to melt. Or red even better. Me can make from shield. Lil' one want to trade?
Player: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Cling clang!
The Sweaty Cyclops Quest
Piece of Hell Steel
Required Equipment
Player: hi
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hum Humm! Welcume lil' Player.
Player: za'ralator
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hellsteel is. Cursed and evil. Dangerous to work with. Me can make from evil helmet. Lil' one want to trade?
Player: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Cling clang!
The Sweaty Cyclops Quest
Huge Chunk of Crude Iron
Required Equipment
Player: hi
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hum Humm! Welcume lil' Player.
Player: uth'prta
A Sweaty Cyclops: Good iron is. Me friends use it much for fight. Me can make from weapon. Lil' one want to trade?
Player: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Cling clang!
The Sweaty Cyclops Quest
Infernal Bolts
Required Equipment
Player: hi
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hum Humm! Welcume lil' Player.
Player: soul orb
A Sweaty Cyclops: Uh. Me can make some nasty lil' bolt from soul orbs. Lil' one want to trade all?
Player: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Cling clang!
The Sweaty Cyclops Quest
In case you don't have enough capacity for the bolts, Big Ben will reply with:
Player: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: No can do. Make some room in your inventory first.
The Sweaty Cyclops Quest
Note, that as a smith by trade, he's not great at math and won't subtract the weight of soul orbs first.
This means, if you want to make the bolts in batches of 1000 soul orbs, you have to start with 2900 oz of free capacity, not 3000*0.9=2700 oz.
Alternatively, to simplify calculations, just assume each bolt weigths exactly 1 oz.