
Basically start by killing nomad can take from a minute to 8 hours as in my case

11:03 You see a parchment. It weighs 2.00 oz. It seems to be a list of people to be eliminated. The first name on the list is 'Arito'.

Go to 'arito' hes at parcel selller in ank on +1 floor , the tavern owner

11:07 Mightkil [83]: list 11:07 Arito: What?? My name on a deathlist which you retrieved from a nomad?? Show me!! ...

11:07 Mightkil [83]: yes 11:07 Arito: Thank you thousand times! Well, I think I start telling you what I think they are after. ...

11:07 Mightkil [83]: yes 11:07 Arito: You have to know, I was one of them before I opened that shop here. Sure they fear about their hideout being revealed by me. Please go to the north, there is a small cavein the mountains with a rock in the middle. ...

11:07 Arito: If you stand in front of it, place a scimitar - which is the weapon of the nomads - left of you and make a sacrifice to the earth by pouring some water on the floor to yourright. ...

11:07 Mightkil [83]: yes 11:07 Arito: The entrance to their hideout will be revealed in front of you. I don't know who is in charge there right now but please tell him that I won't spoil their secret ... 11:08 Arito: ... well, I just told you but anyway .... I won't tell it to anybody else. Now hurry up before they get here !!

So go get a scimitar to enter
