- Feel the hungry kiss of death!
- The monsters in the mirror will come eat your dreams.
- Your pitiful life has come to an end!
- I will squish you like a maggot and suck you dry!
- Yield to the inevitable!
- Some day I shall see my beautiful face in a mirror again.
Affected by the boss chest loot system and special AI. When summoning a Nightfiend he says "Out of the dark I call you, fiend in the night!". Once the Pale Count reaches yellow health he will say "Dare to follow me to my Sanctuary below and you shall DIE!" and teleport himself downstairs at full health. When the Pale Count spawns, the following raid message appears:
- The Pale Count has risen from his crypt deep under Drefia. Blood will flow.
Note about loot:
- All participants will receive 1-199 Gold Coins and Vampire's Cape Chain.
- All participants will receive one (and only one) of these: (1-9 Black Pearls | 1-9 Small Amethysts | 1-9 Small Diamonds | 1-9 Small Emeralds | 1-9 Small Rubies | 1-9 Small Sapphires | 1-9 Small Topazes)
- Almost all participants will receive one (and only one) of these: (White Piece of Cloth | Blue Piece of Cloth | Red Piece of Cloth)
- Almost all participants will receive one (and only one) of these: (Stealth Ring | Ring of Healing)
- Almost all participants will receive 1-5 Strong Health Potions.
- Almost all participants will receive 1-5 Strong Mana Potions.
- Almost all participants will receive a Vampire Lord Token.
Damage Taken From Elements
During a raid under Drefia, initially here. After reaching yellow health it teleports itself with full health to the lower floor and spawns in front of the mirror, exactly here. Entrance to this place, which is opened only during his raid, is located here.
The Pale Count fights at melee range and switches target often, a decent level knight should block it, using Challenge frequently. If there are many players waiting for it, then make sure you position yourself well and use your best attacks to have a higher chance of good loot.
- Vampire Lord Token
- Vampire's Cape Chain
- Vampire Teeth
- 0-100× Gold Coin
- 0-5× Platinum Coin
- 0-5× Small Emerald
- 0-5× Small Sapphire
- 0-5× Small Amethyst
- 0-5× Small Diamond
- 0-5× Black Pearl
- 0-3× Strong Health Potion
- 0-5× Strong Mana Potion
- Blood Preservation
- Violet Gem
- Epee
- Stealth Ring
- Ring of Healing
- White Piece of Cloth
- Blue Piece of Cloth
- Red Piece of Cloth
- Vampire Shield
- Chaos Mace
- Bloody Edge
- Dreaded Cleaver
- Spellbook of Lost Souls
- The Vampire Count's Medal (rare)
- Silver Raid Token (rare)
- Haunted Mirror Piece (rare)
- Vampire Silk Slippers (rare)
- Vampire's Signet Ring (rare)
- Small Ruby
- Small Topaz
- Blue Gem