Player: hi
Sylvester: LONG LIVE THE {KING}!
Player: KING
Sylvester: Tibianus III is our beloved king! He rules over {Venore} from far away Thais.
Player: Venore
Sylvester: The harbour is to the north, the weapon market in the south, the general market to the west, and the bank to the east. You will find other shops and the Hard Rock Tavern in the centre.
Player: job
Sylvester: I am a protector of the people of Venore.
Player: army / guard
Sylvester: This information is confidential.
Player: swamp
Sylvester: The swamp is a dangerous place and full of monsters, not to mention all those swampelves living at shadowthorn, amazons, and swamptrolls.
Player: monsters
Sylvester: The swamp is full of nasty snakes and there's a dragon breeding ground somewhere in the swamps.
Player: amazons
Sylvester: They are the best example for the results of the Carlin madness.
Player: how are you?
Sylvester: That's classified information!
Player: news
Sylvester: Look for the Hard Rock Tavern to learn the latest news.
Player: bye