

Spectulus and Sinclair need some help with ghost research.




Poachers, Hunters, Ghouls, Skeleton, Slimes, Ghosts and more.


500 experience points, 500 experience points, Achievement: Guinea Pig.

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Required Equipment[]


Ask Spectulus for a task. This quest is part of the Tibia Tales.

Mission 1[]

First Mission is rather simple. Go to the Edron Graveyard here and use the Magical Measurement Device Spectulus gave you on four graves (a Squidgy Slime will spawn each time the device is used). When you are done, return to Spectulus.

Mission 2[]

Talk to Sinclair and ask him for a mission. He will give you the Spirit Cage. Collect a sample of ghost in it. Return the filled cage to Sinclair. You will receive the achievement "Guinea Pig".

Mission 3[]

This is the point where the Spirithunters Quest starts. Speak to Sinclair. During this task you have to catch 5 Ghosts, 5 Nightstalkers and 5 Souleaters.


First Meeting with Spectulus (Starting the Task)[]

Player: hi
Spectulus: Ah hello again Player! I still have one or two other missions for you. There are also some tasks someone needs to attend to.
Player: tasks
Spectulus: Oh yes, there are some things I still need your help with. Namely - the testing of some... fragile equipment. You can call it scientific research which needs to be done.
Player: research
Spectulus: I fine-tuned another set of devices. You are the lucky candidate to first lay eyes on some revolutionary new concepts. ...
Spectulus: Are you ready to help science once again?
Player: yes
Spectulus: Of course you are. And here we go. I have to ask some questions first. One: You ain't afraid of no ghost, right?
Player: yes
Spectulus: Good. Two: You know that ghosts exist and/or have found and/or defeated one or more of them?
Player: yes
Spectulus: Alright. Let's see - yes. ...
Spectulus: Three: You can explain at least three of the following terms, infestations, collective apparitions, ectoplasmic segregations, ecto-magical field phenomena, neuro-speculative sub-conscious awareness of spirits, ghosts and/or ghasts?
Player: no
Spectulus: Ah well, let's forget about the scientific details - you will do just fine as long as you do exactly what I say. Ready for me to go on with your task?
Player: yes
Spectulus: I recently teamed up with a fellow scientist and friend Sinclair, who is also more of an explorer than me, to combine our discoveries in the field of complex phenomena not that easily to describe just by today's state of magic. ...
Spectulus: Of course I am talking about ghosts. I know, I know. Hard to believe in those times of highly advanced magic we live in. Yet there are some things, we fail to explain. ...
Spectulus: And that is exactly where we come in! Oh, and you of course. We will not only explain them - we will 'remove' them. Just tell me whenever you are ready to help us with our research.
Player: research
Spectulus: Alright. Let's go. At first we need to find out more about ghosts in general. ...
Spectulus: I still need more information and values to properly calibrate the magical orientation of orange and turquoise sparkle attractors which we will need to actually contain ghost-emissions. ...
Spectulus: So are you in?
Player: yes
Spectulus: Good. Take this wand - we call it a spirit meter - and go to the graveyard I have marked on your map and take a few measurements on the graves.

Research and Development Quest

Return from the Graveyard (Starting next mission)[]

Spectulus: Ah hello again Player! I still have one or two other missions for you. There are also some tasks someone needs to attend to.
Player: task
Spectulus: Oh yes, there are some things I still need your help with. Namely - the testing of some... fragile equipment. You can call it scientific research which needs to be done.
Player: research
Spectulus: You are back, how did the measurements go? Did you recognise anything of interest?
Player: yes
Spectulus: Let me see the spirit meter. Hmmm... those are grave news you bring - uhm, you know what I mean. But this is awesome! Now I know for sure that the calibration is only some short bursts of magically enhanced energy away.
Player: task
Spectulus: Oh yes, there are some things I still need your help with. Namely - the testing of some... fragile equipment. You can call it scientific research which needs to be done.
Player: research
Spectulus: Alright, now that we have enough results, the analysing can start. While I do this, I will need you to test the magically enhanced cage Sinclair developed to contain spirits effectively. ...
Spectulus: Take the spirit cage from him and use it on the essence of a common ghost. Its essence will then be sucked into the cage and we can study him right here in the safety of the academy walls.

Research and Development Quest

Talking to Sinclair[]

Player: hi
Sinclair: Goodbye and good luck Player.
Sinclair: Greetings Player. I have - very - little time, please make it as short as possible. I may be able to help you if you are here to help us with any of our tasks or missions.
Player: mission
Sinclair: So you have passed Spectulus' acceptance test. Well, I'm sure you will live up to that. ...
Sinclair: We are trying to get this business up and running and need any help we can get. Did he tell you about the spirit cage?
Player: yes
Sinclair: Excellent. Now we need to concentrate on testing that thing. The spirit cage has been calibrated based on some tests we made - as well as your recent findings over at the graveyard. ...
Sinclair: Using the device on the remains of a ghost right after its defeat should capture it inside this trap. We could then transfer it into our spirit chamber which is in fact a magical barrier. ...
Sinclair: At first, however, we need you to find a specimen and bring it here for us to test the capacity of the device. Are you ready for this?
Player: yes
Sinclair: Good, now all you need to do is find a ghost, defeat it and catch its very essence with the cage. Once you have it, return to me and Spectulus and I will move it into our chamber device. Good luck, return to me as soon as you are prepared.

Research and Development Quest

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See also:

Tibia Tales
