Part of The Secret Library Quest.
Damage Taken From Elements
This boss is part of the final battle of the Secret Library Quest, check it for more context.
Enter the teleport to the northeast. Inside, you will find The Spellstealer and Demon Slaves. The Spellstealer on its red and green form is invulnerable to all attacks. To make it vulnerable, players must lure it to the vortex corresponding to its color:
- if the boss is green, lure it northwest to the green vortex (The creation vortex consumes the stolen energy!
- if the boss is red, lure it southeast to the red vortex (The destruction vortex consumes the stolen energy!)
When the boss steps on the correct vortex, it changes to a light gray color and becomes vulnerable. After some time being hit, it will become invulnerable again (The spellstealer absorbs the power of destruction! or The spellstealer absorbs the power of creation!), and it will have to be lured to the corresponding vortex. Repeat this until it is killed and then go back to the central chamber where a new raid will start (After the death of the spellstealer the invasion of the central chamber continues!) with the addition of Invading Demons.