
lever under the energy field[]

What's that lever under the energy field in the room with the green djinn do? Nida 02:57, 26 January 2008 (UTC)Nida

--Alfredo 21:53 12 April 2008

I yust thod that in the dijn room it is like 4 bowls and if you can release all the monsters and put there bodeys there so you put dijn behmot vamp but i dont know how to do with the fire emental =/ and i also know that people call this 4 soceres quest so if you take 4 sorceres and you put them scuares in the dijn room and pull the lever it may work idk i will check it out now

anything suspicious?[]

I've once heard that you need to put a pot with water on the fire (there are 3 fire places, 2 already have pots in them) in order to release the vamp

I'm not premmy anymore so no way to check this out... and even though, I might still be talking shit

anyway, if you need anything, feel free to write it on my user page. luv ya all :*

-- Nagatho Goldenflag 5 November 2006

You do that to simpley get the fire elemental out. Shame huh

I hear there a some thing under a energy or fire field that realease the vamp after you get the FE out. kwigon the sharpshooter

The spoiler page is accurate (so far), but not complete.

About the switch under the energy field, I have tried that, and nothing happens.

There are two things in the djinn room that are suspicious: (1) four empty coal basins - like the ones you would make a sacrifice on, and (2) squares on the floor that appear to be switchplates. I have not been able to figure out how to engage the switchplates, and flipping the switch under the energy field appears to do nothing.

-- WhitelacesTalk † χρισtoς αnεσtη, αληθως αnεσtη -- 06:37, 6 November 2006 (PST)

well....I tried pulling the switch under the energy and nuthin happened. and i noticed how there is skulls with the behemoth in its room and there is 2 skulls in the room after teleporter above it..i tried puttin the skulls on the tiles and standing on em but still nuthin happened...tried puttin skulls on the coal basins and pulling the switch but still nuthin Bikh

I tried scarab coins with a bunch of players some time back - to no avail

6 Nov 2006 [Random::Chat::Guild::Contributions::Tibicam Profile]

I heard about that you need to put 3 skulls and 1 skull of ratha of the coal basins and then pull the swith, idk if it is rly, i only heard that

There are some gray dust cloud things in the room above the creatures. I have heard using them may open one of the cages below. Another theory is to use the white pearls on the coal basins or in the dust somehow. Just some rumours. --DM ><((°> Contribs <°))>< talk to me 18:36, 17 April 2006 (CDT) 18:39, 9 November 2006 (PST)

Anyone tried to put fire on those coal basins? Lord Asmodeusz

According to my friend, you have to pull all switches in under 2 minutes and you get teleported to room with some monks. Then you can find NPC who tells how you can make Blessed wooden stake. --Ville-v 01:06, 28 March 2007 (PDT)

Nvm, he was talking about different quest than I. <blush> --Ville-v 05:46, 28 March 2007 (PDT)

I have to add that the pot does not have to have water in it, and that the fire elemental is let out by using the torch bearer in the "quest room", (you will notice it by getting red sparkles over ya), also, I did push all the switches in under 2minutes, nothing happened, im gonna try the thing with placing skull on the basins right now, if anyone noticed, there is a switch under the vampire too. Might be one under the behemoth too.

Fenrir Greytooth

Anyone tried sacrifice various types of food, like in the paradox quest? or used random tools on the walls and on the djinn's floor?

Art Featherpitch

I don't think it would work. We don't have a clue of how this works. The Paradox Tower had several informations from books scaterred throughout Tibia that gave a lead on how to solve it. The serpentine tower library shows other things, relevant to other aspects from the game, but not relevant for the serpentine tower quest in any way.

-- Maverick the hunter ω talk ω contribs 13:19, 26 May 2007 (PDT) 18:40, 29 March 2007 (PDT)

Here is is a thing one might find interesting:

On the fourth floor above ground at the northmost dragon spawn in Ankhrahmun, is a lever, and 2 magic walls blocking a teleport.

Just right of the stairs to the passage between Darashia and Ankrahmun, is a closed tomb called the "spectral tomb".

If anyone is able to, please investigate this! Keep one character the at the dragon switch, and one at the sperentine tower switch, and one person at the spectral tomb, switch both levers quick, and see what happends!

Forgot to add, there are some statues around the magic walls and the lever at the dragon spawn, which 2 of the statues near the teleport looks like the ones in ankhrahmun, and the two around the lever equals the one at the spectral tomb!

Fenrir Greytooth

If i'm not completely mistaken, there's a switchplate just out of the field of vision from the magic walls on that dragon spawn. Maybe one should try to get one person to stand on the switchplate as another one watches the magic walls? Just a theory.

-- Laeraren ω Talk

Where did you find the information about the "spectral tomb"? I cannot see where you got this from. Are you talking about the wall that is near the Giant Spider tower?

-- A posse ad esse
--  Whitelaces †  Talk †  -- 10:54, 10 April 2007 (PDT)

It is not yet know what its called, so many people call it the "spectral tomb". Laeraren, me and my friend tried that, but it seems unlikely, because the switchplace already got the graphics as if someone is standing on it.

Me and my friend tested these things:

Standing on the swich in the dragon at the same time as switching the serpentine tower switch (djinn), nothing happened, we also tried fire fielding the switch (becouse the room got alot of fe's), also, we were watching the "wall/spectral tomb" doing all of the mentioned, - nothing happened.

Further investigation needed. --Fenrir Greytooth

It is a totally extreme idea but if there are 4 coal basins...and there are 4 anni items xD. Probably me just being silly but I dno. Dno who would want to sacrifice their anni item though, even with the price of BoWW in mind <drools>

Yours -- Devil on Refugia

Did any of you guys tried to do something with thoes switch-tiles in the room where djinn`s sealed away? Or even with those basins in the same room? This might lead to something, be a hint. One of my friends released the vamp some time ago, I asked him in game about that, but he doesn`t remember how to do it anymore. If you guys get some more info, please post in here.

Kind Regards -- Lord Asmodeusz

maybe u gotta sacriface the 6 pharaoh items burning heart, ancient rune, crystal arrow, blue note, ornamented ankh and cobrafang dagger. becouse its 6 switch plates and 6 pharaohs who drop these stuff.

i think the serpentine tower quest is the end of hota and u get soul ruby by: Gonzo of Flame

Haveing each of the pharoah's items on the coal basins wouldn't explain the tiles to the north. if anything you need to put the helmet on each tile then have the respctive players stand on the tiles. Or each item piece (like at the end of the hota quest) in a pile of the basins.

[Random::Chat::Guild::Contributions::Tibicam Profile]

A friend told me that under the sealed off djinn room there is a magicthrower, plaguethrower, flamethrower and shredderthrower...

Maybe you need to put energy field, fire field, posion field and some kind of pshysical field on each of the basins while you have 5 people standing on the tiles in the djinn room when someone pulls the levar.


ok, i herd from someone else that there ARE the agicthrower, plaguethrower, flamethrower and shredderthrower down there... -2 floors i think. but it could be compleatly unrelated. HOWEVER i find it interesting that to open the FE you use the unlit lamp... maybe you extinguish all the wrest to let out the vamp?? and those basins are kinda interesting too. What interests me it the "portable hole" wtf is that?? also on top of the tower there is 4 basins with 4 energy fields in them. maybe put fields on the basins in djinn area and put feilds on the "step plates" down there. user page.

-- Magician jimson 5 November 2006

The magic throwers under the serpentine tower are true, but that's because it's a part of a tomb, so yes, unrelated indeed. I've already tried to light and un-light all torches inside ankrahmun walls, it makes no difference whatsoever, also portable hole is doubfully obtainable or even accessible, the only realistic thing in the tower's basement would perhaps be the ruby.

Also, torches and fire elemental have similarities, they both relate to fire in some way. Vampires are undeads, they like blood, while sunlight and garlic irritate them.. perhaps that is something to consider.
My personal opinion, however..I doubt they would release a vampire, or a behemoth, to be honest the FE alone would kill an unwary explorer, to have a behemoth chase at you wouldn't really be logical, considering it is inside town.
Sixorish 21:53, 15 October 2007 (PDT)

Mabey it id like paradox tower... u can only step on certain swich plates for it to work... i have also tried placing the various items found in the tower, on the basins and other places but nothing seems to work. Serpentine tower i doubt has anything else that can be done in it, i think CIP intended it to be a stub. ~Elgarel Kator

I've found some screenshots in my resources, relating to this topic (removed char names for privacy purposes :D did it in the least lame way).

On picture with djinn floor - let's call it Serpentine's Tower Vault- on that tables lie the following items (starting from left):
22:06 You see a stone skin amulet that has 5 charges left.
22:06 You see a blood orb.
22:06 You see the carrot of doom.
22:06 You see a wand of inferno. It can only be wielded by sorcerers of level 33 or higher.
22:06 You see a Ring of wishes.
22:06 You see boots of haste.
22:06 You see the horn of sundering.
22:06 You see boots of waterwalking.
22:07 You see a demon helmet (Arm:10).
22:07 You see a blessed ankh.
22:07 You see a djinn's lamp.
22:07 You see frozen starlight.
22:07 You see an amulet of loss.
22:07 You see a portable hole.
22:07 You see a wand of dragonbreath. It can only be wielded by sorcerers of level 13 or higher.
22:07 You see a backpack of holding.
(Note that this screenshot was made in April 2006)

I haven't thought before that this 2 places could be connected, but it seems they are. And about "Spectral Tomb" - on the minimap we can see yellow spots which must be teleports, because stairs would lead to nowhere as there is larva cave underneath (am I right?). Also, did you noticed new location just east from entrance to ank-dara hill passage? It's small cave 1 level above ground, no monsters (yet?) inside. Maybe try picking there? Or it's preparation for upcomming update?

○  ×  Sv.  ×  × Talk ×  ○   06:53, 11 November 2007 (PST)

Thats one of the many things I've wondered about, just for you to note:

Ive had people standing in front of the spectral tomb, on the switch at dls, by the mwalls at dls, and all around the Serpentine tower when switching the switch, trying things at dl's room, and trying different fields..
Just in case you want to try.
--Fenrir 09:19, 11 November 2007 (PST)

Just a note, at 2 up. The small cave currently up one floor is being used for a quest now, so it is most likely not related.
Elgarel Kator

i'm reading alot of discussions lately as i am trying to solve quests myself aswell...Anyway to get to the point the switch tile and the lever at the dragon spawn, the tile is obviously stuck or maybe doesn't work (yet) i don't know if anyone already found a way to free that lever from the pile of stones that are on top? but my guess is that if u succeed in that the lever will make the switch-tile work again or fix it. Seeing that there are alot of levers and such that have something to do with this i think that one of the levers in the tower will remove the stones on the lever at the drag spawn...Anyway the lever must be pulled before that tile will work im sure..but again same problem, HOW to do that :P

p.s. the part where fe is related to fire sounded quite logical maybe its something in that direction to free the vamp/behe (maybe the stones/lever at drags since behe is earth liek thing with his rock trow) "just my 2 cents"

I was thinking about... maybe the torch means fire, so when you use it it releases the fe, maybe if you use bones or skulls, it would release the behemoth. And maybe if you use blood or something like that, it would release the vampire, don't you think? O.o Although, I'll need to investigate this deeply! :) --Rinoa of Refugia

blood/skull on the tile at dls? Nice idea!
--Fenrir 21:53, 6 March 2008 (UTC)

Now maybe, I got some weird theory. Here you are: Torch -> Fire elemental -> Fire elemental room -> tile with skulls -> blood -> vampire? O.o Rin 15:38, 10 March 2008 (UTC)

Look closely, and you will see that under the rocks at the ankh 7x drag you can see a lever.
--Fenrir 15:59, 15 April 2008 (UTC)

I don't know if you guys realized that, and it won't be very usefull, but if you look closely, you'll see that under tha skulls on the Behemoth Cage, there's another lever. Also, you can't move the two pots on each side, but you can move de middle one. That's without mentioning the smoke on both sides of the altar...That can't be just decoration, even because there's a relation between fire and smoke...Also, if you read all the documents that you can find on the Serpentine Tower, you'll find 5 diferent spells...Maybe if 5 persons, on the five tiles on the Djinn cage, use the right spells, something will happen.Hikimaru_Allas

That is interesting indeed, although there are som spells (the one that turns you into stone) that don't excist (yet)...

UnitRico 05:49, 16 October 2008 (UTC)

just some thoughts:

Stone Skin Amuletyesyes
Blood Orb--
Carrot of Doom--
Wand of Infernoyesyes
Ring of Wishes--
Boots of Hasteyesyes
Horn of Sundering--
Boots of Waterwalking--
Demon Helmetyesyes
Blessed Ankhyes-
Djinn's Lamp--
Frozen Starlightyes-
Amulet of Loss(-)(yes)
Portable Hole--
Wand of Dragonbreathyesyes
Backpack of Holdingyes-

A lot of those items are uberrare or not to obtain at all. The two wands are quite mundane and the SSA as well. The Blessed Ankh isn´t too hard to get, too.

So maybe it is possible to place the 4 items at the coalbasins and then to pull the lever.
Sadonic (Page/Talk), Seeker of Myth (Page/Talk),
09:05, 7 January 2009 (UTC)

New lead?[]

In the quest room where you recieve your white pearl there is a barrel. inside the barrel is 4 pieces of iron, note how there are four "sacraficial" basins in the djin room.

Maybe these pieces of iron could be placed on them and reveal something somehow? -Tanner104

Did you try putting them on the basins and pulling the leaver? Or should I go out of my way to try it?

Fire Assassin 01:57, 19 April 2008 (UTC)

Lol yes i did. nothing appeared to happen. i also noticed that there are 5 items on the counter in the quest room, twigs, leaves, moldy cheese, skulls and a bone. there are also 5 squares that appear to be switches, i tried putting them on the switches but nothign happened. have not yet tried people on the switches + iron on the basins whilst pulling the lever, cant find much people interested.

Empty coal basin[]

Did anyone try to set them on fire, with the new firebug around?

Some interessant[]

Well, i see all the days this page but today i maked the register, the reason i maked lots of proves of this quest, and dont take nothing clear, but i see 2 things that nobody comments. fisrtly is in the room are 3 marks that are a pool of some, one red , one blue and one green, i used in green pool a vial of slime, in blue a vial of water, and in the red cant use it a vial:O, the misterious of this is that the green and the blue pools dissapears!!:P But can do anything with the red pool. The second thing is this: All tells about in this room are skulls, moldy cheesee etc, but some entered just passed the server save? think no, in the daily respawns, appears in the barrel 4 pieces of iron or some dont remember the name atm:P, but prove it and will see;). Please if someone finds some interessant post it :P.

I could not find the red splash and I could not put the green or blue one in a vial or anything else, either, and they would not disappear.

I noticed there are 4 energy fields in the coal basins at the top of the tower, is it possible to make the same thing to the ones downstairs?

Since you can set fire to an empty coal basin with a firebug, and it does -not- work in the basement with those 4, something DEFINETLY is up with them.

Maybe shoot energy fields on the ones downstairs? Sadonic 07:33, 28 April 2008 (UTC)

just a thought...[]

This is just my thoughts on the mystery here... There are 4 coal basins and 4 creatures right? And the difficulty progression is FE, djinn, vamp, behemoth. So how about for the coal basins fire bug (for the FE), djinn lamp (for the djiin), vial of blood (for the vamp), and a rock (for the behemoth). The rock is just from what someone else said about them being earth based so if anyone can come up with somethin else thats cool. Also, alternates for the vamp might be a garlic necklace or a mirror. I can't take vamps or behemoths though so I won't be able to test this. Anyone else want to give it a shot?


YO when i tell yu i used a vial of slime in the green pool i refers that I USE A VIAL OF SLIME(not empty) in the green poll and when the green pool yu droped dissapear the green mark dissapear to, and same with water, and the red mark of blood is under the paper in the table(all in the room near with pearl quest. And the fire bugs dont makes fire in the coal basins.


YO when i tell yu i used a vial of slime in the green pool i refers that I USE A VIAL OF SLIME(not empty) in the green poll and when the green pool yu droped dissapear the green mark dissapear to, and same with water, and the red mark of blood is under the paper in the table(all in the room near with pearl quest. And the fire bugs dont makes fire in the coal basins.Xeskomen 04:07, 20 May 2008 (UTC)Xeskomen

@ up: im not understanding what you're saying could you be more clear :S. ~Elg

Tower NPC??[]

I've tried to talk with the npc in the tower "Tothdral" and I've found something interesting in his speach:

Player: ankrahmun
Tothdral: This city is as old as the sands that surround it, and it is built on previous settlements that date back even further in time. Perhaps only the wisescarabs know the full story of this place.
Player: scarabs
Tothdral: If you know how to listen to them they will reveal ancient secrets to you.
Player: ancient secrets
Player: wise scarabs
Tothdral: If you know how to listen to them they will reveal ancient secrets to you.

14 June 2008 Toughie

Pieces of Iron and Energy Field[]

When we get the pearls at that teleporter room, after server save, there are 4 pieces of iron in a barrel. I tried putting them at the coal basins ant using the djinn's lever, but nothing happened.

IF you take a look at the top of the tower, there are four coal basins with a energy field at the top of each... Maybe we could try doing the same....

Fap8D 15:06, 21 June 2008 (UTC) Rictor

Alright listen up here when you talk to the npc Say Ankrahmun Scarab undead these will all give responces not sure what to make of it tho Xarathir 03:26, 19 July 2008 (UTC)Xarathir HoneraXarathir 03:26, 19 July 2008 (UTC)

Switch under the energy field.[]

The switch under the energy field it to release the magic walls, in case someone close it while you are inside it. So forget about any other use for it

I actually think the Sarcophagus/Coffin in the south-western room has something to do with the Vampire. Maybe it's worth checking out?

UnitRico 13:25, 19 August 2008 (UTC)

just a thought[]

what if you needed to put a body of each of the creatures in the tower in order to acheive the next step. fire field on one of the basins, then djinn, then vamp, then behemoth? all these creatures can be found in and around ank, if someone wants to test that one out. ~Elgarel Kator

Maybe worth trying the following items on the basins:

1)White pearl/or fire field (pearl because you can find it - hint to valueables) 2)Black pearl (dropped by Vampire) 3)Small Emerald (dropped by Green Djinn) 4)Small Amethyst (dropped by Behemoth

Sadonic 09:20, 3 September 2008 (UTC)

U was wrong...[]

@Man who was telling that switch under energy field is made for disapear magic walls, that other ppl couldn't trap u... U was wrong. I just tried it with my friend and it didn't disapear m wall.

@tread. Also i tried to use Spectral stone at dastbins, bcuz spctral stone tomb is near that wall... But it didn' work...xd

Some thoughts[]

1) In the quest room, there is a BonE, HErbs (twigs), a MOldy cheese and 2 skulls, which resembles the creature's name, BEHEMOTH. Maybe the missing item is the Skull of RaTHa, as someone mentioned above. It looks like there are 3 skulls in the behe's cage.

2) In the same room, one can see an Amphora (loot of behes), the light bearer (which releases the FE), and a barrel (with 4 pieces with iron). Maybe some item -- a mirror? -- related to vampires must be put inside the barrel, or on its top. Legends say that mirrors don't reflect vampires' image, and they are made of iron (steel) and glass.

Thascius 13:49, 28 September 2008 (UTC)


In the serpentine tower there seems to be something funny going on...

Notice most things are 4 (4 switches, 4 monsters, 4 coal basins) I'm thinking the switches under the monsters, will have something to do with 4 coal basins, which are related to the monsters??

Edit: My friend released the vampire somehow, but he won't tell me why. He said the books in the library helped him, and it took him and his friend weeks to figure it out.

Watkins577 11:13, 1 November 2008 (UTC)

But 5 tiles and 2 coalbasins with smoke. Still I think you are right, 4 is an essential number in this.

Sadonic (Page/Talk), Seeker of Myth (Page/Talk),
12:03, 28 October 2008 (UTC)

I don't think the 2 coalbasins are for anything, but I've noticed at the top of the ankh library, just above arkothep, there are 8 items, and 2 coffins. Maybe we could try them on the 4 coal basins???

Watkins577 11:13, 1 November 2008 (UTC)

Maybe got a screenshot/list which items?
Sadonic (Page/Talk), Seeker of Myth (Page/Talk),
13:31, 3 November 2008 (UTC)

The items are...
17:56 You see a scarab amulet.
17:57 You see a blue gem.
17:57 You see a holy scarab.
17:57 You see a djinn's lamp.
These 4 are on top.
The other 4 are: Protection Amulet (under the blue gem), WODB(under the djinn lamp) ? Scarab coins under holy scarab, and ? small amethysts... I could be wrong about the small amethysts... and the ? means an unknown amount. Watkins577 18:14, 3 November 2008 (UTC)

Cip new article says theres no unsolved quest, that if theres a quest they leave npc clues
Kwigon the sharpshooter 13:40, 3 November 2008 (UTC)

I think you should have read it more carefully:

...Chayenne told me that they usually try not to leave players in the dark for too long and that you get the majority of quests from NPCs who also provide you with some useful hints. Nevertheless, there are some quests which are not explicitly mentioned somewhere and which do not show up in the questlog even if you have already found a hint...

This doesn´t say there ain´t unsolved quests!
Sadonic (Page/Talk), Seeker of Myth (Page/Talk),
14:14, 3 November 2008 (UTC)

I also noticed something else... on the bottom right corner on the top floor of serpentine tower, theres an unlit lamp... which is there at server save. We could try doing stuff with this...

Edit: Nevermind... but the torches are weird in the serpentine tower...
Watkins577 18:17, 3 November 2008 (UTC)

My opinion is that the library in the serpentine tower can give us a clue... i am facc right now but i searched the books here on wiki and read some of them and there i found something mystrious... in the books "Suns and Stars, Part I and II" is written something about special rituals, when some of them may happen and so on... read it on your own and you will understand.. then i read the book "The Larokhon" and there is written about a special time of the day when The Larokhons comes out... it is just a clue and i will try it when i have pacc again but maybe in this time someone else want to try it... the special time of which the book talks is the time between day & night when the sun disappears but the the darkness of the night is not available... maybe in this time try this special ritual with the coal basins or something else.. i think that one key to solve this quest is also the time when you do it and not only what items you need...

another idea is to loggout in the room where the djinn is and wait till next ss... because when once the fe get out of his cage the gate/door or something else this "door" cant be closed again and maybe its worth to try it while this door wasnt unlocked what is after ss... maybe this unlocking of the fe locks something else in this quest... if it won't work a friend can help you coming out so i think its worth to try...

much fun with it dudes.. i'll hope in the nearest time i'll find more to time to think about this quest because i want also to solve it or even come a step further

with friendly greetings Weloxis

What world are you on? If your on premia we can do it together. I also read them books and thought something was weird... If someone has a watch they can check the time... However I am a low level, and not much money so I cannot expreiment much.
Watkins577 20:33, 6 November 2008 (UTC)

I'm from Aldora.. but as i said im facc right now and i think my next pacc will follow to the next update.. i think i can handle it if smth happens..

with friendly greetings Weloxis

Ok, I can't see anything weird now, other than the torches, coal basins, lever, and the books Weloxis mentioned.

Watkins577 17:54, 9 November 2008 (UTC)

I thought of something, to do with the kitchen, north of the left coal basin is the carrot of doom, maybe a carrot, should be placed here, north of the second one is the horn of sundering, which could be to do with metal/iron, north of the 3rd is a blessed ankh, I thought it could have been related to a bone for ssome reason, and north of the last one is the portable hole, which is a stage of a sudden death, which could have something to do with skulls. All these can be foun din the kitchen and im going to try them now.
Watkins577 21:47, 12 November 2008 (UTC)

That is really good thinking! Good luck trying it out :)

UnitRico 06:55, 13 November 2008 (UTC)

Nope, it didnt work, but I think I was wrong with the horn, and/or the blessed ankh. Maybe a barrel is used instead of iron because it has the iron in it?

1 = Lamps on that hasnt been changed since SS (Off before SS)
2 = Lamp off that hasnt been changed since SS (It was off before SS too)
Anyone think this is weird?
Watkins577 15:20, 13 November 2008 (UTC)


I was exploring the serpentine tower in real tibia and in an ot server and i saw that there is a lever under the vampire in both but i will only talk what i saw on real tibia (tibia rl) when i enter the serpentine tower at the top where there is the stair to go down at the top there are four coal basins and then i was exploring ankra and i saw like 4 statues with rocks and i think that i need to get four rocks and put them there and put like 10k quest order (the paladin use the lever then the sorcerer then the knight and then the druid) or whatever is the order and i think cipsoft someday do like a interview to responde all players questions and when that day come someone im realy 100% sure someone would ask about the serpentine tower but someday maybe tomorrow or maybe next month or next year someone will finish this quest or maybe is not a quest maybe just like a joke cipsoft do

What about press the lever under energy field after server save[]

Could be interesant to press the lever under the energy field just after server save , and before releasing the fire elemental

I loged there a char so today after server save i will check if that's possible, and if that do something diferent, i have another char loged outside Serpentine tower so, in about 4 hours i will check it.

We should work hard on that quest, would be nice to discover one step more.

Edit -------------------

Didn't worked , still invetigating~

Fire elemental= Pot Filled with water.(To release the fire elemental you need to put a pot filled with water on the fire basin.) Behemoth= amphora Filled with????? (You can optain an amphora from a behemoth. (You can find one at the white pearl room) Vampire= Bowl filled with??? (You can optain a bowl from a vampire (You can find one at the upper floor) Green Djinn=???

Maby this solve some mistery

nice idea! Maybe for the vamp bowl filled with blood?
Sadonic (Page/Talk), Seeker of Myth (Page/Talk),
10:42, 3 January 2009

How about using a bowl filled with garlic? A cup filled with this can be bought in Ankrahmun, which is also needed to bake cookies needed for Blood brothers quests. Garlic seems more logical to me since water extinguishes fire. And Garlic is said to drive away vampires? However I don't have the means yet to discover this myself. Perhaps someone could go check it out? Interesting quest.

good thinking about the pot of water, the amphora of something..idk what it would be either.., the bowl of garlic, and maybe a djinn lamp dropped by the djinns. I'm not pacc right now so I can't try it right now tho. Also I got to thinking about another option. Someone talked about finding hints in the books but what if the hint IS the books. There is an Unholy Book (vamp), Cookbook (FE), Gemmed Book or Green Book dropped by green djinn's (djinn), and I'm not sure about the BE..maybe the Nature Magic Spellbook. Or even just the colors...green, orange, black, and brown. Just an idea

I was wondering if anyone has ever tried to place fire field, poison field, energy field and a throwing star on the basins in the djinn room. We have 4 kinds of magic pilars, and there are 4 basins, so maybe if they are put in the right way they could relese the vampmire/behemoth

Camioneto 23:22, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

The pot works without water as well, I tried it with other liquids as well, no change.
Sadonic (Page/Talk), Seeker of Myth (Page/Talk),
06:54, 9 January 2009 (UTC)

The vampire and the behemoth are standing on a Potection Zone, maybe that means they not suposed to get free, the fire elemental is not standing on PZ. Also I think the behemoth will never be hunteable in there since opening and closing the door to hunt it would be too good for CIP to allow.
Kwigon the sharpshooter 11:28, 24 May 2009 (UTC)

Just a question, how did you find out about them standing on a pz?
Watkins577 18:09, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
Edit: Maybe if their standing on pz they could be a npc that looks and acts like a creature (like the pig npc)

Neither of them seems to be standing in pz. I just tested targetting them and it was possible to do (doesn't it say something like "this action is not permitted in a protection zone" if you try to target something when you or the monster/player are in pz?). They are also turning towards you all the time when you walk around there which means they are not npc's.
Nevaran 19:54, 24 May 2009 (UTC)

Ok, just because they turn towards you does not mean that they are not npcs, they could be coded EXACTLY like the monsters, but be able to talk to.
Watkins577 19:58, 24 May 2009 (UTC)

They are monsters not NPCs, you can target them, monsters are not suposed to be on pz unless you rope them or make them go in a hole or they spawn in there. At banuta theres used to be a pitfall and you could throw monsters into a PZ sone, they frezze and don't attack you (you cant attack them because you where in pz too) they still move to see you. That hole was fixed you can't do that anymore. In serpentine tower is the same. If you kill the FE and wait in the room you can see the Behemoth and the vampire does not give you a battle log simbol, why? because they are standing on a pz they can't attack you, if you stay in the room with the FE locked you will get battle simbol, FE is not in PZ (he can target you even locked). Even if you open those doors the behemoth and the vampire wont move they will just stay there taking damage because they are on a pz that does not let them move or attack. If some day the behemoth and the vampire gives you a battle simbol that means CIP changed the room so the doors could be open.
Kwigon the sharpshooter 23:32, 24 May 2009 (UTC)

you get battle simbol from vamp and behe now! Flipje 22:55, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

Ok, this is my new theory. They are attackable npcs, or more like immune to everything monsters that can talk and do not attack you. E.g. like the spinning things (that are summoned by an archdemon... I cant remember their name). Except they can talk. Think about this, it makes sense. Watkins577 23:39, 24 May 2009 (UTC)

Define talk, like an npc? or like a creature? I dont think CIP would go to such lengths in programming to make npcs behave how creatures do and make them attackable, and creatures in PZ is before my time and sounds odd too. I wonder what Sadonic's theory is on this. :) beejay 23:59, 24 May 2009 (UTC)

Talk as in like the old npc way, and I said a creature that is like a deathslicer (I think thats right) just follows you around, immune to all known damages, except not attacking, and talking in behemoth/vampire language. Watkins577 00:01, 25 May 2009 (UTC)

Ah I get you now, but they would still talk on the default channel. You got the right idea about the deathslicer but it does attack you and you can kill them or..could, just not in the normal way. beejay 00:07, 25 May 2009 (UTC)

Or they are monsters with no programed attacks but I like more my PZ theory since I have see monsters traped in pz and they act like that.
Kwigon the sharpshooter 01:49, 25 May 2009 (UTC)

Then how can you attack them without it saying about not attacking in pz's? Watkins577 09:04, 25 May 2009 (UTC)

To me it is sort of like your theory of npcs, you said they are attackable yet immune to everything. I havent ever seen a creature in a pz so who knows, maybe it only says you cannot attack people in a pz, afterall it is a protection zone for people not creatures, right? beejay 10:38, 25 May 2009 (UTC)

I doubt they would put creatures in a pz... the closest it would be to that is they are surrouned by a pz to stop people getting battle, but whats the fun in that? I think we should make a big deal about this, since the rewards could literally be anything. Watkins577 18:17, 25 May 2009 (UTC)

Just go to Draconia, on the way there (still at Hellgate) there is a demon skeleton stuck on a protection zone. Back on topic; notice the switch at the dragon lords is stuck in that position, so why not look for a way to release it? Kazuaki 07:58, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

Actually that demon skeleton is standing on a normal tile in the middle of 8 pz tiles. So it's not in pz (since you can kill it), but surrounded by pz so it can't move or harm you. It was really annoying to go there on a knight in the past.
Nevaran 10:35, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

@up They removed 1 of the 2 demon skeletons, there is still 1 that cannot be killed.

Anyways; why not look for 4 items that aren't expensive, but difficult to get and make a list of them? Items that already existed when the Ankrahmun update was made. --Kazuaki 17:28, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

I know they removed it, that's why I said "It was really annoying to go there on a knight IN THE PAST."
The one that's still there is an npc. If you look at it you'll see "You see Demon Skeleton" and not "You see a demon skeleton". Also if you try to attack it you'll see "You may not attack this person". At least last time I was there...
Nevaran 18:02, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

If you are not in pz but the monster is in pz you can attack but they can't move or attack you (only time I saw this was with the bug at banuta, cip try to stop people making traps on a pitfall by addin pz but all they made by mistake was geting monsters inside tp, later they fix it by adding a pz fence around the pitfall). If you are in pz and the monster is in pz you can't attack him. Pz rules are abit diferent when the monster is the one in the PZ (monsters are not players). You can throw runes at NPC but you can't target them. I seriusly think that righ now you cant free the behe or vampire, if you manage some how to open those walls they will stay there geting shoot not moving, since cip knows that will hapen if the walls where openeable, am guessing you can't no open those walls, so right now geting free those monsters is not part of the quest. If in a future those monsters starts targeting you (behe and vamp) then start looking for a way to open the walls because that would be the sigh that they can be free, So for now stop wasting time, they can't be free as it is right now. Is just logic deduction.
Kwigon the sharpshooter 18:05, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

Abouth the DS i mention some time ago that he was turned into a NPC =P I think I asked that npc to be mentioned on some page.
Kwigon the sharpshooter 18:05, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

Just to clarify. The northern ds in hellgate was on a normal tile surrounded by pz. I know this because I tested standing on the tiles around it and on the tile it was on (after killing it) and I regenerated mana on the one it was on, but not on the surrounding tiles.
The southern one (the one that's still there?) was changed into an npc many many years ago. I think (but I might remember it wrong) the first time I was there it was a normal ds, but that must've been back before 7.5... After that it's been an npc. So I'm guessing they changed it sometime around 7.5 if not earlier.
I never saw the bug in tiquanda because the times I went down that hole before they changed it there were no monsters in it. So I don't know how that worked.
Nevaran 18:32, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

I am pretty sure i was there in 7.5 when both DS could be killed. After Beholder Helmet was introduced, which i think was client 7.6 December 2005 only north one could be killed. --DM ><((°> Contribs <°))>< talk to me 19:24, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

i have an idea has anyone tried to put the stuff on the coil basins and then pull the lever? kinda like in the 10k quest!!! i think that it might work can some1 try it out

pull the lever in the djinn room i mean

just need to find out what items to place.... to release the fire elemental u use the lamp which would make fire......so maybe to realease the vampire maybe put vials of blood of something on all 4 basins and pull the lever

under two floors of the djinn i found that there is a tp and a door of expertisefor lvl 75 and some red sprakling things any1 kno what that is i think it maybe be for HOTA but im not sure <--- Coment made by someone...

Probably the Djinn boss, also please remember to sign talk pages using 4 ~ ~ ~ ~
--Kwigon the sharpshooter 19:41, 10 July 2009 (UTC)

That is HOTA.

<badge user="Rathoz"/>
21:24, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Testing the Coal Basins[]

There are hundreds of items in Tibia, maybe we could try putting every single item on the coal basins and then using the switch. We'll need a big list to keep track of whats been done and whats left to do (maybe on a seperate page?). Anyone who wants to try will need 4 of each item they plan to test. I personally don't think the coal basins will require uber rare items like Anni rewards or rare equipment like DSM and stuff, so only use simple items like food and common items.

A good start will be various types of food (I tried carrots earlier), items the vamp/behe/green djinn drop and items related to the creatures (fire, blood, lamps, rocks and whatever). Also the npc said to listen to scarabs for secrets, maybe the items Ancient Scarabs drop might work :o

Its gonna take a long time to test stuff :x Light Blue 07:30, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

Actually, instead of 4 itesm I guess you could use one item and move it to each coal basin and use the lever switch after moving it.

Also I have a wierd idea: release the djinn, kill the djinn, get some mages to summon scarabs in the djinns area so they are trapped behind the energy fields (on the tiles that look like floor switches) and then try the lever. Light Blue 07:36, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

Anyone try to somehow translate or speak to NPC's with the text in one of the books. (Green in color) Here is what you will find in the book, maybe its related to that scarab language mentioned above?

Mehrah asram cha mehe than. Uth a'thul at cha there. Orum tha cha elik jahara. Udhun zah fahr mal. Chamek at uthul hatradek asram. Mehrem alir iktha at uthun. Kasin tha Ur ch helim doh. Mah dah direm. Athul as hathu, athul as dofah, athul as mereth. Cha ukhtu muhn dahra. Sethor mah amin dah. At meruhm cha me dah. Chamek persim kaharah bah tufi. Moh dah rah. Moh Udhin cha uthul. Meheth Zuhl tha berah.

Or maybe its an actual language? Idk.... --Mentor Aragoth 11:15, September 7, 2009 (UTC)

Most of the sentences in that piece of text are very short; making them seem like instructions.

So yeah you could try talking to Tothdral about them, or is there any way of talking to Arhkothep in the great pyramid? He might 'understand' them or something, remember there's no definitive answer as to whether a monster or an NPC, we have just assumed so far. (i think)

Devil on Refugia 14:11, September 20, 2009 (UTC)

I have talked with Tothdral and found out if you say mourned you get this back Tothdral: The dead mourn the living because they are weak and excluded from ascension. if you say ascension you get Tothdral: The essence of the true gods is omnipresent in the universe. We all share this divine heritage, for every single one of us carries the divine spark inside him. This is the reason we all have a chance to ascend to godhood, too. idont know what it means but i hope it can help if yor wondering how i found that out i just said bye to him and he said Tothdral: Strive for enlightenment, mourned mortal Kylemacc. if you also say Uthun he says The Uthun is the part of the trinity that is easiest to form. It consists of our recollections of the past and of our thoughts. It is that which determines who we are in this world and it gives us guidance throughout our existence.

when you say time he says Tothdral: Time is your problem. It is no longer mine.

The language[]

I tried to "translate" the text in the book (Mehrah asram cha mehe than. Uth a'thul at cha there. Orum tha cha elik jahara. Udhun zah fahr mal. Chamek at uthul hatradek asram. Mehrem alir iktha at uthun. Kasin tha Ur ch helim doh. Mah dah direm. Athul as hathu, athul as dofah, athul as mereth. Cha ukhtu muhn dahra. Sethor mah amin dah. At meruhm cha me dah. Chamek persim kaharah bah tufi. Moh dah rah. Moh Udhin cha uthul. Meheth Zuhl tha berah.) and I think it's a language. At least some words, for example; "Rah" means soul or something, so Moh dah rah is a sentence with "soul" in it. Uthun is another word (dont know the meaning yet)

Try to figure out more of this:
17:21 Cooh [96]: uthun
17:21 Ishebad: Consult a priest to learn how you could achieve ascension.
17:21 Cooh [96]: rah
17:21 Ishebad: Consult a priest to learn how you could achieve ascension.

Arhkothep is an NPC btw (the way he moves and so) but i think its like any king or so, you cant greet him with "Hi" it must be like "Hail~ something" (tried king,pharao, Arhkoteph and some more) //User:Coohie

If he walks close enough to you to let you talk to him and you say hi or hail he immediately walks to the next sqm instead of pausing like NPC's usually do. Maybe you need to find out what the "Ankrahmun word" for hi is. Like Djanni'hah is hi for djinns. I tested with djanni'hah as well, and same reaction. Also tested with random letter combos ("gaaar" for example) and got the same reaction then too.
It might also be that he walks away because he doesn't want to be disturbed by living beings. Which means you can't make him talk. He's still an NPC though.
Nevaran 18:49, November 9, 2009 (UTC)

Someone please try those[]

1) In the quest room, there is a BonE, HErbs (twigs), a MOldy cheese and 2 skulls, which resembles the creature's name, BEHEMOTH. Maybe the missing item is the Skull of RaTHa, as someone mentioned above. It looks like there are 3 skulls in the behe's cage.

Thascius 13:49, 28 September 2008 (UTC)

Fire elemental= Pot Filled with water.(To release the fire elemental you need to put a pot filled with water on the fire basin.) Behemoth= amphora Filled with????? (You can optain an amphora from a behemoth. (You can find one at the white pearl room) Vampire= Bowl filled with??? (You can optain a bowl from a vampire (You can find one at the upper floor) Green Djinn=???

nice idea! Maybe for the vamp bowl filled with blood? Sadonic (Page/Talk), Seeker of Myth (Page/Talk),

Why did you guys ignore that? They do make sense, especially the first one. It's very like CIP to make word games

I have an idea for the "portable hole" have you guys tried using a "SD rune"?

Also When u say this words.. he talks about it :

  • Ascension :The essence of the true gods is omnipresent in the universe. We all share this divine heritage, for every single one of us carries the divine spark inside him. This is the reason we all have a chance to ascend to godhood, too.
  • Akh :The Akh is a tool. As long as it is alive it is a burden and source of weakness, but if you ascend to undeath it becomes a useful tool that can be used to work towards greater ends.
  • Mourned:The dead mourn the living because they are weak and excluded from ascension.
  • Uthun :The Uthun is the part of the trinity that is easiest to form. It consists of our recollections of the past and of our thoughts. It is that which determines who we are in this world and it gives us guidance throughout our existence.
  • Rah :The Rah is what the ignorant might call the soul. But it's more than that. It is the divine spark in all of us, the source of energy that keeps us alive.
  • Pharaoh :The immortal pharaoh is our god and our example. He alone holds the secrets that will save us all from the greedy grasp of the false gods.
  • Time :Time is your problem. It is no longer mine.
  • Scarab :If you know how to listen to them they will reveal ancient secrets to you.
  • Ankrahmun :This city is as old as the sands that surround it, and it is built on previous settlements that date back even further in time. Perhaps only the wise scarabs know the full story of this place.

(Wapil 08:46, January 2, 2010 (UTC))

just an idea..[]

check this text that is on 1 of the books that is on the serpentine tower

Mehrah asram cha mehe than. Uth a'thul at cha there. Orum tha cha elik jahara. Udhun zah fahr mal. Chamek at uthul hatradek asram. Mehrem alir iktha at uthun. Kasin tha Ur ch helim doh. Mah dah direm. Athul as hathu, athul as dofah, athul as mereth. Cha ukhtu muhn dahra. Sethor mah amin dah. At meruhm cha me dah. Chamek persim kaharah bah tufi. Moh dah rah. Moh Udhin cha uthul. Meheth Zuhl tha berah.

compare it with sth demons yell: CHAMEK ATH UTHUL ARAK!

im almost sure that it is the same language..

maybe telling the text of the book to some1 who knows about demons or sth like that idk, maybe avar tar cuz he knows about the demon lords and things like that, i will check it out when i got time, maybe asking him about serpentine tower or telling him things the book says..

or if u know any other npc that may know about demons and things like that u can try it out

Rydok Xenn 06:50, January 8, 2010 (UTC)

Grave flower??????!!![]

did anyone find a grave flower in his backpack after doing the first part of the quest (fe-green dijin part) ?

i noticed a grave flower in my backpack after lighting the torch, im pretty sure it wasnt there before i started the quest

ill do the same thing after server save and see if i get a grave flower again.

another interesting thing is that grave flowers are dropped by vampires and green dijins.


So ive been going over every bit of info i can find about the tower in the last few days, and now im combing thru all the books in the room with Tothdral. Something interesting i noticed while talking with Toth and trying to get responses from him is that he has a trade window you can open. He doesnt sell anything, but does buy several pecular items.

Black Hood, Book of Necromantic Rituals, Book of Prayers, Cultish Mask, Cultish Robe, Dark Rosary, Elvish Talisman, Unholy Bone, Witch Broom

Any ideas on possible connections?

buying stuff[]

those things he buys is since last update. not since creating this quest Glij

ya i noticed afterward that they were all the new drops from creatures that came from the christmas update. Back to the drawing board. I'm starting to think its impossible to release the vampire in the current version of the game =/

Well, I've been thinking about this one and the Arkhothep room for quite long after doind a little research and this are my thoughts.

The blessed ankh that you get might be like a key to the pharaoh doors(Arkhothep), since:

- it can be "used"

- it's an ankh, and as we know it's a symbol to protect you from something (just like doors and magic walls)

- it's an ankh, could be that it's used in Ankrahmun?

It could also be a key to Serpentine Tower's mage room?

The magic walls there could be vanished through the Serpentine Tower, don't know. You can always check it out.

As for the Serpentine Tower, I always wondered why the Djinns sells equipment "for their armies". It's an assumption, but the equipement djinn sellers sell exactly 4 items. 4 coal basins? Djinn in the basement? Could be some bonds here. I also wondered if the power rings, magic light wands, normal ankhs could work on the basins.

There's also the levers area in Ankrahmun. If I remember correctly it's the arena that some thaian entered on a carpet. Could be the place where you actually need to pull them in right order to disable the magic walls under the Arkhothep room? It was said in some book that some thaian(mainland item to use here?) guy rescued a princess thrown into the arena using a flying carpet. Witchesbroom here? If so, I don't know where/how to use it.

And IMO the Serpentine Tower is connected with the arena levers. Maybe one of the lever rooms in the arena opens up when u do something with the levers in Serpentine Tower, or the Djinn steps on some tile... :S There's really so many possibilities, lol. :P

Well just my assumptions, maybe someone could check them out as I'm very busy irl nowadays.

Al Sanctus 14:45, January 22, 2010 (UTC) Al Sanctus

i just checked if anything happens in the arena when i push the levers in the fire or djin part. couldnt discover any changes

Glij 19:02, January 28, 2010 (UTC)

some more clues[]

hi guys, this is the first time I write in here, but I've been reading it for long time, I've done the quest a few times, only getting to free the djinn(as everyone) but I have some things to say.

First of all, some people say that it's impossible to free behe and vamp because they are npcs, or they ar in pz. This all isnt true, they are monsters, they arent in pz, they follow you when you move around, and you can target them.

the problem as everyone knows is to make work the lever of djinn, I have some guesses.

1ºWe may have to pay attention to the time in tibia(maybe it only works at night of tibia) paying attention to what it says in the "sun and stars".

2º as some people noticed, the quest resets itself after some time(I dont know exactly how long does it take) but maybe every hour or even less.

I think this means that in case you do something wrong you can try it again after the quest is done.

3º. as we see the vampire, fe, and behe are in cages with the same look, and maybe, djinn lever doesnt open them, maybe

we need to open them with something in the tower(using lamp opens fe) but maybe if we dont open fe, and do something else we can open vamp(example. puting moldy cheese on pool of slime, skulls on blood, and some bowl or something like that on pool of water).

4º. as we can see the things inside white pearls room, seem to be some ingredients for a recipe, maybe we need to "cook" them, or put them together or something like that on the coal basin(I tried some things, but not all the possibilities).

5º. tothdral(the priest) always says somethig about "scarabs are the clue" . maybe we need to try scarabs coins, in big numbers and use djinn lever, tryin 1 scarab ccoin each bassin, then 2 scarab coins, then 3... until 50 to see if something happens.

For now this are my thougts, hope some of them works. GL


I dont know if anyone said it already, but over arkhothep, there is a tomb with some objects that can be found, and

the funny thing is that there are 4 on the top, 1 of them is very very rare, maybe this 4 items are needed.

scarab amulet, holy scarab,blue gem, djinns lamp.

also under those items u can see a wand of draconia(under it a snake rod) and under the holy scarab some scarab coins

maybe this items are the ones needed, just a thougt,


New approach[]

Couldn´t it be that the creatures in the serpentine tower refer to levers/other things somewhere else?

1) Fire Elementals: The first creature you meet is the Fire Elemental, you free it with using the torch - the place in the mountain north of Ank with the lever is full of FE (Dragonlord spawn). Maybe something happens there if the FE is killed or the torch is used. <- I´m going to try that out!

2) Vampires: There is a Vampire spawn near Edron with an unaccessible lever (near Stonehome Village). What happens there if the lever at the vampire in the Serpentine Tower is pushed?

3) Djinn: The Djinn can be freed, is there any Djinn place suspicious?

4) Behemoth: Anyone knows about strange things at Behemoth spawns?

Sadonic (Page/Talk), Seeker of Myth (Page/Talk),
09:34, February 4, 2010 (UTC)

Priest in PoH temple knows rather a lot about demons, so maybe some1 should try to consult the weird language from book with him?Yxil 18:25, February 13, 2010 (UTC)

Smoke Fields[]

Also what about the Smoke Fields... whenever you see Banshees there are Smoke Fields nearby... in the tower there were 2 near the altar, and there's that NPC, so called "the Crone" (banshee image) which I don't know anything about... does it really exist? Wikia doesn't give any specific information of it's purpose, does the Crone have any connection with HotA quest? Anyone could check this out? If not, maybe it's time to check some keywords wit her (sacrifice, altar, blood, raven, arkhothep, akh, etc.; and all those other stuffs starting from the book written in the ancient language and finishing with ankrahmun NPCs) :-P ??

Al Sanctus 02:44, February 15, 2010 (UTC)Al Sanctus



it doesnt destroy everything thats discovered so far. there are alot mor eoptions to look at. and u do get a battle sign from the behe and the fe. on www.tibia.com at the roleplay forum there is a topic about this quest. and they gave alot of interesting options there. Glij 12:40, April 9, 2010 (UTC)

I noticed that I only got a battle sign at the first time I went down to fire elemental... and djinn. When I go up after that, wait for it to disappear and go down again I dont get any. Strange... (I think you allways get the battle sign if you go down the first time after a floor reset/sever save) Magus Firefly 17:11, April 27, 2010 (UTC)

I've noticed if a creature can't hit you then you will not keep a battle sign. Easy way to test this is to get some penguins and trap them in, they will keep following your direction while trapped but cannot give you a battle sign because they cannot reach you with their attacks. This is a thing that has changed somewhat recently, probably since Yalahar or Zao therefore not all work done for this quest is destroyed or useless, it is a change that Cip has made. Beejay 13:12, August 29, 2010 (UTC)


The name and coiled construction of the tower are references to snakes. I found some interesting myths related to snakes on the web:

"Poison and medicine
Serpents are connected with poison and medicine. The snake's venom is associated with the chemicals of plants and fungi (...) that have the power to either heal, poison or provide expanded consciousness (and even the elixir of life and immortality) through divine intoxication." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serpent_(symbolism) )

On the counter there are leaves, twigs and moldy (fungus) cheese. NPCs mention immortality as the ultimate goal. Maybe someone was trying to cook this elixir. Another different myth regarding snakes:

"Philip's angle was that the mixture of both the snake venom and blood was perhaps the original 'elixir of life' and this is what made his thesis refreshing and exciting. In his manuscript Philip stated that these two properties of the one snake were mixed in a 'human skull cap' - adding that this "bowl" was possibly the origin for the Holy Grail vessel." (http://www.garyosborn.moonfruit.net/#/serpent-grail-notes/4517532387)

There are slime (venom) and blood spots, and skulls in the room. Maybe, a different approach to get the elixir.

Thascius 18:24, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

I've heard something about a hidden switch in the wall in some tomb in ank that sets the vampire free. Might be roumors but the tomb that comes in mind is that pacman tomb, you guys think that has something to do with this quest?

Someone solved the quest today on Honera, the reward is a Warlord Sword


Most of the NPCs talk about ascension and undeath as the main goal. the NPC Rahkem says that the pharoah can open the path to ascension and can reverse the great suffering. If you say "great suffering" to Tothdral in the tower, he says -The great suffering is a phase of steady decline that will end eventually in void and emptiness unless some divine power such as our pharaoh will reverse it. Mend your ways and follow him! Perhaps you will be chosen to join him in his noble struggle.

Maybe you have to find a way to talk to Arkhothep and do something for him, or somehow join the struggle by talking to the vizier or something, or do a mission for someone to start following the pharoah and be chosen?

Craftyjack 06:45, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

Uhm, get your facts straight before you spread rumors that this quest has been solved. In this thread the Honera guy admits on the second page it was a fake joke (friends posted they had "seen" his warlord sword but ofc you can copy the stats from wiki and write "You see a warlord sword..." easy as that).

But the serpent hints and new ideas for approaching a possible solution are welcome.

Barathorn 07:49, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

Ok, I think we should look at every book in tibia that has anything to do with snakes/serpents in it. This could give us some clues.

Edit: I think this could do with basilisk, the snake "person" in the kaz mines. Think about it - Basilisk - Serpentine Tower. Watkins577 18:03, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

something interesting[]

Hello everybody, this is my first edit in tibiawiki, i had been reading the discussion and I was investigating about this quest when i was pacc, on Honera. I looked for clues exclusively in the Tower and Ankramun libraries, and i noticed for something that could be very interesting, thinking like Cip and their word games...

We find in serpentine Tower 8 "Researchnotes" ( 4*2 = 8 ), and each note haves a CODE (One letter and Four numbers)

I will list the Codes in Order:

74-08 G <--- Research into improving the Find Person spell.

35-22 D <--- Research into the "Foeburner" spell.

56-09 A <--- Summoning strong demonic creatures.

33-16 H <--- Researching the "stoneskin" spell.

88-04 F <--- XXXXXX research has been abandoned at the request of the pharaoh.

77-04 D <--- Research into the "move earth" spell.

44-33 C <--- (This is the one over the Table, Above the blood spot) Completion of the "Divination" spell.

02-56 A <--- Research on the cat-eye spell.

I tried Many things, first, I tried to order These Papers by alphabetical order, but no clue. second, i tried to make words with these letters, no clue, then I tried to order the Numbers, but I had no time doing so cuz of the pacc.

I find many suspicious things on these papers.

First, this is the ONLY place where you will find a "Paper", if is somewhere else you can find it. (post it please) but so far, i had only found these items in serpentine tower.

Second. The paper we find over the table (above the blood) haves different cualities compared with the rest, its "code" it's more regular than the other ones (44-33) and it's the only one with the "C" letter in the code.

As well, other papers have suspicious charasteristics, for example. the 88-04 F. It's the only "F", also it haves the Highest number

(88) and, moreover, it descripts a "XXXXXXX" Spell

Third. We can find several bonds with one paper and another. Example:

35-22 D

33-16 H

44-33 C

77-04 D

88-04 F

Unfortunately i couldn't complete this research and I'm not completely sure of it's Validity, but so far. nothing has been proven to be valid. And we have to keep an eye of EVERY detail of the tower and the possible places connected with it.

Hope it Helps :D

Beholder0904 04:36, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

Viracocha - Calmera ... Formerly Hechizero de Khorne - Honera

Anyone premium, come on Testa, on the pvp test server, and we can try and work it out together.

Im eupina hero, meet at ankh dp :P

Watkins577 22:16, September 12, 2010 (UTC)

Drunkness has something to do with it. Im sure about that. Killed FE. Lost battle. Went to FE floor, no battle. Unlocked and killed djinn, became drunk from it, went back up after losing battle. Battle popped up.

Watkins577 20:51, September 19, 2010 (UTC)

Simmilarity to Desert quest?[]

Havent you noticed the simmilarity to desert quest? The floor in the djinn room, the coal basins, the lever? I suggest it would be some kind of team quest, which cant be done solo. Maybe all 4 vocations? or 6 random players? (because of 6 spots to stand on) Then putting 4 items on the basins and pulling the lefer, just like in desert quest?

switch under the behemoth[]

I dunno if anyone has noticed but under the skulls where the behemoth is there seems to be this little brown bit of somthing that i think looks like a switch, also the stone i dunno if anyone remembers but in rookgard and the chain armor quest there is a stone that blocks a path and must be opened using a switch.

Serpentine Tower ~ thoughts[]


Maybe one of the keys is the "blood skull," which is obtained by turning in 1000 vampire lord tokens. Anyone tried this yet?

Iwishiknew1 05:26, June 5, 2011 (UTC)Kysh~

Someone had mentioned a friend told them that something in one of the libraries helped them. Well I was looking around and the library 1 building north of the tower has a book that is a quest item (it shows up in white txt "You have found a book.") This book says:

"In ancient tombs beneath the burning endless sands

Where neither sunlight reaches nor the pale-faced moon

The whispers of the long deceased traitors dance
Bloodthirsty creatures screeching an unholy tune

Dark are the mysteries surrounded by doomed cries

Uncurtained to the warriors of righteous mind

Who well-prepared with magic, sharpened blade and eyes

Step through the doors and leave their mortal fear behind."

It's a poem as you can see (every other line rhymes). I'm not sure what it means yet nor if it's related to this quest but I just found it interesting since someone said something about the libraries and this was in the library so close to the serpentine tower.

It refers to the ancient tombs quest and hints to the presence of the tombs. The final tomb of the quest, where you combine all pieces of the helmet, is underneath the library. Several elements of tombs are referred to in the poem. -- Sixorish 21:09, September 12, 2011 (UTC)

Can we finally crack this quest?[]

Is anyone still trying to figure this out?

I can't believe it's taken this long.

Let's spark up some interest again and get this quest cracked!

Connarhea 03:43, June 17, 2012 (UTC)


some of us are still at it

all help appreciated


FE & Green Djinn Spawn[]

I found something suspicious, this might be totally off but I don't know.

One day I tried to do some stuff, first I killed the FE, freed the GD, killed it. I logged out afterwards. Few hours later I came back. The FE was respawned. Instead of killing it, I went downstairs and there was still no GD. After going upstairs again and killing the FE, the GD was back.

That seems like the GD will only respawn when the FE is killed?

I'm going to test this some more times

Edit: After killing the GD again, the FE respawned. After killing the FE, the GD did not respawn.

Die to ascend?[]

Hope nobody minds rebirthing an old topic but i have recently restarted Tibia and this tower has intrigued me for 5+ years. Has anyone taken note of this hebrew translation(http://forum.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=29569027#post29569027) There is an apprently more accureate version a little bit down the page. Based on my research into this alot of people agree that ascension is the key/related heavily to this quest. A line from that translation reads something along the lines of "sacrifice your blood until we meet in temple", To me that says Die and go to temple(probably anks temple so i'd be a resident) Possibly with some form of ankh, most likely blessed i would say. Perhaps you will respawn as a ghost or ascended form temporarily. I would expect this to then either allow you to talk to an npc( the pharaoh in ank ? It's been theorised that he will only talk to the 'dead'). Or possibly reveal an item/location/tile/switch or something that cannot be seen used from the realm of the living. It does seem a little stupid to die for a quest but perhaps this is what CIP intended, great risk for great reward? I would love some input from others on this and perhaps someone with a low level blessed character could try it(in the tower ofc, maybe on a tile in the djinn room)? I hope i posted this correctly, new to wiki. Tsaf (talk) 07:10, May 22, 2013 (UTC)

Where I read about the "sacrifice our blood until we meet in temple"? 

This is written in the book, or NPCs say it?

Ashtamor from Venore can be part of serpentine tower quest. From ankrahmun books we know history about group of adventurers which are saved from the "hissing snakes". Snake can be here just High Templar Cobrass. Look that he is only creature that drop "vase". There is also amphora in behemoth room. Ashtamor is npc which sale vase and amphora. Here is what he says.

Ashtamor: I'm offering vases and amphoras, the perfect vessel for all kinds of dusty remains.

As we all know after killing flame elemental there is only dust. There is also obtainable vampire dust.

Ashtamor also can give you information about fire.

07:19 Hazga Roth [27]: fire
07:19 Ashtamor: The purging force of fire ... it helps to free souls and its smoke helps them to find their way to another world.

Is this reference to fire elemental also?

I also found 2 words which Ashtamor reacts on. -Slime and Creamatory (Look that slime is in serpentine tower on the table and in books of ankrahmun it is component of elixir)

07:01 Hazga Roth [27]: slime 07:01 Ashtamor: This man is so old and looks so unhealthy that I expect him to become my customer every day.
07:03 Hazga Roth [27]: crematory
07:03 Ashtamor: Such an ugly word for this wonderful place. It's a door, a portal to a better world.

Fugra's Guide[]

  • Red Sparkle Effect = Fail btw I mean you let the fire elemental out atleast ;)
  • Puff Effect = Means Exhausted/Cooldown tell server save
  • Tower Resets after 6 hours