Player: hi
Shirith: Ashari Player.
Player: job
Shirith: I am the overseer of the mines.
Player: mines
Shirith: We hardly get the ore we need. The worthless trolls are lazy workers. I keep them locked up the whole time.
Player: troll
Shirith: We give these useless creatures a reason to live by serving us.
Player: Teshial
Shirith: Who needs dreamers in these days?
Player: Cenath
Shirith: They think they are better then us.
Player: Deraisim
Shirith: They could do more for us if they would try more hard.
Player: Kuridai
Shirith: We keep this society running. Without our tools and work our case would be a lost one.
Player: bye
Shirith: Asha Thrazi.