
Shadow Caves is a group of caves populated by trolls below Ab'Dendriel's surface. It is a good place for lower level knights and paladins to train however, on most worlds it is infested with botters.

To enter to this cave you need the Key 3033 that can be bought from Shirith, or simply a Machete and Shovel to enter from the slimes/undead cave.

It's also a district of this city with 28 small houses available to rent.

The caves have a very smart and secret route to the slimes/undead cave.

Follow these links for the street or maps of the houses in the Shadow Caves or the maps of the monster area.

Shadow Caves Creatures
NameExpHPMax. DamageLoot
205015 Physical Damage
Troll Champion
Troll Champion
407535 Physical Damage