
They as hard to loot as a DSM, so price should be around 45k.
--Kwigon the sharpshooter 14:40, 11 August 2009 (UTC)


Price should be 30-60k, note that the dsm price is only 45k because ncp buy at 40k price, so people don't mind pay 5k+ and use the dsm untill they get another armor, then they sell dsm at 40k and recover almost all cash. The problem with swamplair/crhtystaline and voltage armor is that they have no npc price, what makes then pretty much decoration itens with price coming down from 30k to up to 60k, more than that is extremely hard now that the itens are no longer very rare. Then Negotiable fits better items without npc price. Maguu 18:43, 11 August 2009 (UTC)
