
Isn't there also another variation of this which uses Royal helmet,blue robe, crown legs, demon shield, boh and aol/platinum amulet??

In my opinion, those Plate Legs should all be changed to Crown Legs, since they are stronger and just weight 15 oz. more than those weak Plate Legs, which also weigh less than Knight Legs.

Electrified Icon GenosonicMy ContributionsTalk

In my opinion, Plate Legs don't need to be changed from this set. They're only 15 oz less than Crown Legs like you said, but there's only a 1 Arm difference. I realize every armor point helps, but so do the 15 oz for a Mage carrying runes or mana fluids. - Lynx

You can make an additional note about the Crown Legs. Most mages i know wear Plate Legs or, like myself, do not wear any legs. Mostly the high level mages (120~+) wear something more than plate legs, that i know. --DM ><((°> Contribs <°))>< talk to me 18:36, 17 April 2006 (CDT) 11:47, 1 January 2007 (PST)

And now we also have Blue Legs that I use on my mage chars to free more cap, and for helmets we got alot to choose from Glacier Mask, Lightning Headband, Magma Monocle, Terra Hoodsince you get +2 arm for only 3.00 Oz instead of that silly hat... Nilja 13:40, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

i use hat of the mad or batwing hat for the extra ml it gives. maybe thats a good suggestion also. and key rings for the higer lvls also for the cap Glij 19:13, February 1, 2010 (UTC)

Why the Zaoan legs and not dwarven legs? Dwarven are lighter, which is always important for a mage, and have a better protection towards physical, although one less point armor. So basically, does the armor vs protection physical difference even out, and the weight would be the main difference?

I think Depth Ocrea should be considered as a part of Mage Set, don't you think? It has 8 armor and gives you 15% protection to mana drain. Lepperx (talk) 17:47, November 19, 2012 (UTC)