
Different kinds of chests[]

Since there are different types of Brass-Shod Chests (looks the same, but gives different loot), i wonder if we should make different pages for each type, or put more details on this one page, in notes, dividing it into categories like: -Forgotten knowledge quest chest, that gives heavy tome only once -cobra bastion chests that can be opened every 24h + possible loot -falcon bastion chests that can be opened every 24h + possible loot -Bounac chests that can be opened every 24h + possible loot -Journey island chest + possible loot (can it be opened more than once?) -more?
    ×  Sv.  ×  ×  Talk  ×     21:42, 10 December 2020 (UTC)

Foxmouse chest[]

the chest by the foxmouse is not brass-shod. It is Treasure Chest (Blue) Should it be removed from list? I think it is more likely for any random person to find information about the chest on this page than the blue treasure chest page but it really doesn't belong. Should it be added to Grimvale quest page instead?
