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On the Nature of the Undead, Vol. 2

Chapter 1
The first category, the natural undead like ghosts and vampires, having been breached upon in the first chapter, we will now proceed to discuss and classify the categories and uses of the technical undead.
The second category, that of the induced undead and practicable servants, is, at the moment, unfortunately still somewhat smaller, and it remains to unearth the undeathly secrets of practical necromancy by our most ingenious student corpus. Much still is to be explored in the realm of necromancy, and undoubtedly, future generations will bring more practical and skilled specimen to light. It remains the task of the excellent professoral body to already lay the foundations for this grand undertaking and helping science along.
To the category of the technical undead, we will count the following:
1. skeletons
2. lich
3. zombies
4. undead beasts of the animal persuasion
a) canines
b) felines
c) bats
5. Hybrids:
a) ghouls

b) mummies
