
Spies are agents conducting an undercover operation in order to secretly gather firsthand information on the enemy.

Name Job Buy/Sell Location
A Behemoth A Behemoth Spy The Spike 8 levels down.
A Dragon Lord A Dragon Lord Spy The Spike 7 levels down.
A Drillworm A Drillworm Spy The Spike 6 floors down.
A Lost Basher A Lost Basher Spy The Spike 7 floors down.
A Lost Husher A Lost Husher Spy The Spike 8 floors down.
A Lost Thrower A Lost Thrower Spy The Spike 7 floors down.
A Nightmare Scion A Nightmare Scion Spy The Spike 6 floors down.
A Vulcongra A Vulcongra Spy The Spike 6 floors down.
A Wyrm A Wyrm Spy The Spike 8 floors down.
Chester Kahs Chester Kahs Spy
Organisation Leader
Second floor of the Royal Army Headquarters.
Emma Emma Spy
Organisation Leader
Carlin, above the prison
Eustacio's Spy Rat Eustacio's Spy Rat Spy Rascacoon
Nor Nor Spy South in Krimhorn, west of the Ice Witch tower
Rata'Mari Rata'Mari Spy Mal'ouquah (Green Djinn Fortress).
Uncle Uncle Spy
Organisation Leader
On the third floor of Foreign Affairs