cant say ive ever seen or heard of having more than 3 GS in that room/floor, maybe that info is from when u used to be able to lure away from spawns creating an over spawn
¿ DisÅstér Móntêiro ¤ Tãlk ¤ ¿
05:38, 18 April 2007 (PDT)
I guess it might have been over-spawned, but I have seen 4 GS... two near the water, one down the west passage and one down the middle passage. I don't remember ever seeing less than 4.
-- Demum, veniunt porci
-- Whitelaces † Talk † -- 06:35, 18 April 2007 (PDT)
If you walk the correct way to the skeleton, keeping north you will only face 3 GS. But, if you walk down the middle passage, there's an additional 1 or 2.