The Explorer Society is a noble order of explorers who have ventured themselves to the very core of the Tibian realm. You can join this society and raise in rank by helping them with their exploration.
From Rats, Dwarves, all kinds of Orcs, all kinds of Minotaurs, all kinds of Lizards, all kinds of Apes, Priestesses, Demon Skeletons, all kinds of Humans, all kinds of Elves, and all kinds of Undead, until Frost Dragons and all kinds of Quara.
Ice Pick, Spectral Stone, 6 Orichalcum Pearls, 1 Crown Backpack, 5250 gp, the ability to buy Atlases, Orichalcum Pearls and Crown Backpacks. You can use the teleporters between Port Hope and Northport, and between Liberty Bay and Svargrond which works having an Orichalcum Pearl. You have the ability to travel to Calassa and the Frozen Trench, and hunt underwater. You will also receive the achievements Just in Time (if the further requirements are met), Explorer and Sea Scout.
This is a very difficult and time-consuming quest. Parts of it can be worked on at any level, but some of the missions require you to pass through some very difficult places, such as Ulderek's Rock, Deeper Banuta, Calassa, etc.
To begin this quest, visit the Tibian Explorer Society in Port Hope (here) or Northport (here). Then go back there for further missions.
The following table shows the missions of this quest and the recommended minimum level to solo the mission, assuming full spawn is present.
Required rank | Mission | Level recommended | Quest Items | Notes |
None | Joining the Explorers | 20 | Dwarven Pickaxe, Family Brooch | by getting the Dwarven Pickaxe in the Dwarven Mines |
Novice | The Ice Delivery | 20 | Ice Pick, Icicle | |
Novice | The Butterfly Hunt | 8 | Butterfly Conservation Kit | |
Novice | The Plant Collection | 25 | Botanist's Container | |
Journeyman | The Bonelord Secret | 40 | Wrinkled Parchment | |
Journeyman | The Lizard Urn | 45 | Funeral Urn | |
Journeyman | The Orc Powder | 80 | Orc Powder | |
Relic Hunter | The Elven Poetry | 25 | Songs of the Forest | |
Relic Hunter | The Memory Stone | 45 | Memory Stone | |
Relic Hunter | The Rune Writings | 35 | Sheet of Tracing Paper | |
Explorer | The Ectoplasm | 25 | Ectoplasm Container | |
Explorer | The Spectral Dress | 90 | Spectral Dress | Hint: you can do this with The Queen of the Banshees Quest. |
Explorer | The Spectral Stone | 8 | Spectral Stone | |
Explorer | The Astral Portals | 8 |
Additional missions
Mission | Requirements | Level recommended | Quest Items | Notes |
The Ice Music | none | 20 | Resonance Crystal | |
The Skull of Ratha | none | 30 | Skull of Ratha | |
The Giant Smith Hammer | none | 40 | Giant Smithhammer | |
The Frozen Trench | Completed The Undersea Kingdom + Completed The Ice Islands Quest until final mission | 80 | ||
The Island of Dragons | Complete The Ice Islands Quest until the final mission | 110 | Scale from a Frozen Dragon | |
The Undersea Kingdom | Relic Hunter rank | 110 | Damaged Logbook |
Joining the Explorers
Once you have talked to either Angus or Mortimer, you'll need to get a Dwarven Pickaxe from Uzgod in Kazordoon in order to join.
Note: if you choose to go to Dwacatra (as is standard) you will need a Shovel, a Rope (or Magic Rope spell) and Key 3802. See Key 3802 for information on how to get it.
There are two ways you can get Dwarven Pickaxes:
- You can ask Uzgod in Kazordoon for a dwarven pickaxe, to which he will reply that he will exchange one for his beloved Family Brooch (you must talk to him before you can get it). Go to Dwacatra, near the main gate, and search for a hole in the center of the prison here. Down there are 3 Dwarf Soldiers and 1 Dwarf Guard. Kill them and find the Family Brooch in the sealed door on the south. Go back to Uzgod and turn in the brooch to receive the pickaxe.
- You can go to several of the Dwarf Mines and find a pickaxe (as a daily respawn). See the Dwarven Pickaxe article for a list of spawn locations. You do not need to talk to Uzgod if you can find one in the mines. You can also buy one from the market.
Bring the pickaxe back to the Explorer Society representative.
You are now an official member of the Tibian Explorer Society, ranked "Novice".
Missions for a Novice
The following three missions are for novices of the Explorer Society. Players will advance in rank when they complete all three. You can complete them in any order.
The Ice Delivery
Note: this mission requires speed. It is recommended to accept the mission from Northport as you will be running from Folda.
Accept the ice delivery mission from the Explorer Society representative. He will equip you with an Ice Pick and request that you retrieve a shard of ancient ice.
- Go to Folda's main cave and find your way to a small frozen room on the second floor with Minotaur Archers and Minotaurs (here, see below for the route). It's a good idea to kill everything on the way, or they may slow you down on the way out.
- Use the Ice Pick on the frozen stalagmites to receive an Icicle. You have 10 minutes before the icicle defrosts. Run back to the Explorer Society representative you received the mission from, and turn in the ice delivery mission.
You will receive the achievement Just in Time if you have also already finished the Wednesday mission of The Travelling Trader Quest.
Note: if you fail to deliver the icicle you can ask the representative for another chance.
The Butterfly Hunt
Tip: you can accept this mission with The Plant Collection and do both of them together. It is recommended you find the Purple Butterfly first, and keep your eyes peeled for the Blue and Red Butterflies while you complete the The Plant Collection mission.
Tip: if you find a butterfly you don't need yet (i.e. blue or red), you can either trap it and come back for it later, or kill it and carry the corpse. You require a fresh corpse so you will have to be fast if you choose to kill it.
Tip: If you're struggling to find or catch a butterfly, you can use a Stealth Ring or Invisibility spell so that the butterfly will stay in place without running away from you.
Accept the butterfly hunt mission from the Explorer Society representative. He will give you a Butterfly Conservation Kit (Empty) to carry butterfly corpses in. Your task is to find a butterfly specimen, kill the butterfly and use the kit on its corpse. Take each filled kit back to the representative to continue. Once corpses of all three butterflies have been handed in, your mission is complete.
Note: If you lose your Conservation Kit, you can buy another one from the Explorer Society NPCs by saying preparation kit.
- First you will have to bring them the corpse of a purple butterfly. Find one, kill it, and use the kit on it to receive a Butterfly Conservation Kit (Purple).
- Then you will have to bring them the corpse of a blue butterfly. Find one, kill it, and use the kit on it to receive a Butterfly Conservation Kit (Blue).
- Finally you will have to bring them the corpse of a red butterfly. Find one, kill it, and use the kit on it to receive a Butterfly Conservation Kit (Red).
All three butterfly types can be found in this area roughly:
Alternatively, the purple and blue butterflies can be found near the Grumpy Stone north of Kazordoon, while the blue and red butterflies can be found near the Tired Tree north of Carlin.
The Plant Collection
Tip: you can accept this mission with The Butterfly Hunt and do both of them together. It is recommended you find the Purple Butterfly first, and keep your eyes peeled for the Blue and Red Butterflies while you complete the Plant Collection mission.
Accept the plant collection mission from the Explorer Society representative. He will give you a Botanist's Container (Empty) to carry samples of plants in. You must go around Tiquanda in search of plant species in a specific order, use the container on the plant to collect samples, and return to the representative after collecting each one.
- First you need to find a sample of a
Jungle Bells Plant. A close one is located here. Use the container on it to receive a Botanist's Container (Bells).
- Next you need to find a sample of a
Witches Cauldron Plant, which can easiest be found here. Use the container on it to receive a Botanist's Container (Cauldron).
- Finally you need to find a sample of a
Giant Jungle Rose plant. About the closest one can be found here. Use the container on it to receive a Botanist's Container (Rose).
Once you have turned in all three missions, you will be promoted to the rank of Journeyman.
Missions for a Journeyman
These three missions are for journeymen of the Explorer Society. Once all three of these missions have been completed, you will advance in rank. You can complete them in any order.
The Lizard Urn
Ask the Explorer Society representative for the lizard urn mission. Your task is to retrieve a sacred Funeral Urn from the lizard village Chor found here.
There are several ways to get to Chor:
- If you have enough Paw and Fur Society task points, Lorek will take you directly to Chor (to here) for 30gp.
- You can walk across the southern half of Port Hope and cross the log bridge leading to Chor, here
- It may be easier to come from Ankrahmun via the Kha'zeel Pass or through the Darama Terramite Cave.
Note: you will need 100 oz capacity to carry the Funeral Urn.
- Find your way to the central islet with the lizard temple. There are many low-class lizards of all types below. Clear the dungeon and get the Funeral Urn from the north room located here.
Bring the Funeral Urn back to the Explorer Society.
The Bonelord Secret
Accept the bonelord secret mission from the Explorer Society representative. He is looking for evidence that the Bonelords originally built the Dark Pyramid north-east of Darashia.
Note: there are many Minotaurs here, especially on the 3rd floor. A Stealth Ring or Invisibility will help against all except for the Minotaur Mages, and then Avalanche runes can be used to clear the spawn.
Tip: while you do this mission you can also do the Stealth Ring Quest, your rewards are in two coffins on the floor with the Mummy.
- Go to Darashia and walk far north-east to reach the Dark Pyramid (here), now inhabited by Minotaurs.
- Go down the stairs (you will find many Minotaurs and 2 Minotaur Guards here) and go west.
- Go down again to many Minotaur Archers and Minotaur Guards. Go to the east.
- Go down again to many Minotaur Archers, Minotaur Guards and Minotaur Mages. Kill them and go north.
- Go down again to a single Mummy. You are now in the Stealth Ring Quest room, search the coffins if you wish to do it.
- Go down again to an empty room with a sealed door. Behind the door you will find the Wrinkled Parchment.
Bring the Wrinkled Parchment back to the Explorer Society representative and then turn in your mission by saying bonelord secrets.
The Orc Powder
Note: this mission is more difficult than the previous ones. You will ascend a mountain full of orcs, including Warlords, Leaders and Berserkers and rarely Warlord Ruzad.
Tip: Only Orc Leaders and Orc Warlords are immune to Invisibility, so equipping a Stealth Ring will help prevent damage.
Tip: from the second floor onwards, you can levitate up the side of the mountain. This makes it considerably easier because fewer orcs spawn there and fewer can reach you at once.
Accept the orc powder mission from the Explorer Society representative. They want you to retrieve a sample of Strange Powder (Orc Powder) from Ulderek's Rock. Supposedly, it affects them by making them more ferocious.
- Go to Ulderek's Rock, also known as the Orc Fortress.
- Enter the fort and go to the north side. Follow the wall east/north-east until you reach the end.
- Enter the mountain through the fort walls and begin your ascent. On all floors you will fight increasingly difficult Orcs.
- First floor: 2 Orc Leaders, 1 Orc Berserker, 2 Orc Shamans, ~6 War Wolves.
- Second floor: 3 Orc Leaders, 3 Orc Berserkers, 3 Orc Rider, 3 Orc Shamans, 5 War Wolves.
- Fight your way 5 levels up the mountain. Get the Strange Powder from the chest inside the sealed door.
Bring the Strange Powder to the Explorer Society representative to complete your mission.
Once you have turned in all three missions, you will be promoted to the rank of Relic Hunter.
Missions for a Relic Hunter
Now that you are a relic hunter you may purchase Atlases at the main Explorer Society bases. You can also accept The Undersea Kingdom mission which will take you to Calassa.
To advance further in rank you must complete the three designated missions for your rank - The Elven Poetry, The Memory Stone and The Rune Writings.
The Elven Poetry
Note: you will need a Rope, and Key 3012 in case Hellgate is locked.
Accept the elven poetry mission from the Explorer Society representative. They request Songs of the Forest - an elven poetry book - for study.
- Go to Hellgate beneath Ab'Dendriel. You will need Key 3012 here if the door is locked. Go in the portal.
- Climb the ladder and walk all the way west.
- Go down the hole and walk east, across the bridge.
- Go down the hole and walk across the bridge. Continue around the bend and walk east (not north, departing from the Hellgate route)
- Go down the hole (you will encounter elves and elf scouts here) and find a sealed door with an Elven Poetry Book.
- Backtrack and follow the standard hellgate exit route.
Report back to the Explorer Society representative.
Note: If you lost your book after taking it from the chest you can buy a new one from Elvith in Ab'Dendriel by saying elven poetry book.
The Memory Stone
Note: you will need a Rope or equivalent here to leave the cave.
Note: there are Giant Spiders if you go down the wrong hole near the stairs, or Grim Reapers if you go down the stairs at the end of the cave! Specifically, avoid this hole and this staircase.
Note: the NPCs will reject any Memory Stone if the player hasn't obtained it in the past. That is, players cannot skip this mission by purchasing a Memory Stone from Black Bert, although players who lose the Memory Stone can purchase it in order to progress.
Accept the memory stone mission from the Explorer Society representative.
- Go to Edron Hero Cave (here). Be wary of the Hunters.
- Go down the hole and walk north.
- Go down and follow the cave until the next hole. There are some Demon Skeletons, Wild Warriors, a Priestess, a Dark Magician, a Hunter and a Bonelord here.
- Go down and east, follow the cave south until you reach both a staircase up and down. You will face a Monk, Dark Apprentices and Dark Magicians, Demon Skeletons, Priestesses and Slimes on the way.
- Go down and get the Memory Stone in the east room.
Report back to the Explorer Society representative.
The Rune Writings
Tip: if you have enough Paw and Fur Society task points you can quickly sail to Banuta via Lorek.
Note: you will face many Apes on this mission. Avalanche Runes may come in handy for mages.
Accept the rune writings mission from the Explorer Society representative. They want you to find an Atypical Structure within the ape city of Banuta.
- Go to Banuta, north-east of Port Hope. Find a staircase leading to the dungeon on the south side of the city (here).
- Go down the stairs and head north, and then west when you reach a large room. You should find another staircase.
- Go down the stairs and head west, and south at your first opportunity. Follow through to a large room.
- In the north of this room there is an Atypical Structure. Use the Tracing Paper you received from the Explorer Society on the structure.
Report back to the Explorer Society representative.
Once you have turned in all three missions, you will be promoted to the rank of Explorer.
Missions for an Explorer
Note: the missions for this rank can only be done in the order shown here, so they cannot be taken in whatever order the player wants like the missions for earlier ranks, nor can they be taken together (they must be done one at a time in the order shown).
The Ectoplasm
Accept the ectoplasm mission from the Explorer Society representative. They will request the ectoplasm from a freshly slain Ghost. Note: this means that ghost corpses which do not decay cannot be used for this mission.
- Find a Ghost spawn anywhere. Drefia has many Ghost spawns and some Ankrahmun Tombs do as well. Probably the quickest spawn to reach is in the Ankrahmun Library Tomb just east of Ankrahmun depot, behind a Scarab Coin sacrifice.
- Slay the Ghost and use the Ectoplasm Container on the corpse after the 10 second looting period to receive an Ectoplasm Container (Ectoplasm).
Report back to the Explorer Society representative.
The Spectral Dress
Note: you require a Pick and a Rope, or equivalent.
Note: you need to talk to The Queen of the Banshees before you can take the Spectral Dress.
Note: if you lose your Spectral Dress you can buy one from Black Bert or the Market. You can only turn in a bought Spectral Dress if you have already received it yourself though.
Note: this spoiler assumes you have done The White Raven Monastery Quest, i.e. that you have access to the Isle of the Kings and its catacombs. If you do not, you can do that quest (preferred) or take the long route through Ghostlands. For the long route, follow The Queen of the Banshees Quest until you reach The Queen of the Banshees.
Ask for the spectral dress mission from the Explorer Society representative. They will send you beneath the Ghostlands to retrieve the Spectral Dress from The Queen of the Banshees.
- Go to the Isle of the Kings and enter the catacombs. When you reach the 6th floor (beginning of the cave) go north/north-west and use a pick hole behind a structure (here).
- Go down the hole and east/north-east to find a hole.
- Go down and follow the cave until you find a rope spot.
- Go up to 2 Giant Spiders. Note that in order to return you must pick the hole again. Go south-east to a staircase.
- Go up the staircase to 2 Ghosts. Go north and east when you can. Follow the cave east all the way and then north, then follow the path until you find a staircase going down.
- This part can be dangerous, as there are many Banshees, Mummies, Stalkers and Ghosts here. Go down, clear the room and talk to The Queen of the Banshees.
- hi
- spectral dress
- You are now permitted to take the Spectral Dress. Go back up the stairs and backtrack until you find a staircase going down (here).
- Go down and head south across the many poison fields until you find a staircase going down. You will encounter many Ghosts and Demon Skeletons here.
- Go down and follow the path west to a staircase going up.
- Go up to a room full of Stalkers, Demon Skeletons and Ghosts.
- Go down the staircase in the center of the room (here, may be hidden by a higher floor). Follow the cave to the south/south-east to a staircase going up. You will face many Banshees along the way.
- Go up the staircase and follow the cave east. Inside a door on the south side of the 4th room is the Spectral Dress located here.
- Backtrack to the exit.
Report to the Explorer Society with the spectral dress, after this you will receive the Explorer achievement.
The Spectral Stone
Ask the Explorer Society representative for the spectral stone mission. Your job is to get some reports from the other main Explorer Society base.
- Ask the representative there about the latest research reports.
- Go back to the Explorer Society representative you started the mission with.
- Ask for a new mission and the representative will give you a Spectral Stone. Go upstairs and use the Spectral Stone on the Strange Carving.
- Go back to the other main Explorer Society base, which you were just at. Go upstairs and use the Spectral Stone on the Strange Carving.
Report back with any Explorer Society representative.
The Astral Portals
Note: To complete this mission, you must have access to all other teleporters. This requires you to have completed every other mission, making this your last.
Talk to the Explorer Society representative about your mission.
You will be granted:
- Access to the Astral Bridge between Port Hope and Northport (costing 1 Orichalcum Pearl per trip)
6 Orichalcum Pearls.
Crown Backpack
At this point you are also able to buy Orichalcum Pearls and Crown Backpacks from the Explorer Society representatives.
Additional missions
The Island of Dragons
Note: you must have completed The Ice Islands Quest until the final mission.
Ask Lurik, Svargrond's local representative, for a mission. He will send you to Okolnir to find a relic of Frost Dragon history.
- Go to Okolnir via Buddel.
- Go up the ramp just west of Buddel. Follow the mountain east and find a ramp going back down to the surface (here).
- Find a Pitfall and go down to a small room with 4 Frost Dragons and 2 Frost Dragon Hatchlings.
- Use a pick on the ground at the south west part of the room to reveal another hole.
- Go down to 5 Frost Dragons. Kill them and go to the south east end of the room. Use the frozen dragon lord on the wall and pick up the Scale from a Frozen Dragon that drops to the floor.
Report back to Lurik with the dragon scale. You will be rewarded with 5,000 gp.
The Ice Music
Ask Lurik for a mission and he will send you to the north of Krimhorn.
- Ask Buddel for a passage to the camp. This will take you here.
- Go north-east and cross the thin ice. Proceed north till you find icicles here.
- Use the Resonance Crystal on the icicles.
- Report back to Lurik.
After completing this mission you may use the Astral Bridge from Liberty Bay to Svargrond.
The Undersea Kingdom
Note: you must be of relic hunter rank or higher to get this mission.
Note: you will need a Pick, 200 gp to travel to Calassa and a Helmet of the Deep to dive. You can rent the helmet at Calassa for a 5,000 gp deposit, but keep in mind that it weighs 210 oz.
- Go to Liberty Bay Explorer Society headquarters and ask Berenice for a mission. Berenice will ask you to investigate the underwater Quara race in their natural habitat, Calassa, and to retrieve a Damaged Logbook from a shipwreck.
- Find Captain Max on the eastern side of Liberty Bay docks. Ask him for a passage to Calassa.
- Equip your Helmet of the Deep and step overboard (step off the platform to the south). You will fall to the depths of the ocean, here, and will immediately face many minor Quaras (Mantassins and Constrictors).
- Fight your way to the south and a little bit east to find a medium sized ship (here). Use a Pick on the wooden hatchway to reveal a ladder below.
- Go down the stairs and kill the 2 Quara Constrictors and 3 Quara Hydromancers. Get the Damaged Logbook from the box behind the sealed door to the west.
Note that there are several Quara Predators patrolling the bottom part of the ship. A tip if you want to avoid them is to enter the ship from it's left side as that makes it less likely for them to notice you.
Report about your Calassa mission to Berenice in Liberty Bay. There is no reward for this although it does unlock the mission The Frozen Trench.
The Frozen Trench
Note: you will need the Levitate spell, variable gold to travel to Tyrsung and back, and a Helmet of the Deep. Unlike the Calassa mission, you cannot rent the helmet at the trench, meaning you must get it from Captain Max at Calassa again.
Note: you must have completed The Undersea Kingdom in order to start this mission.
Note: you must also have completed The Ice Islands Quest until the final mission.
Accept the mission from Lurik, the Explorer Society representative of Svargrond. He will send you to investigate what exactly happened to a missing explorer, who was probably lost in the Frozen Trench.
- Go to Tyrsung via Buddel. Once in Tyrsung, head far south from Buddel, through a smuggler camp to a docked ship. Climb on the ship and kill the 3 Smugglers and the Pirate Cutthroat.
- Equip your Helmet of the Deep and jump into the water from the planks on the south side of the ship (here).
- You will face many Quara Constrictors and Mantassins. Head south until you find a cliff to levitate down from, here.
- Levitate down and head west until you find a cave leading north. Follow north until the end, where you will find a Frozen Human, here. You will face a Quara Predator here.
- Step in front of the frozen human and a message should appear saying that you found a frozen human and should report back to Lurik.
Report to Lurik and you will be rewarded with the Sea Scout Badge, a title within the rank. You will also receive the achievement Sea Scout.
The Skull of Ratha
Note: this mission is also available to free account players.
Note: you don't accept this mission, you simply get the item and turn it in.
- Go to the Amazon Camp north of Venore.
- Go on the hill in the center of the camp (here). There will be 2 Witches, a Valkyrie and a Lion.
- Open the two boxes to obtain 2 bags: one with a White Pearl and the Skull of Ratha and another with a Wolf Tooth Chain and a Dwarven Ring.
Go to Mortimer or Angus and turn in the Skull of Ratha for a 250 gp reward.
The Giant Smith Hammer
Note: this mission is also available to free account players.
Note: you don't accept this mission, you simply get the item and turn it in.
- Go to the Cyclops/Minotaur camp in the Plains of Havoc. There are many Cyclopes and various types of Minotaurs here.
- Go down the stairs in the north structure (here). There will be numerous Cyclopes, Minotaurs, Minotaur Guards, Minotaur Mages, and even some Orcs.
- Open the quest box in the room directly to the south.
Go to Mortimer or Angus and turn in the Giant Smithhammer.
Joining the Explorers
player: hi |
player: hi |
player: hi |
You see a dwarven pickaxe.
It weighs 60.00 oz.
It is a masterpiece of dwarvish smithery and made of especially hard steel.
player: hi |
Missions for a Novice
The Ice Delivery
player: hi |
You see an ice pick.
It weighs 70.00 oz.
It might come in handy in cold regions.
If the icicle doesn't melt
player: hi |
If the icicle melts
player: hi |
The Butterfly Hunt
player: hi |
player: hi |
player: hi |
player: hi |
The Plant Collection
player: hi |
player: hi |
player: hi |
player: hi |
Missions for a Journeyman
The Lizard Urn
player: hi |
player: hi |
The Bonelord Secret
player: hi |
player: hi |
The Orc Powder
player: hi |
player: hi |
Missions for a Relic Hunter
The Elven Poetry
player: hi |
- Back to Angus
player: hi |
The Memory Stone
player: hi |
- Back to Angus
player: hi |
The Rune Writings
player: hi |
- Back to Angus
player: hi |
Missions for an Explorer
The Ectoplasm
player: hi |
You see an ectoplasm container.
It weighs 6.00 oz.
It is filled with ectoplasm.
- Back to Angus
player: hi |
The Spectral Dress
player: hi |
player: hi |
- Back to Angus
The Spectral Stone
player: hi |
player: hi |
player: hi |
The Astral Portals
player: hi |
The Island of Dragons
player: hi |
You see a scale from a frozen dragon. It weighs 0.90 oz. This is the proof that there were once dragon lords on Okolnir which mutated into frost dragons.
If you deliver the scale from a frozen dragon:
player: hi |
If you don't deliver the scale from a frozen dragon:
player: hi |
The Ice Music
player: hi |
You see a resonance crystal. It weighs 2.50 oz. You have recorded beautiful ice music on it for the Explorer Society.
player: hi |
Additional missions
The Undersea Kingdom
player: hi |
- Back to Berenice at Liberty Bay
player: hi |
The Frozen Trench
player: hi |
player: hi |
The Skull of Ratha
player: hi |
The Giant Smith Hammer
Player: hi |