In the quest log we all get up this "investigation" as as a 2th mission. Noone knows how to complete it?! Heavyhaze 21:26, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
That mission is what they refer to as Blessed Ankh Quest here on Tibiawiki.
Nevaran 21:37, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
There is more to this quest than just getting to the Isle of Kings. After getting to the Isle, in the quest log, there is a second part: "The Investigation: Investigate the catacombs. Abbot Costello should be interested in information about [B]rother Fugio."
I think this is referring to the diary in the spoiler for the Blessed Ankh Quest. It may be that the Blessed Ankh Quest is part two of The White Raven Monastery Quest.
Bombur Thumper 02:45, 11 October 2008 (UTC)