Put your cursor over the map to see where the streets, houses, and NPCs are.
Royal Avenue is in north-west Thais. It touches Temple Street at the east and Rain Castle at the west.
Buildings and NPCs from east to west and north to south on the street:
- Grof, The Guard, north gate
- Warriors Guildhall
- Harkath Bloodblade, Royal Army Headquarters
- Chester Kahs, Royal Army Headquarters (second floor)
- Lynda, Church
- Baxter, Rain Castle bridge
- Bozo, Rain Castle courtyard
- King Tibianus, Rain Castle throne room (second floor)
- Noodles, Rain Castle throne room (second floor)
- Vad Inchi, Rain Castle throne room (second floor)
- Harsky, Rain Castle throne room (second floor)
- Stutch, Rain Castle throne room (second floor)
- Trimegis, Rain Castle tower (third floor)