
The text says that some house gardens are protection zones. This implies some house gardens are not. Does anyone know any examples of house gardens that are not protection zones?
Bombur Thumper 07:25, 23 June 2007 (PDT)

Well houses have gardens by water: Thais- Upper Swamp Lane 12; Greenshore Village Villa ; Carlin- Lonely Seaside Hostel. Some guildhalls have these as well and i think all can be fished from. There may be others but i did not see them in my search. Anyone who reads this and can get into these or other similar houses report if you can/cannot fish there. My assumption is that it cannot be done since then people could macro-fish on their property, though at one time it may have been. --DM ><((°> Contribs <°))>< talk to me 20:45, 23 June 2007 (PDT)