- Ting-a-ling.
- Free ... finally.
If someone knows how to free a tainted soul he may transform it into a redeemed soul. Souls delivered in such a way are by all means thankful towards their liberator. Unlike the aggressive tainted souls, they are not only peaceable but even timid, wherefore they leave quickly and vanish shortly after their liberation.
It's a redeemed Tainted Soul.
Damage Taken From Elements
Tainted Caves in the Green Claw Swamp (under the right conditions).
It avoids combat and doesn't attack in any way. Its strong healing capabilities will heal it back to full health every time.
A redeemed soul attacks in melee range. A redeemed soul will retreat at 250 (100%, full) health.
Don't bother fighting them unless you want to complete its Bestiary entry. They run and don't attack, give no loot and vanish 30 seconds after spawning, so they shouldn't cause many problems.