

Ten basins need to be kept lit for four days inorder to keep back the darkness.


Various - starts in Yalahar.


Various depending on torches lit - 2 Achievements + World Quest achievement I Did My Part, 10% more experience in shared experience party mode, 20 Midnight Shards, a Brocade Backpack containing a Death Ring, Ring of Healing, 50 Christmas Tokens, 2 Gold Ingots, a Giant Shimmering Pearl, 30 Small Topazes, a Stealth Ring and a Time Ring and Silver Fafnar Trophy or Golden Fafnar Trophy.

Moon Backpack (one time only or a Document), a Crown Backpack containing 2 Rings of Healing, 50 Demonic Essences, 4 Gold Ingots, a Might Ring, a Violet Gem and 40 Small Diamonds and 10 Midnight Shards.
