Some animated claw in the unused sprites must be the sprite of the obnoxius claw sprite.
--Kwigon the sharpshooter 18:57, 4 July 2009 (UTC)
Loot and EXP Changed the Number of Great Mana Potions and edited real exp. 18:55 Loot of The Noxious Spawn: a great mana potion, a great mana potion, a great mana potion, 2 platinum coins, a noble axe, 95 assassin stars, claw of 'The Noxious Spawn' Revaux
I've seen already 6 videos of people killing it and they always get the claw so please stop changing it to rare unless you've seen enough videos to say that. I've also added 14 power bolts and 1 green mushroom. Revaux
I saw movie in tibiabr of a ek killing this, anyone want see it in youtube?--Maguu 19:20, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
This boss dropps Crown armor as well!