
Where did those rather strange EXP and HP points come from? ~ Xellos

Perhaps it was on the Test server or something? I don't know.. but they are very odd figures...


yes it was july test '06. knightmare summoned it after ferumbras was tested. I don't remember the numbers but those look familiar. of course who knows if those numbers are still true or if/when infernatil will come. --DM ><((°> Contribs <°))>< talk to me 18:36, 17 April 2006 (CDT) 16:38, 21 December 2006 (PST)

Hah, there's no way. How would people know how much exp/hp he has, if he hasn't been killed yet...


Do those items that it might have really need to be there?
.:: Grady -=- Contribs -=- Talk ::.

In the Freegoiz page there is a alert telling that freegoiz was only been sumoned in TS. And in nromal tibia has not be seen yet. Should Infernantil and the others r7 (Only the summoned ones) be added this alert too? ~Darth

If they have never been seen in-game (and we cannot prove that they exist in-game), then yes, the same alert would be very appropriate to put on the page.

-- Da mihi sis crustum Etruscum cum omnibus in eo
--  Whitelaces †  Talk †  -- 12:07, 8 March 2007 (PST)

Umm... why was the loot removed? The legendary orp (talk) 05:40, August 5, 2012 (UTC)