

The Secret Services from Carlin, Thais and Venore want to find out all secrets in Tibia...


Begin: Thais, Venore or Carlin. Travel all Tibia.


Mysterious Package, achievements Secret Agent and only one of the following three, Top AVIN Agent, Top CGB Agent, Top TBI Agent.


This quest is somewhat different. The quest has 3 branches, one for each of the main cities' brigades. Carlin has CGB, Venore has AVIN and Thais has TBI. They all have the same final mission, and the rewards are very similar. Note: You can only complete one branch, and once you have started it, you cannot change.

The final mission can be difficult and it is strongly recommended that you either have a team, complete it as a high level, or purchase the Technomancer Beard from Black Bert (The Thieves Guild Quest required). Keep in mind that players who have already completed the quest can still enter the final room, so you can also ask a higher level friend to pick one up for you.

For comparison, here are the three rewards. The main function of cave traversal (shovel, rope, pick) are features of all tools so rarely will you make a decision based on its features.

  Branch Rope
Kitchen Knife
Kitchen Knife
Juice Squeezer
Juice Squeezer
Whacking Driller of Fate Whacking Driller of Fate TBI Yes Check Yes Check Yes Check Yes Check Yes Check Yes Check
Squeezing Gear of Girlpower Squeezing Gear of Girlpower CGB Yes Check Yes Check Yes Check Yes Check Yes Check Yes Check Yes Check
Sneaky Stabber of Eliteness Sneaky Stabber of Eliteness AVIN Yes Check Yes Check Yes Check Yes Check Yes Check Yes Check

Jump to Faction:

Whacking Driller of Fate TBI (Thais) - Whacking Driller of Fate
Squeezing Gear of Girlpower CGB (Carlin) - Squeezing Gear of Girlpower
Sneaky Stabber of Eliteness AVIN (Venore) - Sneaky Stabber of Eliteness

TBI (Thais)

Required Equipment

Mission 1 - From Thais with Love

Go to the NPC Chester Kahs and say join, yes, mission. He orders you to get a Firebug, and then go to Venore's shipyard. When there, go to the north-western corner (here). Use the firebug on a tile close to the wood and it will start to burn. When somebody sets fire on the docks, it burns for 7 minutes, the next player can only set fire again when the fire is over. Return to Chester and ask for your next mission.

TBI firebug

Mission 2 - Operation Green Claw

Chester Kahs is missing an agent, and the agent is none other than the Black Knight. Follow the way for the Black Knight Quest (You will need the Key 5010) and open the sealed door with a box. You will receive a parchment. Return to Chester and ask for your next mission.

Mission 3 - Treachery in Port Hope

Chester Kahs wants you to investigate the inhabitants of Port Hope and search their belongings for proof of treachery. Go to the depot in Port Hope. Northeast of the depot, you will find a small building (here). As soon as you go inside, you will be attacked by 2 Pirate Buccaneers. After killing them, grab the scroll from the chest and report back to headquarters.

PH ss quest

Mission 4 - Objective Hellgate

Chester Kahs wants you to investigate for some documents in Hellgate. Go to Hellgate (you will need Key 3012 to enter) and find the dead body. It's located in the beginning, past lots of Ghouls, Skeletons and 2 Demon Skeletons. There is a chance a vampire boss spawns there as well.

Starting at point A follow the pink line to the Sealed Door, at point B. Open it to find the dead body, use it to get Intelligence Reports.

Secret Service Quest TBI mission 4

Mission 5 - Coldfinger

Chester Kahs wants you to travel to southern barbarians camp. If you have completed Barbarian Test Quest you can travel there with Buddel (say passage, camp, he may take you to the wrong place, as he is drunk. Say passage again to verify where you are). Otherwise you can travel to barbarian camp through the glacier. When you get there, go to the top of Ice Witch Tower (here) and use the Suspicious Signet Ring that Chester Kahs gave you on the north-western corner of room. An orange message should appear if you've done it right. Then report back to headquarters.

Secret Service Quest Mission 5 - Coldfinger

Mission 6 - The Weakest Spot

Chester Kahs wants you to disguise yourself as an amazon. Go to the Tavern in Svargrond, here and go down into the cellar. When you are in the cellar, use the disguise kit and then use the crowbar on the beer casket in the north-east corner. Two Barbarian Skullhunters will spawn, kill them.

Secret Service TBI 6

Be careful: When you use the disguise kit, destroy the beer casket fast, as the disguise vanishes after approximately 20 seconds. You can rebuy the kit for 1,000 gp from Chester Kahs if necessary.

Return to the Chester Kahs after that to complete your mission.

Mission 7 - Licence to Kill (TBI)

Chester Kahs wants you to kill the Mad Technomancer in Kazordoon. As a proof bring his beard to your spymaster. The Technomancer is located close to Talphion. He spawns in a room with a lot of Dwarf Henchmen, a few Stone Golems and some Mechanical Fighter, when pulling a lever in the middle of this room, you are advised to use maximum haste from the stairs, pull the lever, run back before the henchmen surrounds you [note: the henchmen will respawn QUICKLY, so be fast], and slowly lure the technomancer to stairs. When the technomancer dies, you will loot his Technomancer Beard.

How to get there:
Secret Service 7

Kazo secret service quest

Strategy: Use Haste to outrun the Dwarf Henchmen (killing them all is not possible because they spawn very fast!), pull the lever and get back to stairs.
On your way back lure the Mad Technomancer and kill it. It does not matter who in in the party kills him. But everyone who wants the beard will need to go and pull the lever. He always drops his beard.

Secret Service Quest Mad Technomancer

Go back to Chester Kahs and talk about your mission. If you were unable to kill the technomancer you can try again asking Chester Kahs to "restart" that mission. He will grant you the title "Top Agent" and give you a mysterious package.
Thais secret service reward

You see a mysterious package. It weighs 10.00 oz. It bears the seal of the TBI.
Use it and you will get your reward - Whacking Driller of Fate

AVIN (Venore)

Required Equipment

Mission 1 - For Your Eyes Only

First you have to talk to the NPC Uncle in Venore, he is south of the boat, 2 floors up, here. Say hi, join, yes. Then ask him for your first mission.
He tells you to deliver a Secret Letter to Gamel in Thais. Coming from the ship in Thais, you will find Gamel in the first house east of the ship, one floor down. Say hi, he will then summon 2 Bandits, kill them and say hi again. Give him the letter. Return to Uncle and say mission, yes.

Mission 2 - A File Between Friends

Ask Uncle for another mission. This time Uncle wants you to steal a file called File AH-X17L89 from the castle in Thais. Travel there. In a room to the south of King Tibianus' throne room, you can find a staircase. Go up there. You will see a special door inside another room on that floor, go there, open the drawers and get the file. Return to Uncle and report your mission.

Mission 3 - What Men are Made of

Ask Uncle for a mission again. He will tell you to bring a barrel of beer (It weighs 85 oz, so have some cap ready!) to Carlin, the Secret Tavern in the sewers. Once you are down into the sewers, two Amazons will be summoned. Talk to the NPC (Karl) behind the counter and say barrel of beer. After he got the barrel of beer return to Uncle and say mission, yes once again.

Mission 4 - Pawn Captures Knight

Now you will have to travel to the Black Knight's Villa and kill a Black Knight (you may need the Key 5010). If you're going in a party, every member of the party must kill the Black Knight once (dealing the most damage). Return to Uncle and say mission, yes yet again.

Mission 5 - A Cryptic Mission

Ask uncle for another mission, you need to find a ring. It's deep in Isle of the Kings tombs. Go down the catacombs until you reach the first "real" cave, once there kill everything and go as far southwest as possible. You will find a door with a blinking handle on it. Go in and get the ring as pictured below.

Note: If This is your first visit at the Isle of the Kings then talk to NPC Costello about the keyword Brother Fugio.

Signet ring

Mission 6 - A little bribe won't hurt

You will have to bribe a barbarian in the large barbarian camp with a weapons crate Uncle will give to you. She is the NPC Freezhild inside the Ice Witch Tower, on the second floor, here. Just say hi, weapons, yes. Then return to Venore and say hi, mission, yes yet again.

Mission 7 - Licence to Kill (AVIN)

A dwarf has blackmailed venore. Your next mission will be to kill the Mad Technomancer and retrieve his beard as proof of his demise.

This is the hardest mission with non-stop respawn of Dwarf Henchmen. I suggest bring a high level knight to block and a high level mage to UE or shoot GFB. You will have to pull a lever for the dwarf to come out and he will be summoned with a lot other Dwarf Henchmen. Now just go back to Venore and tell Uncle hi, mission, yes one last time.

When you use the package:
You will get your reward: Sneaky Stabber of Eliteness

CGB (Carlin)

Required Equipment

Mission 1 - Borrowed Knowledge

First you have to talk to the NPC Emma in Carlin, she is above the prison with Shauna, east of the city. Tell her that you want join CGB, agree with yes and then ask for your first mission. Find and steal a Nature Magic Spellbook in the Edron academy. Go to Ivory Towers library and get the book behind a questdoor here.
Secret service CGB 1st mission

Mission 2 - Codename:Lumberjack

Emma tells you to go to the Black Knight Villa in Greenclaw swamp north-west of Venore. You have to get to the room of the Black Knight Quest and kill the Black Knight, close to the teleporter there is a tree behind a sealed door, use it and you'll receive Rotten Heart of a Tree. Go back to Emma and report about your mission.
Secret service CGB 2nd mission

Mission 3 - Rust In Peace

This time Emma wants you to damage the Ironhouse of Venore. She gives you a Case of Rust Bugs and tells you to use it with the keyhole in the cellar of the ironhouse. Use it at the door here and a Bug Trail will appear behind it. After you've done that, go back and report about your mission.
Secret service CGB 3rd mission

Mission 4 - Plot for A Plan

Emma wants you to go again to Venore. She wants you to bring Building Plans for a Ship. You will find those plans at the shipyard, which is situated north-west in Venore (here). Get the plans and report Emma about your mission.

Secret service CGB 4th mission

Mission 5 - No Admittance

Your next secret service mission is to find hints in the ruins of Dark Cathedral. Be prepared to face all Dark Cathedral monsters, you'll need go to the deepest level, the same floor where Angelina lives. To go there, all the levers should be pushed to activate the teleporter (it will be a lot easier if you bring a few friends to help). In the north west room there's a questbox with the Suspicious Documents, here. Take it and bring it to Emma.

Secret service CGB 5th mission

Mission 6 - News From The Past

Here you can start The White Raven Monastery Quest. Get the Family Brooch and turn it back to Dalbrect. hi - passage - project - name - carlin - ship - passage - brooch - yes - yes then ask for a passage again. If this is your first arrival at Isle of the Kings, talk to Npc Costello about keyword: Brother Fugio, you will be able to pass the door to the left in order to go down.
Grab this book in the Isle of the Kings. Go to White Raven Monastery, you don't need to go to the caves, the book is in a crypt and the only monsters you'll find are Ghouls, Skeletons and one Demon Skeleton. 4 floors below surface here

Secret service CGB 6th mission

Note: You can make it a little bit easier with Invisible - only Ghouls will see you.

Mission 7 - Licence to Kill (CGB)

This is the hardest and final mission. Exactly the same AVIN and TBI final mission: kill the Mad Technomancer and bring his beard to your spymaster. Good luck in this mission!

Secret service CGB reward

You see a mysterious package. It weighs 10.00 oz. It bears the seal of the CGB
And your reward for this will be Squeezing Gear of Girlpower.


TBI (Thais)

Mission 1 - From Thais with love

Player: hi
Chester Kahs: Salutations, stranger.
Player: join
Chester Kahs: Our bureau is an old and traditional branch of the Thaian government. It takes more than lip service to join our ranks ... Absolute loyalty to the crown and the Thaian cause as well as courage face-to-face with the enemy is the least we expect from our members ... You will swear allegiance to Thais alone and abandon the service of any other city. So is it really your wish to become one of our field agents?
Player: yes
Chester Kahs: Then I welcome you to the TBI. This is a great moment for you, remember it well. Talk to me about your missions whenever you feel ready.
Player: mission
Chester Kahs: Your first task is to deliver a warning. Illegally, the Venoreans are crafting more ships than the Thaian authorities have allowed them ... Our sources have told us that those ships often end up in the hands of pirates or smugglers ... An official note would strain the relationship between Thais and Venore too much as this would mean that we had to admit officially that we know about those activities ... Still, we can't allow them to continue like this. It will be your task to let them know that we do not tolerate such behaviour. Get a fire bug from Liberty Bay and set their shipyard on fire ... Use the fire bug on some flammable material there to start the fire. It might take a while to find some wood that's dry enough for the fire to spread. Just keep trying ... If you get captured or killed during your mission, we will deny any contact with you.
Chester Kahs: Take care out there!

Secret Service Quest

Mission 2 - Operation green claw

Player: hi
Chester Kahs: Salutations, agent Player
Player: mission
Chester Kahs:Have you fulfilled your current mission?
Player: yes
Chester Kahs: I think they understood the warning the way it was meant. If not, you will have to visit Venore soon again. But for now it's settled.
Player: mission
Chester Kahs: Your next mission concerns an internal matter for our agency. Some decades ago, one of our most talented field agents vanished in the Green Claw Swamp ... Nowadays, that more and more adventurers are swarming this area, there is an increasing number of reports on some sinister goings-on and mysterious ruins in the middle of the swamp ... We got some credible clues that there might be a connection between the ruins and the disappearance of our agent ... As he is already missing since decades it is unlikely that he is still alive. Nevertheless, we want you to find out something about the whereabouts of our agent in the ruins in the Green Claw Swamp, north west of Venore ... He used to write diaries, maybe you can find one of those, or some other hints, or even his remains. You have to understand that he was a member of a prestigious Thaian family. Very influential people are interested in his whereabouts ... The Green Claw Swamp is treacherous and dangerous. You will have a hard time to find any clues ... As a small incentive I think its worthy to mention that he was wearing a quite impressive armor. You may keep it for yourself if you stumble across it.
Player: bye
Chester Kahs: Take care out there!

Secret Service Quest

Mission 3 - Treachery in Port Hope

Player: hi
Chester Kahs: Salutations, agent Player.
Player: mission
Chester Kahs: One of our agents is missing. He was investigating the cause for the slow growth of our colony Port Hope ... You will continue these investigations at the point where the information that the lost agent has sent us ends. Some of the traders in Port Hope must have connections to persons who are interested in sabotaging our efforts in Tiquanda ... Search their personal belongings to find some sort of evidence that we could need!
Player: bye
Chester Kahs: Take care out there!

Secret Service Quest

Mission 4 - Objective Hellgate

Player: hi
Chester Kahs: Salutations, agent Player
Player: mission
Chester Kahs: Have you fulfilled your current mission?
Player: yes
Chester Kahs: I can only hope that this information are as valuable as we expected it. A good man died for them.
Player: mission
Chester Kahs: Just recently we were able to secretly help our elven friends to exposure an agitator sent by Carlin to poison our connections with them. The elves' reaction wasswift and without compromise ... They banished the delinquent in a place they call 'Hellgate'. Unfortunately, we learnt later that the convict was sent there with several of his belongings and it is very likely that he took vital papers with him ... These papers can tell us much about Carlin's plans in the North. We need you to enter 'Hellgate' and to retrieve the papers for us ... We don't care how you get them. Do whatever you think is necessary.
Player: bye
Chester Kahs: Take care out there!

Secret Service Quest

Mission 5 - Coldfinger

Player: hi
Chester Kahs: Salutations, agent Player
Player: mission
Chester Kahs: Have you fulfilled your current mission?
Player: yes
Chester Kahs: Ah yes, very interesting. Almost as I suspected. It's a good thing that we got those documents in our hands.
Player: mission
Chester Kahs: It's bad enough that Carlin got a solid foothold in the far North but now the Venoreans also try to move in. They try to gain influence on the barbarian raiders by bribing their leaders or making them great promises ... We want you to cause some bad blood in this relationship. Travel to their most southern camp, enter the ice tower of their leaders and kill some of them ... Here is a signet ring that the Venorean emissaries use to wear. 'Lose' the ring in the north-western corner of the highest level of the tower. They will surely find it there.
Player: bye
Chester Kahs: Take care out there!

Secret Service Quest

Mission 6 - The weakest spot

Player: hi
Chester Kahs: Salutations, agent Player
Player: mission
Chester Kahs: Have you fulfilled your current mission?
Player: yes
Chester Kahs: Now that Venore is of nearly no importance anymore, there is only Carlin left to deal with.
Player: mission
Chester Kahs: The women of Carlin have the northern city Svargrond in the firm grip of her manicured hands. At the moment, there is little we can do about it but there is one thing that plays into our hands ... The barbarians have surely at least heard about the fact that alcohol is outlawed in Carlin ... If some amazonian warrior would smash a beer or ale cask in front of some witnesses, the relationship would surely suffer a bit. So go and disguise yourself as an amazon. Then use a crowbar to destroy a cask.
Player: bye
Chester Kahs: Take care out there!
If you aren´t fast enough with destroying the casket: Player: hi
Chester Kahs: Salutations, agent Player
Player: disguise
Chester Kahs: If you lost or wasted your disguise kit I can replace it. It will cost you 1000 gold though since you lost royal property. Is that ok for you?
Player: yes
Chester Kahs: Here you are. Better don't loose it again.
Player: bye
Chester Kahs: Take care out there!

Secret Service Quest

Mission 7 - Licence to kill (TBI)

Player: hi
Chester Kahs: Salutations, agent Player
Player: mission
Chester Kahs: Have you fulfilled your current mission?
Player: yes
Chester Kahs: I already heard that our little trick worked quite well. Several officials of Carlin are already on their way to repair the damage done to their diplomatic efforts. It will not only cost them much money but also quite some time.
Player: mission
Chester Kahs: Great, you are here. We need your service in a mission of utmost urgency ... A mad dwarven technomancer that listens to the name of Blowbeard sent us a blackmailing letter. He demands to deliver all of Thais's gold to him. Else he will destroy the city with an artificial earthquake caused by one of his machines! ... We need you to find his base in Kazordoon and to kill him before he can use his infernal machine. Bring us his beard as proof of your success.
Player: bye
Chester Kahs: Take care out there!
This is the last mission.

Secret Service Quest

AVIN (Venore)

Mission 1 - For your eyes only

Player: hi
Uncle: Greetings.
Player: join
Uncle: Well, well, well! As you might know, we are entrusted by the Venorean tradesmen to ensure the safety of their ventures ... This task often puts our representatives in rather dangerous and challenging situations. On the other hand, you can expect a generous compensation for your efforts on our behalf... Just keep in mind though that we expect quick action and that we are rather intolerant to needless questions and moral doubts ... If you join our ranks, you cannot join the service of another city! So do I understand you correctly, you want to join our small business?
Player: yes
Uncle: Then welcome to the family.
Player: mission
Uncle: Let's start with a rather simple job. There is a contact in Thais with that we need to get in touch again. Deliver this note to Gamel in Thais. Get an answer from him. If he is a bit reluctant, be 'persuasive'.
You see a secret letter.
It weighs 0.50 oz.
Player: hi
Gamel: I don't like the way you look. Help me boys!
Kill 2 Bandits and then Player: hi
Gamel: Pssst! Be silent. Do you wish to buy something?
Player: letter
Gamel: You have a letter for me?
Player: yes
Gamel: Oh well. I guess I am still on the hook. Tell your 'uncle' I will proceed as he suggested.
Player: bye
Gamel: Bye. Tell others about... my little shop here. Player: hi
Uncle: Greetings.
Player: mission
Uncle: Do you have news to make old Uncle happy?
Player: yes
Uncle: I hope you did not make this little pest too nervous. He isn't serving us too well by hiding under some stone or something like that. However, nicely done for your first job.

Secret Service Quest

Mission 2 - A file between friends

Player: hi
Uncle: Greetings.
Player: mission
Uncle: Our Thaian allies are sometimes a bit forgetful. For this reason we are not always informed timely about certain activities. We won't insult our great king by pointing out this flaw ... Still, we are in dire need of these information so we are forced to take action on our own. Travel to the Thaian castle and 'find' the documents we need. They have the file name AH-X17L89.
Now go to Thaian castle and get the File. You have found File AH-X17L89.
Player: hi
Uncle: Greetings.
Player: mission
Uncle: Do you have news to make old Uncle happy?
Player: yes
Uncle: Ah, yes. This will be a most interesting lecture.

Secret Service Quest

Mission 3 - What men are made of

Player: hi
Uncle: Greetings.
Player: mission
Uncle: The oppression of Carlin's men by their lunatic women is unbearable to some of our authorities. We see it as our honourable duty to support the male resistance in Carlin ... The poor guys have some speakeasy in the sewers. Bring them this barrel of beer with our kind regards to strengthen their resistance.
You see a barrel of beer.
It weighs 85.00 oz.
When You enter the sewers then You will have to kill 2 Amazons. Player: hi
Karl: Pshhhht! Not that loud ... but welcome.
Player: barrel
Karl: Do you bring me a barrel of beer??
Player: yes
Karl: Three cheers for the noble Player.
Player: bye
Karl: Please come back, but don't tell others.
Player: hi
Uncle: Greetings.
Player: mission
Uncle: Do you have news to make old Uncle happy?
Player: yes
Uncle: Does it not warm up your heart if you can bring a little joy to the people while doing your job? Well, don't get carried away, most part of your job is not warming up hearts but tearing them out.

Secret Service Quest

Mission 4 - Pawn captures knight

Player: hi
Uncle: Greetings.
Player: mission
Uncle: As you know, our lovely city is a bastion of civilisation surrounded by numerous hazards. The nearby Plains of Havoc and the hostile elven town Shadowthorn are only a few of the obstacles we have to overcome on an almost daily basis ... Against all odds, we managed to gain some modest profit by exploiting these circumstances in one way or the other. Recently though, one of our neighbours went too far... In some ruin in the midst of the Green Claw Swamp, a dark knight had fancied himself as the lord of the swamp for quite a while ... For some years, we had some sort of gentleman's agreement. In exchange for some supplies and luxuries, the deranged knight used his ominous influence over the local bonelord species to supply us with ... certain goods ... However, lately the black knight has proven himself to be no gentleman at all. In a fit of unprovoked rage, he slew our emissary and almost all of his henchmen ... Even though we can live with this loss, it becomes obvious that the knight's madness gets worse which makes him unbearable as a neighbour. Find him in his hideout in the Green Claw Swamp and get rid of him.
Now You have to kill Black Knight.

Secret Service Quest

Mission 5 - A Cryptic Mission

(transcripts from taking the mission missing)
Player: hi
Uncle: Greetings, Player. What do you want?
Player: mission
Uncle: Do you have news to make old Uncle happy?
Player: yes
Uncle: Fine, fine. This will serve us quite well. Ah, don't give me that look... you are not that stupid, are you?

Secret Service Quest

Mission 6 - A little bribe won't hurt

Player: hi
Uncle: Greetings.
Player: mission
Uncle: We try to establish new trade agreements with various potential customers. Sometimes we have to offer some presents in advance to ensure that trade is prospering and flourishing. It will be your task to deliver one of those little presents ...
Uncle: The northern barbarians are extremely hostile to us. The ones living in Svargrond are poisoned by the lies of agitators from Carlin. The barbarians that are also known as raiders are another story though ...
Uncle: Of course they are extremely wild and hostile but we believe that we will sooner or later profit from it when we are able to improve our relations. Please deliver this chest of weapons to the barbarians as a sign of our good will ...
Uncle: Unfortunately, most of them will attack you on sight. It will probably take some time until you find somebody that is willing to talk to you and to accept the weapons.
Player: hi
Uncle: Greetings.
Player: mission
Uncle: Do you have news to make old Uncle happy?
Player: yes
Uncle: Even if the present has not improved our relations, the weapons will enable the barbarians to put more pressure on Svargrond and Carlin. So in any case we profited from the present.

Secret Service Quest

Mission 7 - Licence to Kill (AVIN)

Player: hi
Uncle: Greetings.
Player: mission
Uncle: Some dwarven criminal called Blowbeard dares to blackmail our city. He threatens to destroy the whole city and demands an insane amount of gold ...
Uncle: Of course we are not willing to give him a single gold coin. It will be your job to get rid of this problem. Go and kill this infamous dwarf ...
Uncle: His laboratory is near the technomancer hall. Bring me his beard as proof of his demise.
Player: hi
Uncle: Greetings, Player. What do you want?
Player: mission
Uncle: Do you have news to make old Uncle happy?
Player: yes
Uncle: You have proven yourself as very efficient. The future may hold great things for you in store ...
Uncle: Take this token of gratitude. I hope you can use well what you will find inside!

Secret Service Quest

CGB (Carlin)

Mission 1 - Borrowed Knowledge

Player: hi
Player: join
Emma: The girls brigade is the foremost front on which we fight the numerous enemies of our city ... It's a constant race to stay ahead of our enemies. Absolute loyalty and the willingness to put ones life at stake are attributes that are vital for this brigade ... If you join, you dedicate your service to Carlin alone! Do you truly think that you are girl enough to join the brigade?
 if male she begins with this:
Emma: A man in the girls brigade? Come on this is hilarious, this is outright stupid, this is ... exactly what no one would expect. Mhm, on second thought the element of surprise might offset your male inferiority.
Player: yes
Emma: I am still a bit sceptical, but well, welcome to the girls brigade.
Player: mission
Emma: Our relations with Thais can be called strained at best. Therefore, it's not really astounding that the Thaian financed Edron's academy but refuse to share some knowledge with our druids ... But we won't accept this so easily. With the help of divination, we learnt that the knowledge our druids are looking for is found in a certain book ... It will be your task to enter the academy and to steal this book for us.

Secret Service Quest

Mission 2 - Codename:Lumberjack

Player: hi
Player: mission
Emma: Have you been successful?
Player: yes
Emma: How unnecessarily complicated, but that's the way those Thaians are. In the end we got what we wanted and they can't do anything about it.
Player: mission
Emma: The druids have asked the brigade for a favour. Given that we heavily rely on their resources and they are important supporters of our cities, we can't deny them the request ... A wandering druid has recently visited the Green Claw Swamp, located north west of that corrupted hell hole Venore. While gathering herbs, he noticed some malignant presence in the said area ... Searching for the source of evil there, he detected some old ruin. Suddenly, he was attacked by bonelords and their undead minions. He barely managed to escape alive ... The evidence he found let him conclude that the bonelords in the ruins were raising so-called death trees.These trees are full of negative energy and slowly but steadily corrupt their surrounding ... After the druid's return to Carlin, divination confirmed his upsetting assumptions about the existence of these trees ... Over the years, hundreds have fallen victim to the swamp, conserved by mud and water for eternity. With the help of the death trees, the bonelords strive for an army of undeads. This cannot be tolerated ... Travel to Green Claw Swamp and rip out the heart out of the master tree. Without it, the unnatural trees will wither soon. Bring me the heart as proof.

Secret Service Quest

Mission 3 - Rust in Peace

Player: hi
Player: mission
Emma: Have you been successful?
Player: yes
Emma: I think the druids will be pleased to hear that the immediate threat has been averted.
Player: mission
Emma: The scheming Venoreans are a constant thorn in our side. They supply our enemies with all kind of equipment to boost the threat they pose to our freedom. It will be your task to hinder future weapon deliveries significantly ... The druids have supplied us with some exotic bugs. They are called rust bugs and they did not receive this name for their colour ... Take this box of rust bugs and use them on the keyhole of the smithy in the Ironhouse. These 'pets' will ruin all metal there and it will take them a while to get rid of them.

Secret Service Quest

Mission 4 - Plot for A Plan

Player: hi
Player: mission
Emma: Have you been successful?
Player: yes
Emma: Great! This blow strikes them where it hurts most: profit.
Player: mission
Emma: Venore has plans for a new kind of ship. It will be faster and more resilient than any other known ship. It will surely improve their dominance over the sea trade. Unless we get those plans for ourselves ... And this is where you come into play. Find the ship plans in the Venorean shipyard or perhaps at the harbour and bring them here immediately.

Secret Service Quest

Mission 5 - No Admittance

Player: hi
Player: mission
Emma: Have you been successful?
Player: yes
Emma: I hope our craftsmen can do something with this stuff. For me it makes hardly any sense.
Player: mission
Emma: Ruins of some ancient cathedral are found south west of Venore. It was a project that the Thaians never finished. However, our scouts reported some suspicious activities there ... There is a continual coming and going which hints on something big hiding there. We ask you to enter the ruins of the cathedral and to find out what all these people are doing there ... You might find several hints there, but I am sure you will know exactly when you have found what we are looking for.

Secret Service Quest

Mission 6 - News From The Past

Player: hi
Player: mission
Emma: Have you been successful?
Player: yes
Emma: I will have this correspondence examined by our specialists. I am sure they are quite revealing.
Player: mission
Emma: As you might know, once the old aristocracy of our city shared blood-ties with the noblemen of Thais. There are many unresolved claims for titles and family heirlooms and Thais does little to help in this matter ... Therefore, we will take matters into our own hands. There is a grave in the crypts on the Isle of the Kings in which we assume a book containing ancient family histories and family trees ... We need this book! We will not ask how you acquired it.

Secret Service Quest

Mission 7 - Licence to Kill (CGB)

Player: hi
Player: mission
Emma: Have you been successful?
Player: yes
Emma: I hope this old book will do those researches any good. Personally I see little use to proof some bloodlines after we cut all ties to Thais.
Player: mission
Emma: I have bad news: a mad dwarf threatens to destroy our beloved city. He claims to have invented some device that enables him to destroy the whole city ... He has a laboratory somewhere in Kazordoon, probably somewhere near the technomancer hall. Find him and kill him! Bring me his beard as a proof!
Player: hi
Player: mission
Emma: Have you been successful?
Player: yes
Emma: Excellent. The queen was not amused about this threat. It's a good thing that you have saved the city ... Unfortunately, as we are secret agents we can't parade for you or something like that, but let me express our gratitude for everything you have done for our city ... Take this token of gratitude. You will know when to use it!
Player: bye
Emma: LONG LIVE THE QUEEN! You may leave now!

Secret Service Quest