

If you have seen everything and worn every look, this outfit will put the icing on your cake. Maybe you can earn it by becoming the apprentice of a Shaman... or voodoopriest.

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Outfit Shaman Male Outfit Shaman Female


  • Once you have finished the Banuta Quest, talk to Hairycles about an "outfit".
  • He will give you the Shaman outfit to wear.


Player: Hi
Hairycles: Be greeted, friend of the ape people. If you want to trade, just ask for my offers. If you are injured, ask for healing.
Player: Mission
Hairycles: Finally my people are safe! You have done incredible good for ape people and one day even me brethren will recognise that ...
Hairycles: I wish I could speak for all when me call you true friend but my people need time to get accustomed to change ...
Hairycles: Let us hope one day whole Banuta will greet you as a friend. Perhaps you want to check me offers for special friends... or shamanic powers.
Player: Shamanic powers
Hairycles: Me truly proud of you, friend. You learn many about plants, charms and ape people. Me want grant you shamanic power now. You ready?
Player: Yes
Hairycles: Friend of the ape people! Take my gift and become me apprentice! Here is shaman clothing for you!

Shaman Outfits Quest

Voodoo Staff

Outfit Shaman Male Addon 2 Outfit Shaman Female Addon 2

Required Equipment


NOTE: If you have already given him 5 pirate voodoo dolls for e.g. get through the energy barrier on Goroma you DO NOT have to give them to him again.


Player: Hi
Chondur: Be greeted, child.
Player: Task
Chondur: The time has come, my child. I sense great spiritual wisdom in you and I shall grant you a sign of your progress if you can fulfil my task.
Player: Addon
Chondur: Deep in the Tiquandan jungle a monster lurks which is seldom seen. It is the revenge of the jungle against humankind. ...
Chondur: This monster, if slain, carries a rare root called mandrake. If you find it, bring it to me. Also, gather 5 of the voodoo dolls used by the mysterious dworc voodoomasters. ...
Chondur: If you manage to fulfil this task, I'll grant you your own staff. Have you understood everything and are you ready for this test?
Player: Yes
Chondur: Good! Come back once you've found a mandrake and collected 5 dworcish voodoo dolls.

Shaman Outfits Quest

Player: Hi
Chondur: Be greeted, child.
Player: Addon or Mandrake or Voodoo Dolls
Chondur: Have you gathered the mandrake and the 5 voodoo dolls from the dworcs?
Player: Yes
Chondur: I'm proud of you my child, excellent work. This staff shall be yours from now on!

Shaman Outfits Quest

Voodoo Mask

Outfit Shaman Male Addon 1 Outfit Shaman Female Addon 1

Required Equipment

After gaining the outfit and both of its addons, you will receive the achievement Way of the Shaman.


Player: Hi
Chondur: Be greeted, child.
Player: Addon
Chondur: You have successfully passed the first task. If you fulfil my second task, I'll grant you a mask like the one I'm wearing. Do you want to hear the requirements?
Player: Yes
Chondur: The dworcs of Tiquanda like to wear certain tribal masks which I'd like to take a look at. Please bring me 5 of these masks. ...
Chondur: Secondly, the high ape magicians of Banuta use banana staffs. I'd love to learn more about theses staffs, so please bring me 5 of them, too. ...
Chondur: If you manage to fulfil this task, I'll grant you your own mask. Have you understood everything and are you ready for this test?
Player: Yes
Chondur: Good! Come back once you have collected 5 tribal masks and 5 banana staffs.
Player: Tribal Masks
Chondur: Have you gathered the 5 tribal masks and the 5 banana staffs?
Player: Yes
Chondur: Well done, my child! I hereby grant you the right to wear a shamanic mask. Do it proudly.
Player: Bye
Chondur: Good bye.

Shaman Outfits Quest
