
Has someone already tested the offline training feature speed? It might worth if someone logged in one char just to tell us how much advancement the char got after login, maybe just training a couple of hours, so we can have an idea. --Fafion 00:19, June 27, 2012 (UTC)

You can see people's results on the test website (www.test.tibia.com) but it appears to be about twice as long offline as it takes online for Melee/Distance/Shield. Not sure about Magic, I think that may take longer. Beejay 15:31, June 27, 2012 (UTC)

Magic Level

Here is one log, to calculate the mana use per time while training

13:23 During your absence you trained for 1 hour and 9 minutes. 13:23 You advanced to magic level 30. 13:23 Your Magic Level skill changed from level 29 (with 93.82% progress towards level 30) to level 30 (with 1.86% progress towards level 31) 13:23 Your Shielding skill changed from level 23 (with 24.16% progress towards level 24) to level 23 (with 29.52% progress towards level 24)

the log was from a druid

Piripepeno (talk) 17:27, July 12, 2012 (UTC)

About shielding speed - it's 50% of what you train with one monster, and 25% of what you train with two. That might be worth mentioning.Leferty (talk) 18:20, July 12, 2012 (UTC)

12:37 During your absence you trained for 10 hours and 9 minutes.

12:37 Your Distance Fighting skill changed from level 107 (with 11.59% progress towards level 108) to level 107 (with 13.94% progress towards level 108)

12:37 Your Shielding skill changed from level 95 (with 1.48% progress towards level 96) to level 95 (with 4.25% progress towards level 96)

From this I derive that from training for 10 hours and 9 minutes I got 2,35% on a 107 to 108 dist and 2.77% on shield from 95 to 96.

calculated; 2.77% on shielding at this level with normal training should take 152,257 min. instead it took 10h 9min, by which it looks as if shielding works at 25% of normal rate aswell since 152,257 min (expected for normal training) divided by 609 min (offline training time) equals 0.25... = 25%.

calculated; 2.35% on distance at this level with normal training (spear dummy, 76% blood rate) should take 150.79 min instead it took 10h 9min, by which it looks as if distance works at 25% of normal rate aswell since 150.79 min (expected for normal training) divided by 609 min (offline training time) equals 0,2476.... = 0.248 = 24.8% which if anything should be interpreted as variations in what is called "normal rate" of distance training and is most likely a straight up 25%.

Thoughts on this? Don't take this as facts. Anyone else got similiar results?

Lordberra (talk) 13:02, July 16, 2012 (UTC)

Offline training in beds[]

Now that offline training in beds is possible, we should add some info on that.

For example, it's possible to train more than one character using the same bed: http://forum.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=33779137#post33779137