Player: hi
Skjaar: Another creature who believes thinks physical strength is more important than wisdom! Why are you disturbing me?
Player: door
Skjaar: This door seals a crypt.
Player: job
Skjaar: Once I was the master of all mages, but now I only protect this crypt.
Player: crypt
Skjaar: Here lies my master. Only his closest followers may enter.
Player: master
Skjaar: If you are one of his followers, you need not ask about him, for you will know. And if you aren't, you are not worthy anyway!
Player: time
Skjaar: To those who have lived for a thousand years time holds no more terror.
Player: castle
Skjaar: The castle was destroyed when my master tried to summon a nameless creature. All that is left is this volcano.
Player: volcano
Skjaar: I can still feel the magical energy in the volcano.
Player: bye
Skjaar: Farewell, Player!