
Thais has three main libraries inside the city, one of which is completely empty. Books can be found scattered around the city and in its immediate surroundings as well. The Island of Destiny, Fibula, Travora, the Ancient Temple, the Mad Mage Room, Mintwallin, and Mount Sternum also harbour some books.

Thais and surroundings[]

Royal Archives[]

Most of the documents in these archives were written on behalf of king Tibianus I. They can be found to the southwest of King Tibianus' throneroom in the Rain Castle, up one level and north.

Royal Archives Map

Head east from the depot and then north at the crossroads. Take a left before the gates and keep going until you reach a bridge. Cross it and go NNE through some double doors, up those stairs and then southwest up another flight of stairs. Through the door to the north are the archives.

Royal Archives

These bookcases are EMPTY:
First, Fourth, Eighth.

Second Drawer
NameBook TypeShort Description
Graveyard Dungeon Entrance (Book)Book (Black)Rumours of a dungeon entrance at the Thais Graveyard

Third Drawer
NameBook TypeShort Description
Royal Execution Archives 900 - 950 p.g (Book)Book (Brown)Several sinners are executed.
Royal Execution Archives (Book)Book (Brown)?
Royal Execution Archives (Book)Book (Brown)?

Fifth Drawer
NameBook TypeShort Description
Graveyard Expansion (Book)Book (Black)The Thais Graveyard needs to be expanded.

Sixth Drawer
NameBook TypeShort Description
Court Visit (Book)Sheet of PaperA noble writes a friend about his visit to the royal court in Thais.

Seventh Drawer
NameBook TypeShort Description
Asmalat Ovrir (Book)Book (Brown)You cannot make sense of this gibberish.

Ninth Drawer
NameBook TypeShort Description
Mysterious Ruins (Book)Book (Grey)The dwarves discover ancient ruins underground that might originate from a mysterious nomad race.

Tenth Drawer
NameBook TypeShort Description
Inhabitants Log (Book)Book (Brown)A list of the inhabitants of Thais.

Eleventh Drawer
NameBook TypeShort Description
Criminal Offences (Book)Book (Brown)Criminals and their punishment

Sorcerer Library[]

This library is located in southwest Thais on the second floor of Muriel's Sorcerer Guild on Sorcerer's Avenue.
Lungelen is always doing research in the library.

Thais Sorcerer Library Map

Thais Sorcerer Library

These bookcases are EMPTY:
Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Eighth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fifteenth.

First Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Demonic Army (Book)Book (Blue)Book (Grey)Principles behind demons entering our realm.

Fifth Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Three Wizards (Book)Book (Orange)Three wizard friends become rivals when trying to find out who's worthy of a particular woman's favour.

Seventh Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Fools from Beyond (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown Thin)Explanation of Undead Jester Raids

Ninth Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Shervad the Destroyer (Book)Book (Green)About Shervad the Destroyer.

Tenth Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Origin of Vampires (Book)Book (Fat Green)Book (Black)Book (Brown Thin)?

Eleventh Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Seeds of Life (Book)Book (Orange)Book (Brown)Book (Black)Book (Brown Square)The story behind Dryad Raids

Fourteenth Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
I, Vampire (Book)Book (Red)Book (Brown)Essay why Vampires are different than humans and are more fortunate than them

Other Books[]

NameBook TypeShort Description
8 Commandments (Book)Book (Brown)?
20 Tricks (Book)Book (Brown Thin)?
Accountancy (Book)Book (Brown)?
Mighty City (Book)Book (Brown)A mighty city of fearsome beings and dark rituals is discovered.
A Piece of Cake I (Book)Book (Black)The first stage of the A Piece of Cake World Quest is explained.
A Pirate's Death to Me (Book)Book (Black)A guide to the A Pirate's Death to Me World Quest.
Chronicles of the Realm XXI (Book)Book (Brown)History of the founding of the Inquisition and the fall of Zathroth's temples
Imprisoned Cyclops (Book)Book (Brown)A man has imprisoned two cyclops.
Lovers Questionnaire (Book)Parchment (Questionnaire)Some matchmaker questions.
Maximal Farming (Book)Book (Brown)?
Offline Training (Book)Large BookHow to train when offline.
The Movement of Objects (Book)Book (Black)Theory about why objects move
Something Wrong in the Cesspool (Book)Book (Brown)?
Tales of Tibia (Book)Book (Brown Square)?
The Good Farmer (Book)Book (Brown)?
Time Travel Dungeon (Book)Large BookThe Professor's time machine is finally functional.
Troll Bar Specials (Book)Book (Black)The week's specials at the Troll Bar

Island of Destiny[]

Name Type Description
New Hero (Book) Parchment (Yellow) The Adventurers' Guild bids you welcome.


Name Type Description
Book of Sermons (Book) Book (Black) Book of sermons


Name Type Description
Travora Map (Book) Map (Colour) A map of Travora.

Ancient Temple[]

Name Type Description
Ancient Treasure (Book) Book (Brown) ?
Destroyed the Key (Book) Book (Brown) ?
Dungeon Excavation (Book) Book (Brown) Explorers from Mintwallin try to find a way to the surface and are killed by a human.
First Dragon (Book) Blurred Transcript An adventurer achieves a breakthrough in his search for the first dragon.
Heavily Injured (Book) Book (Brown) ?
Hidden Button (Book) Book (Black) A man broke his legs upon falling through a hidden trapdoor.
Minotaur Outcasts (Book) Book (Black) Found in the camp of outcast minotaurs.
Stolen the Key (Book) Book (Brown) The trolls stole the key to the ancient temple.
Two Enemies (Book) Book (Brown) ?

Mad Mage Room[]

Name Type Description
Alatar's World of Pure Magic (Book) Book (Brown) ?
Combine Magic Power with the Sword (Book) Book (Black) ?
Conjure Monsters That You Don't Need (Book) Book (Black)
Crypt of a Great Mage (Book) Book (Black) ?
Magic Fields and Walls (Book) Parchment ?
Perplexed and Purple (Book) Book (Black) ?
Strange Glyphs (Book) Wrinkled Parchment ?
Sudden Death Rune (Book) Scroll
The Riddle (Book) Book (Black) The book tells the story of four adventurers escaping from a horde of orcs.
Use a Bow Instead of Runes (Book) Book (Black) ?


There are a small number of places that books can be found in Mintwallin. First of all, there is a small library above Markwin in the throne room. There are three more bookcases in the room with Markwin. Some related books can be found in the caves just outside Mintwallin.

Mintwallin Library 1

The following bookcases are EMPTY:
First, Third.

Second Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Chronicle of Mintwallin I (Book)Book (Black){burnt out}
Chronicle of Mintwallin II (Book)Book (Black){burnt out}
Chronicle of Mintwallin III (Book)Book (Black)The mino's have been forced into the deep labyrinth by a fearsome Daemon; Palkar convinced his team to rebel and leave Markwin.

Mintwallin Library 2

The following bookcases are EMPTY:
First, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth.

Second Bookcase contains unnamed and empty Book (Brown).

Fifth Bookcase
NameBook TypeShort Description
Chronicle of Mintwallin IV (Book)Book (Black)Even more civil war within the mintwallinian walls, the king has become fatally ill and a human has unravelled the secrets of the labyrinth that guards the city.

Tenth Book
NameBook TypeShort Description
Chronicle of Mintwallin V (Book)Book (Brown)The king of MOST minotaurs is steadily decending into a grave; some humans have somehow defeated the guardian of the labyrinth

Other Books[]

NameBook TypeShort Description
Reconstruction Plan (Book)ParchmentPlans to reconstruct a destroyed part of Mintwallin.

Mount Sternum[]

Name Type Description
How to Summon Black Demons (Book) Book (Black) ?

Thais Jail[]

Thais Jail contains a library in floor -1, behind a sealed door.

Thais Jail Library 1

First shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
Enemies of the True Faith (Book)Book (Red)Describing different types of enemies of the true faith followers.
Secrets of the Ruthless Seven (Book)Book (Brown)Describes how the inquisitors found about secret plans from the Ruthless Seven to deploy a doomsday machine, and a new secret hideout with their lieutenants.
Second shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
Archdemons (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)Principles behind demons entering our realm
Demonic Invasions (Book)Book (Black)Book (Grey)The dangers of how demons enter our realm.
Experimentation on Vampires (Book)Book (Brown)Describes how vampires were captured and tortured to obtain information on how to best fight them.
Third shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Bonelords Threat IV (Book)Book (Brown)About the destruction of the Braindeath
The Bonelord Threat III (Book)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Brown)About the destruction of the Braindeath
The Bonelord Threat II (Book)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Brown)?
The Bonelord Threat I (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Grey)Book (Brown)Study of bonelords, their ability to manipulate the dead and their conquests
Fourth shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
About Joining the Inquisition (Book)Book (Green)About challenges a newjoiner will face when joining the inquisition.
The Book of Vile Evil (Book)Book (Brown)Book (Blue)About vampires.

Another room library can be found in Jack Springer's room, also behind a sealed door.

Thais Jail Library 2

First shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
Nictros and Baeloc Blackwood (Book)Book (Orange)Book (Black)The story of the Blackwood brothers
History of the Shiron'Fal (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Brown)Additional lore about the Shiron'Fal, see also About the Shiron'Fal (Book)
Second shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
About Lord Azaram (Book)Book (Grey)Book (Brown)Telling the tale of Lord Azaram
Third shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
About the Shiron'Fal II (Book)Book (Brown)Brief comments on the relation of the Shiron'Fal organization and the triangle of terror
History of the Shiron'Fal II (Book)Book (Orange)Additional lore about the Shiron'Fal.
About the Shiron'Fal III (Book)Sheet of PaperBrief notes on the known status of the Shiron'Fal organization
Fourth shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
The Red Knight (Book)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Brown)The story of The Red Knight
Fifth shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
Ilos (Book)Book (Grey)Book (Black)The story of Ilos
About Antarel's Family Line (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Brown Thin)Describing the tales of Marik, and how Antarel's family had a secret: their bloodline was tainted with orcish blood for generations.
Sixth shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
About Duke Krule (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown Square)Telling the tale of Duke Krule
Page of Goshnar's Manifest (Book)Parchment (White)Goshnar's thoughts on ways of imbuing dead creatures, and how the law of transcended identity affects ascension.
About the Shiron'Fal II (Book)Book (Brown)Brief comments on the relation of the Shiron'Fal organization and the triangle of terror
Seventh shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
About Luthgar Decars (Book)Book (Orange)Notes on Luthgar Decars' actions and suspicious activities.
About Nargol the Impaler (Book)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Brown Square)Telling the tale of Nargol the Impaler
Eighth shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
Sir Necaran (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown)The story of Sir Necaran
About Magnor Mournbringer (Book)Book (Grey)Book (Brown)Telling the tale of Magnor Mournbringer
Ninth shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
History of the Shiron'Fal III (Book)Book (Black)Additional lore about the Shiron'Fal.
About the Shiron'Fal IV (Book)Sheet of PaperBrief notes on the actions of the Shiron'Fal organization in Rathleton
About Rewar the Bloody (Book)Book (Black)Telling the tale of Rewar the Bloody
About the Shiron'Fal (Book)Book (Black)Book (Brown Thin)Brief story about the ancient Shiron'Fal organization
Tenth shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
Baron Eserak (Book)Book (Brown Thin)The story about Baron Eserak
About Antarel's Family Line (Book)Book (Brown Square)Book (Brown Thin)Describing the tales of Marik, and how Antarel's family had a secret: their bloodline was tainted with orcish blood for generations.
Eleventh shelf
NameBook TypeShort Description
About Count Vlarkorth (Book)Book (Brown Thin)Book (Grey)Telling the tale of Count Vlarkorth
Legion of Slaughter (Book)Book (Grey)Book (Brown)About ancients races and beings from the god wars.