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Spells are magical syntaxes that, once cast, will consume some mana in order to produce the desired effect.

All spells require a certain amount of mana every time they are used, and also have a minimum level requirement. In addition to these restrictions, some spells can only be used by certain vocations.

You cannot use spells too rapidly, as the client will tell you that you are exhausted if you try to cast a spell too often. Note that you will not get muted for quickly casting spells, but you cannot cast spells while muted.

The skills of the magic user have a direct impact upon the effectiveness of most spells and runes. While your Magic Level has the largest impact upon the effect of spells, it is also effected by your level, but to a lesser degree.

Spells are useful for many different things. With spells, you can do almost anything from summoning a horde of skeletons to fight by your side, to generating magical light to illuminate your path.

There are two types of spells: Instant Spells, which give a direct result, and Rune Spells, which turn a Blank Rune into a spell rune.

SpellbookIf you are interested in a developed study of spellwords, take time to check the Magic Syllables page.

Instant Spells

The following spells have an instant effect.

Name Words Prem Level Mana Price Group Effect
Annihilation Annihilation exori gran ico 110 300 20,000 Attack Physical Damage Icon Attempts to execute the selected target with a devastating blow, dealing massive physical damage.
Apprentice's Strike Apprentice's Strike exori min flam 8 6 0 Attack Burned Icon Shoots a weak fire missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Arrow Call Arrow Call exevo infir con 1 10 0 Support Creates 3 Simple Arrows.
Avatar of Light Avatar of Light uteta res sac 300 1500 0 Support Avatar of Light (Outfit) Turns the player into an avatar that has multiple benefits.
Avatar of Nature Avatar of Nature uteta res dru 300 2200 Support Avatar of Nature (Outfit) Turns the player into an avatar that has multiple benefits.
Avatar of Steel Avatar of Steel uteta res eq 300 800 Support Avatar of Steel (Outfit) Turns the player into an avatar that has multiple benefits.
Avatar of Storm Avatar of Storm uteta res ven 300 2200 Support Avatar of Storm (Outfit) Turns the player into an avatar that has multiple benefits.
Berserk Berserk exori 35 115 2,500 Attack Physical Damage Icon Performs a whirlwind attack, dealing damage acording to the weapon characteristics to all surrounding targets.
Blood Rage Blood Rage utito tempo 60 290 8,000 Support Increases your melee attack skills (fist fighting, axe fighting, club fighting and sword fighting) by 35% for 10 seconds. Concentrating on the fight, a knight will neglect his defense being unable to block any attacks in this condition and suffers additional 15% of damage.
Bruise Bane Bruise Bane exura infir ico 1 10 0 Healing Restores a tiny amount of health.
Brutal Strike Brutal Strike exori ico 16 30 1,000 Attack Physical Damage Icon Performs a brutal attack on the selected target, dealing physical damage.
Buzz Buzz exori infir vis 1 6 0 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots a weak energy missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Cancel Invisibility Cancel Invisibility exana ina 26 200 1,600 Support Makes invisible creatures/players visible again.
Cancel Magic Shield Cancel Magic Shield exana vita 14 50 450 Support Removes an active Magic Shield from the player.
Challenge Challenge exeta res 20 40 2,000 Support Makes all creatures nearby change their target to the caster for at least 6 seconds.
Charge Charge utani tempo hur 25 100 1,300 Support Increases your speed by 90% for 5 seconds.
Chill Out Chill Out exevo infir frigo hur 1 8 0 Attack Freezing Icon Shoots a weak area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing ice damage.
Chivalrous Challenge Chivalrous Challenge exeta amp res 150 80 250,000 Support Chivalrous Challenge Icon Chains up to 3 creatures prioritizing ranged creatures. Creatures hit are turned into melee fighters for 12 seconds and change their target to the caster for 6 seconds.
Conjure Arrow Conjure Arrow exevo con 13 100 450 Support Creates 10 Arrows.
Conjure Explosive Arrow Conjure Explosive Arrow exevo con flam 25 290 1,000 Support Creates 8 Burst Arrows.
Conjure Wand of Darkness Conjure Wand of Darkness exevo gran mort 41 250 5,000 Support Conjures a Wand of Darkness.
Creature Illusion Creature Illusion utevo res ina "creature" 23 100 1,000 Support Turns you into a certain creature for three minutes.
Cure Bleeding Cure Bleeding exana kor 45 30 2,500 Healing Stops the Special Condition called Bleeding.
Cure Burning Cure Burning exana flam 30 30 2,000 Healing Stops the Special Condition called Burning.
Cure Curse Cure Curse exana mort 80 40 6,000 Healing Cures the Cursed condition.
Cure Electrification Cure Electrification exana vis 22 30 1,000 Healing Stops the Special Condition called Electrified.
Cure Poison Cure Poison exana pox 10 30 150 Healing Cures the status of being poisoned.
Curse Curse utori mort 75 30 6,000 Attack Inflicts cursed conditions on the target.
Death Strike Death Strike exori mort 16 20 800 Attack Cursed Icon Shoots a death missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Divine Caldera Divine Caldera exevo mas san 50 160 3,000 Attack Holy Damage Icon Calls down a rain of holy fire to purify the area around the caster, dealing holy damage in a radius of 3 squares.
Divine Dazzle Divine Dazzle exana amp res 250 80 250,000 Support Chivalrous Challenge Icon Chains up to 3 creatures prioritising ranged creatures in a 6 sqm range. Creatures hit are turned into melee fighters for 8 seconds.
Divine Empowerment Divine Empowerment utevo grav san 300 500 0 Support Deploys a 3x3 field of holy energy below your feet that lasts 5 seconds. As long as you stand in this field, the damage you deal is increased.
Divine Grenade Divine Grenade exevo tempo mas san 300 160 0 Attack Plants a marker at the feet of your target that explodes after 3 seconds dealing holy damage.
Divine Healing Divine Healing exura san 35 160 3,000 Healing Restores a great amount of health to the target. This spell when used will also cure paralysis.
Divine Missile Divine Missile exori san 40 20 1,800 Attack Holy Damage Icon Blasts the selected target with divine energy, dealing holy damage. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Electrify Electrify utori vis 34 30 2,500 Attack It deals Energy Damage over time.
Enchant Party Enchant Party utori mas sio 32 Varies 4,000 Support Raises the caster's and their party members' magic level by 1 for 2 minutes.
Enchant Spear Enchant Spear exeta con 45 350 2,000 Support Turns one ordinary Spear into an Enchanted Spear. You need to have at least one ordinary spear in your backpack to make one.
Energy Beam Energy Beam exevo vis lux 23 40 1,000 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots a 5 square long beam directly in front of the caster, dealing energy damage.
Energy Strike Energy Strike exori vis 12 20 800 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots an energy missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Energy Wave Energy Wave exevo vis hur 38 170 2,500 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots a powerful area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing strong energy damage.
Envenom Envenom utori pox 50 30 6,000 Attack Deals poisoned condition
Eternal Winter Eternal Winter exevo gran mas frigo 60 1050 8,000 Attack Freezing Icon Summons a raging blizzard, dealing extremely high ice damage on a total of 64 squares around the caster. The spell deals about 5-10% more damage than Wrath of Nature, but its area of effect is smaller.
Ethereal Spear Ethereal Spear exori con 23 25 1,100 Attack Physical Damage Icon Throws a magical spear at the selected target, dealing physical damage based on the distance fighting skill.
Executioner's Throw Executioner's Throw exori amp kor 300 225 0 Attack Throws your weapon on your target, bouncing it on nearby enemies.
Expose Weakness Expose Weakness exori moe 275 400 400,000 Support Expose Weakness Icon Increases the sensitivity of all creatures in an area (4 sqm radius) to all elements by 4% for 16 seconds.
Fair Wound Cleansing Fair Wound Cleansing exura med ico 300 90 500,000 Healing Restores a medium amount of health.
Fierce Berserk Fierce Berserk exori gran 90 340 7,500 Attack Physical Damage Icon Performs a furious whirlwind attack, dealing high damage acording to the weapon characteristics to all surrounding targets
Find Fiend Find Fiend exiva moe res 25 20 1,000 Support Tells you which direction the nearest fiendish creature is, relative to you, and a rough idea of the distance.
Find Person Find Person exiva "name" 8 20 80 Support Tells you which direction a certain player is, relative to you, and a rough idea of the distance.
Fire Wave Fire Wave exevo flam hur 18 25 850 Attack Burned Icon Shoots an area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing fire damage.
Flame Strike Flame Strike exori flam 14 20 800 Attack Burned Icon Shoots a fire missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Food (Spell) Food (Spell) exevo pan 14 120 300 Support Creates various kinds of food.
Front Sweep Front Sweep exori min 70 200 4,000 Attack Physical Damage Icon Performs a powerful cleave attack, dealing strong damage acording to the weapon characteristics to the targets in front of the knight.
Gift of Life Gift of Life 300 ? 0 Healing Under certain circumstances, heals the player before taking otherwise fatal damage, giving them a second chance.
Great Death Beam Great Death Beam exevo max mort 300 140 0 Attack A beam spell that deals death damage.
Great Energy Beam Great Energy Beam exevo gran vis lux 29 110 1,800 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots a powerful, 8 square long beam directly in front of the caster.
Great Fire Wave Great Fire Wave exevo gran flam hur 38 120 25,000 Attack Burned Icon Shoots an area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing fire damage.
Great Light Great Light utevo gran lux 13 60 500 Support Provides illumination in a 4 tile radius around the caster (area effect). Duration is 11 minutes, 35 seconds.
Groundshaker Groundshaker exori mas 33 160 1,500 Attack Physical Damage Icon A massive stomp dealing damage acording to the weapon characteristics in a 3 square meter radius.
Haste Haste utani hur 14 60 600 Support Increases your base Speed by 30% for 30 seconds. Cures paralysis.
Heal Friend Heal Friend exura sio "name" 18 120 800 Healing Heals a specified player. This cannot be used on yourself anymore.
Heal Party Heal Party utura mas sio 32 Varies. 4,000 Support The Heal Party spell will increase the regeneration speed of players on his party to 20 hit points every 2 seconds for a period of 2 minutes, totaling up 1200 hitpoints.
Hell's Core Hell's Core exevo gran mas flam 60 1100 8,000 Attack Burned Icon Causes a devastating explosion of flames, dealing extremely high fire damage on a total of 73 squares around the caster. The spell deals about 5-10% more damage than Rage of the Skies, but its area of effect is smaller.
Holy Flash Holy Flash utori san 70 30 7,500 Attack Makes the target become dazzled, receiving holy damage over time.
Ice Burst Ice Burst exevo ulus frigo 300 230 0 Attack Casts a powerful ring of ice around the character.
Ice Strike Ice Strike exori frigo 15 20 800 Attack Freezing Icon Shoots an ice missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Ice Wave Ice Wave exevo frigo hur 18 25 850 Attack Freezing Icon Shoots an area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing ice damage.
Ignite Ignite utori flam 26 30 1,500 Attack Deals Fire Damage over time, similar to Electrify.
Inflict Wound Inflict Wound utori kor 40 30 2,500 Attack It inflicts an open wound on the enemy target inflicting Bleeding condition making them lose health over time.
Intense Healing Intense Healing exura gran 20 70 350 Healing Restores a medium amount of health and cures paralysis.
Intense Recovery Intense Recovery utura gran 100 165 10,000 Healing A healing effect in intervals over time that heals 40 health points every 3 seconds for 60 seconds (total of 800 health points).
Intense Wound Cleansing Intense Wound Cleansing exura gran ico 80 200 6,000 Healing Heals a large amount of hit points.
Invisible Invisible utana vid 35 440 2,000 Support Makes the caster invisible to some creatures. Duration is 3 minutes, 20 seconds.
Lesser Ethereal Spear Lesser Ethereal Spear exori infir con 1 6 0 Attack Physical Damage Icon Throws a magical spear at the selected target, dealing physical damage based on the distance fighting skill.
Lesser Front Sweep Lesser Front Sweep exori infir min 1 6 0 Attack Physical Damage Icon Performs a cleave attack, dealing damage to the targets in front of the knight.
Levitate Levitate exani hur up
exani hur down
12 50 500 Support Permits vertical movement via levitation, up or down one level.
Light Healing Light Healing exura 8 20 0 Healing Restores a small amount of health and cures paralysis.
Light Light utevo lux 8 20 0 Support Provides illumination in a 3 tile radius around the caster (area effect). Duration is 6 minutes, 10 seconds.
Lightning Lightning exori amp vis 55 60 5,000 Attack Stronger version of Energy strike, can do around 50% more damage and has a 5 square range making it a very useful long-range single target spell.
Magic Patch Magic Patch exura infir 1 6 0 Healing Restores a small amount of health. (Cures paralysis)
Magic Rope Magic Rope exani tera 9 20 200 Support Teleports you up through a hole when you are standing in a Rope Spot.
Magic Shield Magic Shield utamo vita 14 50 450 Support Damage taken reduces Mana instead of Hit Points. Duration is 180 seconds.
Mass Healing Mass Healing exura gran mas res 36 150 2,200 Healing Heals all players and summons around the caster and will also heal the caster.
Mud Attack Mud Attack exori infir tera 1 6 0 Attack Poisoned Icon Shoots a weak earth missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Nature's Embrace Nature's Embrace exura gran sio "name" 275 400 500,000 Healing Heals a specified player.
Physical Strike Physical Strike exori moe ico 16 20 800 Attack Physical Damage Icon Shoots a physical damage missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Practise Fire Wave Practise Fire Wave exevo dis flam hur 1 5 0 Attack Burned Icon Shoots a fire attack in the shape of a cone in the direction the caster is looking, similar to Fire Wave.
Practise Healing Practise Healing exura dis 1 5 0 Healing Restores 4-7 health. (Cures paralysis?.)
Protect Party Protect Party utamo mas sio 32 Varies 4,000 Support The Protect Party spell will raise the shielding by 3 for 2 minutes for every party member standing on one of these fields.
Protector Protector utamo tempo 55 200 6,000 Support Increases the knight's shielding to 220% for about 12 seconds. During this time, it will also reduce all damage the knight receives by 15%. Concentrating on his protection, the knight's attacks and spells have a -35% penalty during this period of time.
Rage of the Skies Rage of the Skies exevo gran mas vis 55 600 6,000 Attack Electrified Icon Invokes an immense lightning storm, dealing extremely high energy damage on a total of 85 squares around the caster. The spell deals about 5-10% less damage than Hell's Core, but its area of effect is larger.
Recovery Recovery utura 50 75 4,000 Healing A healing effect in intervals over time. that heals 20 health points every 3 seconds for 60 seconds (total of 400 health points).
Restoration Restoration exura max vita 300 260 500,000 Healing Restores a very large amount of health and cures paralysis.
Salvation Salvation exura gran san 60 210 8,000 Healing Heals a huge amount of hitpoints.
Sap Strength Sap Strength exori kor 175 300 200,000 Support Sap Strength Icon Reduces the damage done by all creatures in an area (4 sqm radius) by 10% for 16 seconds.
Scorch Scorch exevo infir flam hur 1 8 0 Attack Burned Icon Shoots a weak area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing fire damage.
Sharpshooter Sharpshooter utito tempo san 60 450 8,000 Support Increases the distance skill of the paladin by 40% for 10 seconds. While the spell is in effect, the paladin's speed is reduced by 70%, they cannot cast healing, support or supply spells.
Strong Energy Strike Strong Energy Strike exori gran vis 80 60 7,500 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots a powerful energy missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Strong Ethereal Spear Strong Ethereal Spear exori gran con 90 55 10,000 Attack Physical Damage Icon A strong version of the Ethereal Spear spell.
Strong Flame Strike Strong Flame Strike exori gran flam 70 60 6,000 Attack Burned Icon Shoots a powerful fire missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Strong Haste Strong Haste utani gran hur 20 100 1,300 Support Increases your base Speed by 70% for 21 seconds. Cures paralysis.
Strong Ice Strike Strong Ice Strike exori gran frigo 80 60 6,000 Attack Freezing Icon Shoots a powerful ice missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Strong Ice Wave Strong Ice Wave exevo gran frigo hur 40 170 7,500 Attack Freezing Icon Shoots a powerful, but short ranged area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing strong ice damage.
Strong Terra Strike Strong Terra Strike exori gran tera 70 60 6,000 Attack Poisoned Icon Shoots a powerful earth missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Summon Creature Summon Creature utevo res "creature name" 25 varies 2,000 Support Summons a creature to help you.
Summon Druid Familiar Summon Druid Familiar utevo gran res dru 200 3000 50,000 Support Summons a Druid Familiar which lasts 15 minutes.
Summon Knight Familiar Summon Knight Familiar utevo gran res eq 200 1000 50,000 Support Summons a Knight Familiar which lasts 15 minutes.
Summon Paladin Familiar Summon Paladin Familiar utevo gran res sac 200 2000 50,000 Support Summons a Paladin Familiar which lasts 15 minutes.
Summon Sorcerer Familiar Summon Sorcerer Familiar utevo gran res ven 200 3000 50,000 Support Summons a Sorcerer Familiar which lasts 15 minutes.
Swift Foot Swift Foot utamo tempo san 55 400 6,000 Support Increases the paladin's speed by 80% for 10 seconds, they however can not attack or use attack spells during this time.
Terra Burst Terra Burst exevo ulus tera 300 230 0 Attack Casts a powerful ring of earth around the character.
Terra Strike Terra Strike exori tera 13 20 800 Attack Poisoned Icon Shoots an earth missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Terra Wave Terra Wave exevo tera hur 38 170 2,500 Attack Poisoned Icon Shoots a powerful area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing strong earth damage.
Train Party Train Party utito mas sio 32 Varies 4,000 Support Raises the Fist Fighting, sword, axe, club and distance fighting skills of party members in a range of 36 square meters around the caster by 3 for 2 minutes.
Ultimate Energy Strike Ultimate Energy Strike exori max vis 100 100 15,000 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots a very powerful energy missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Ultimate Flame Strike Ultimate Flame Strike exori max flam 90 100 15,000 Attack Burning Icon Shoots a very powerful fire missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Ultimate Healing Ultimate Healing exura vita 30 160 1,000 Healing Restores a large amount of health and cures paralysis.
Ultimate Ice Strike Ultimate Ice Strike exori max frigo 100 100 15,000 Attack Freezing Icon Shoots a very powerful ice missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Ultimate Light Ultimate Light utevo vis lux 26 140 1,600 Support Fills the dark with light.
Ultimate Terra Strike Ultimate Terra Strike exori max tera 90 100 15,000 Attack Poisoned Icon Shoots a very powerful earth missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Whirlwind Throw Whirlwind Throw exori hur 28 40 1,500 Attack Physical Damage Icon Throws the wielded weapon at the selected target like a boomerang, dealing physical damage.
Wound Cleansing Wound Cleansing exura ico 8 40 0 Healing Restores a small amount of health.
Wrath of Nature Wrath of Nature exevo gran mas tera 55 700 6,000 Attack Poisoned Icon Calls forth a huge mass of poisonous vines to strangle enemies, dealing extremely high earth damage on a total of 101 squares around the caster. The spell deals about 5-10% less damage than Eternal Winter, but its area of effect is larger.

Rune Spells

The following spells can turn a Blank Rune into one or more spell runes.

Name Words Prem Lvl Soul Points Amount Mana Price Rune Group Effect
Animate Dead Animate Dead adana mort 27 5 1 600 1200 Support Makes 1 Animate Dead Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Transforms a corpse into a skeleton.
Avalanche Avalanche adori mas frigo 30 3 4 530 1200 Attack Makes 4 Avalanche Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Freezing Icon Shoots an Ice attack that covers a large circular area centered around the target, this is the Druids' equivalent of the Great Fireball.
Chameleon Chameleon adevo ina 27 2 1 600 1300 Support Makes 1 Chameleon Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Turns you into an item. The effect lasts for 200 seconds (3 minutes, 20 seconds).
Convince Creature Convince Creature adeta sio 16 3 1 200 (+ some to use) 800 Support Makes 1 Convince Creature Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Convinces a creatures to help you.
Cure Poison Rune Cure Poison Rune adana pox 15 1 1 200 600 Healing Makes 1 Cure Poison Rune (Item) (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Cures the target from Poison.
Destroy Field Destroy Field adito grav 17 2 3 120 700 Support Makes 3 Destroy Field Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Destroys fire, poison and energy fields, from any distance as long there's nothing blocking the path.
Disintegrate Disintegrate adito tera 21 3 3 200 900 Support Makes 3 Disintegrate Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Destroys movable objects.
Energy Bomb Energy Bomb adevo mas vis 37 5 2 880 2300 Attack Makes 2 Energy Bomb Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Electrified Icon Creates a 3×3 area of Energy Fields.
Energy Field Energy Field adevo grav vis 18 2 3 320 700 Attack Makes 3 Energy Field Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Electrified Icon Creates an energy field, initial damage of 30 and followed by 25 addtional damage once the field is left.
Energy Wall Energy Wall adevo mas grav vis 41 5 4 1000 2500 Attack Makes 4 Energy Wall Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Electrified Icon Creates a 1×7 Energy Fields Area if shot straight from the body. If shot on an angle, a total of 13 energy field squares will be made spanning 7 fields vertical and 7 fields horizontal.
Explosion Explosion adevo mas hur 31 4 6 570 1800 Attack Makes 6 Explosion Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Physical Damage Icon Makes a small explosion in the shape of a plus-sign (+) around the target.
Fire Bomb Fire Bomb adevo mas flam 27 4 2 600 1500 Attack Makes 2 Fire Bomb Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Burned Icon Creates a 3×3 square of Fire Fields.
Fire Field Fire Field adevo grav flam 15 1 3 240 500 Attack Makes 3 Fire Field Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Burned Icon Creates a Fire Field.
Fire Wall Fire Wall adevo mas grav flam 33 4 4 780 2000 Attack Makes 4 Fire Wall Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Burned Icon Creates a 1×5 Fire Fields area if shot straight from the body. If shot on an angle, a total of 9 fire field squares will be made spanning 5 fields vertical and 5 fields horizontal.
Fireball Fireball adori flam 27 3 5 460 1600 Attack Makes 5 Fireball Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Burned Icon Shoots a Fire Attack, this is the Sorcerers' equivalent of the Icicle.
Great Fireball Great Fireball adori mas flam 30 3 4 530 1200 Attack Makes 4 Great Fireball Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Burned Icon Shoots a large circular flame attack based on the center of the selected area, this is the Sorcerers' equivalent of the Avalanche.
Heavy Magic Missile Heavy Magic Missile adori vis 25 2 10 350 1500 Attack Makes 10 Heavy Magic Missile Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Electrified Icon Shoots an attack that inflicts Energy Damage.
Holy Missile Holy Missile adori san 27 3 5 300 1600 Attack Makes 5 Holy Missile Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Dazzled Icon Shoots an attack that inflicts Holy Damage.
Icicle Icicle adori frigo 28 3 5 460 1700 Attack Makes 5 Icicle Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Freezing Icon Shoots an Ice attack, this is the Druids' equivalent of the Fireball.
Intense Healing Rune Intense Healing Rune adura gran 15 2 1 120 600 Healing Makes 1 Intense Healing Rune (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Heals target better than Light Healing.
Light Magic Missile Light Magic Missile adori min vis 15 1 10 120 500 Attack Makes 10 Light Magic Missile Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Electrified Icon Shoots a weak attack that causes Energy Damage.
Magic Wall Magic Wall adevo grav tera 32 5 3 750 2100 Attack Makes 3 Magic Wall Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Makes an indestructible wall.
Paralyse Paralyse adana ani 54 3 1 1400 1900 Attack Makes 1 Paralyse Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune).
Poison Bomb Poison Bomb adevo mas pox 25 2 2 520 1000 Attack Makes 2 Poison Bomb Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Poisoned Icon Creates a 3×3 area of Poison Fields.
Poison Field Poison Field adevo grav pox 14 1 3 200 300 Attack Makes 3 Poison Field Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Poisoned Icon Creates a poison cloud.
Poison Wall Poison Wall adevo mas grav pox 29 3 4 640 1600 Attack Makes 4 Poison Wall Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Poisoned Icon Creates a 1×5 Poison Field area if shot straight from the body. If shot on an angle, a total of 9 poison field squares will be made spanning 5 fields vertical and 5 fields horizontal.
Practise Magic Missile Practise Magic Missile adori dis min vis 1 0 10 5 0 Attack Makes 10 Practise Magic Missile Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Electrified Icon Shoots a weak attack that causes Energy Damage.
Soulfire Soulfire adevo res flam 27 3 3 420 1800 Attack Makes 3 Soulfire Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Burned Icon Causes the target to catch on fire.
Stalagmite Stalagmite adori tera 24 2 10 350 1400 Attack Makes 10 Stalagmite Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Poisoned Icon Sends out an earth missile (like HMM), it deals Earth Damage.
Stone Shower Stone Shower adori mas tera 28 3 4 430 1100 Attack Makes 4 Stone Shower Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Poisoned Icon Shoots an earth attack that covers a large circular area around the target, this is the Druids' equivalent of the Thunderstorm.
Sudden Death Sudden Death adori gran mort 45 5 3 985 3000 Attack Makes 3 Sudden Death Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Cursed Icon Shoots a powerful death attack on a single target.
Thunderstorm Thunderstorm adori mas vis 28 3 4 430 1100 Attack Makes 4 Thunderstorm Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Electrified Icon Shoots an energy attack that covers a large area around the target, this is the Sorcerers' equivalent of the Stone Shower.
Ultimate Healing Rune Ultimate Healing Rune adura vita 24 3 1 400 1500 Healing Makes 1 Ultimate Healing Rune (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Heal the target a large amount of HP. The amount changes with the magic level and level of the user.
Wild Growth Wild Growth adevo grav vita 27 5 2 600 2000 Attack Makes 2 Wild Growth Runes (requiring 1 Blank Rune). Creates a rune to cast a tree which blocks off 1 square meter.