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The flora of rookgaard.
One of the native trees of this isle is the rookiepine. This tough tree grows almost everywhere and can withstand the common storms in the harsh winter.
Another tree you can find is the dwarfenoak. The smaller cousin of the tibian oak is a fast growing tree and so the most common wood supply on rookgaard as well as on the continent.
Only botanists can distiguish the dwarfen oak from the strange rookgaard bananatree. On rookgaard there is an oak-like plant which fruits resemble bananas in shape and taste. No one can make out the difference of the fruits. To all people without knowledge in botanology: the only hint to find a bananatree is the white blossom flower that often seems to grow in a kind of symbiosis with the cherry tree.
The dragon tongue plant is easily spotted by its deep red blossoms and rumoured to be an useful reagent in various alchemical potions.
The swamp plants appear in such large number and variety that we didn't have a chance for extensive classification.
