
It can only be wielded by knights and yet it is one-handed? There's something wrong here, its either a two-handed weapon or it can be wielded by all players.

by sigma
<True, and there is one more big misconception:

Stomper - atk: 51, def: 20+3
Dark Trinity Mace - atk: 51, def: 32-1

They both have 51 atk and both are 1-handed, but DTM has lower shield modificator. So why Stomper can be used from level 100, and DTM from 120, when Stomper is better?

I think it's just a fake, and this item does not exist.

Can somebody give a proof, that it really exists?
/by sigma

i didnt belive it exists either but it can be seen in-game at the npc where you buy rust remover foggy 14:58, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

Judging from level requirement, shielding stats and foggy's confirmation that this item is indeed real, I'm setting the item to two-handed for now, if further evidence of the contrary is found remember to correct "It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 100 or higher." to "It can only be wielded properly by players of level 100 or higher."

-V- 15:19, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

Isn't DTM one handed? if so its better... even if its 2H it had higher def. then stomper.

by sigma
It has higher defence, but it doesn't matter at all... Important is only shield modificator, which Stomper has higher than DTM.
/by sigma

but tell me one thing, if stomper is one-handed (+3 to shield), so why is it only for knights? there is no other one-handed weapon for knights only and i think that it's sth wrong with it... are you sure if this photo is real? - sigma

The picture is real, also I saw the cam when they looted it; I think its one-handed for the shield modificator, but its weird that is only for knights.
Juan Ariel 19:36, 24 February 2009 (UTC)

"for knights" means it is a two handed weapon, also in the cam you can see that the blocker tries to equip it while holding his shield and it doesn't work. It is for sure a two handed weapon, however the shield modif~ seems to be a bug by CipSoft. And will hopefully be corrected soon.(is already reported on Tech support board, now a tutor needs to confirm/report it) Kseni Of Chimera 20:01, 24 February 2009 (UTC)

After I saw again the cam, and I just notice you are correct and he needs to take out his shield to use it, well I apologize to change it to one-handed, but I think its better leave it as is currently until cips fixs it.
Juan Ariel 21:40, 24 February 2009 (UTC)

Just a random comment, but doesn't anyone else think it's weird that it's called "The Stomper" and it's a fist? Shouldn't it be called the Puncher or Whacker or something like that? Vhazhiphor 03:58, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

two handed with shield bonus[]

It's pretty weird probably a bug and it has been reported here StradvariusTibiawiki.png T C 17:17, 26 February 2009 (UTC)