- I am the test that you won't pass!
Final boss of Warlord Level, in the last pit, Pit #10.
The Obliverator
The Obliverator
Damage Taken From Elements
In the Svargrond Arena.
Behaves just like a Demon, but is weaker without summons. The combo of Demon is more powerful. It does not run on low hp and it does not heal. The Obliverator is VERY DANGEROUS when summons 3 or 4 Fire Elementals.
To all vocations stay diagonal.
Druids and Sorcerer: Recommended to use Magic Shield while shooting Sudden Deaths or Icicles, also it can be good idea to use SSA to lower the melee damage and possibly use Avalanches to kill the summoned Fire Elementals while damaging The Obliverator at the same time. But be sure that Icicle will take more time and you'll get more damage.
Knight: Melee and Exori Gran try to kill the Fire Elementals with Exori Gran too. You can shoot poison wall in diagonal direction and stand in a place that will force Obliverator to stay diagonal from you.
Paladin: Shoot Assassin Stars and Exori San. Do not waste your mana with ultimate attacks (like Divine Caldera.)