
Alreth, when the same link is twice or more used in some rows, I make alink of just one of them. That is why I didn't make a link of the second Bubble.  :) - Borr, 2 Mar 2005

Ah, I'm sorry. My misstake.

Alreth 06:03, 2 Mar 2005 (EST)

As there are different ways of reading the date 08/09/2006 (mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy), depending on the area one comes from (namely USA vs. europe), I suggest that the form dd/mmm/yyyy (08/SEP/2006) should be used.

The reason is, that I believe, that sunrise reached level 100 on 08.SEP.2006 rather then 09.AUG.2006 ...

EreglamMay the Force be with you ←  07:07, 19 September 2006 (PDT)