I am making a list of inaccuracies in these books. Do not correct them in the main section, here only, unless Cipsoft corrects the actual books in game. Once all the mistakes are noted, Cip will be informed of them. Thank You. --DM ><((°> Contribs <°))>< talk to me 18:36, 17 April 2006 (CDT) 19:32, 26 June 2006 (PDT)
List of Mistakes[]
Incorrect Word > Corrected Word
First Row
1. Introduction of the War of Welcome:
hasseled > hassled / orcis > orcish / reatake > retake
contend > content
4. Extended Vision :
enviroments > environments / sinner > singer /
wife > wives
Technomacers > Technomancers / geniusses > geniuses
9. I, GHOUL:
found > find
Row Two
11. The Prisonisle:
rebelious > rebellious / dishonorfull > dishonorable / live > survive
KAZORDOON > KAZORDOON" / beeing > being (3x) / bassilsk > basilisk (2x) / which name > whose name / i > it / none > noone / theese > these Dwarven Magic II:
ingrediants > ingredients
14. Dwarven Magic I:
abilites > abilities / theese > these
15. Dwarven report XII:
envoiced > invoiced
16. Dwarven report VII:
elementarist > elementalist (?) / unrevealed > unveiled or revealed / oppurtunity > opportunity / whicht > which
Row Three
22. War of Welcome Begins:
finaly > finally / theese > these
Row Four
33. Create Beer:
befire > before / gefore > before / suply > supply
35. The Brighteyes Legend:
Loosing > Losing / fellowsships > fellowships / setteled > settled / theese > these / britghteye > brighteye
Another unrelated note to the above: in row four, shelf 29 the author's name is vegabond spelled backwards, is this significant?